Videos exposing the esoteric side of the Jewish conspiracy

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Videos exposing the esoteric side of the Jewish conspiracy

Post by Lucas88 »

On this platform of free speech, some of the forum's noteworthy antisemites such as our good friend @WilliamSmith have kindly shared with us copious amounts of uncensored information which exposes the Jewish agenda and the Zionist domination of the nations through the New World Order. Many of those videos and articles have served to inform us about the evil schemes of the tribal mafia that have been gradually destroying our nations in the areas of finance, industry, education, the media and the medical establishment with an understandable emphasis on the more tangible secular aspects of the conspiracy, although the author Ron Unz whose work William often cites does briefly touch on the religious basis behind the Jewish supremacy cult. In this thread, however, I intend for us to focus on the religious and esoteric doctrines which drive the Jews' extreme tribalism and perverse anti-Gentilism. I will include videos which provide analysis of the open statements of top rabbis and Jewish esoteric texts from the likes of the Kabbalah and how they relate to the Jewish conspiracy. Believe me, this topic will be extremely dark.

Today @willymonfrete shared an excellent video about shocking Kabbalah secrets shared by rabbis and what those assholes really say about us Gentiles. I watched through the whole video and thought that it would serve as a good introduction to the esoteric side of the JC.

Many of the doctrines I already knew about since I studied this topic in depth a few years ago but this video puts it all together nicely and gives us a comprehensive overview of the topic.

The video mentions how rabbis and the Kabbalah teach that only Jewish souls come from the light of Yahweh/HaShem while all Gentile souls come from the darkness of Tohu and are therefore eternally and irredeemably impure and must be annihilated, how the Jewish elite have a divinely mandated mission to bring about the destruction of the Gentile nations for coming of the Messiah and the Tikkun Olam which actually entails the annihilation of all Gentiles who don't submit to Jewish dominion or accept their own enslavement, how the Judaic religions such as Christianity and Islam were created as programs of controlled opposition and in order to further the Jewish agenda, how Jesus son of Joseph was a false Messiah with the appointed task of misleading the Gentiles, etc.

I agree with the overall gist of the video. I myself actually first came across the JQ as I was leaving the cruel and depraved cult of Christianity in the early 2010s and discovered that the Bible is nothing more than a Jewish hoax slave religion for the pussification and spiritual enslavement of the Gentile peoples. I would later discover through further research the sick, twisted anti-Gentilism of the Talmud, the bizarre and destructive doctrines of the Kabbalah, the Old Testament prophecy books as a blueprint for Jewish world domination, the conspiratorial history of modern Zionism, and the Jewish nature of the New World Order.

Here are more videos from the same channel:

The videos are of good quality and full of insights and with interesting guests like Christopher Jon Bjerknes. Some of them are a bit long but, from what I've seen, they are worth watching.

The video is obviously from an anti-Christian viewpoint and I myself consider Christianity to be an evil and sick Jewish slave program and death cult despite all of the bullshit theological tubthumping about it being somehow the highest representation of divine goodness. Gimme a fcukin' break! I also find it ironic how masses of self-styled "antisemites" blindly accept an alien faith that comes straight from Judea and are even willing to slavishly prostrate themselves before a crucified Jew - just because that miserable slave religion scares people with threats of hellfire and damnation if they don't submit to Zion's Yeshua. Real Gentile antisemites are way better than that. We don't submit to false Jewish gods, messiahs or slave religions. Nor will we be scared or intimidated by Jewish theological claptrap. We are proud Gentiles with our own cultures and traditions and don't need no Jewish alien religion. We understand that both the Jewish religious and secular elites are our mortal enemies - together with all of the spineless and mentally feeble US Evangelical Christian Zionists with their contemptible Stockholm syndrome and willingness to bend over and give their asses to Israeli Jews who hate them anyway - and we desire their utter and complete destruction.

Gentiles need to open our eyes, see what is happening and do something about it before it's too late!

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Re: Videos exposing the esoteric side of the Jewish conspiracy

Post by Lucas88 »


Another good video which exposes the Jewish supremacism and blatant genocidal anti-Gentilism of the Kabbalah that few exponents will openly talk about.
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Re: Videos exposing the esoteric side of the Jewish conspiracy

Post by Lucas88 »


Deconvert and former student pastor Charles Giuliani explains how the Christian religion was always a Jewish hoax and trojan horse for the subversion of Gentile civilization and a Messianic slave program which would ultimately persuade the Gentiles to worship the god of the Jews and blindly accept the Judaic worldview and the concocted biblical doctrine of the Jews as the "chosen people". A must-see video for anybody who is redpilled on the JQ and is currently questioning their Christian indoctrination. I also recommend this video and others from the channel to those who recognize the Jewish conspiracy but who are still being hoodwinked by the idea that Jesus is somehow a true Messiah of the Gentiles. Christianity is all a multimillennial psyop for the subjection of the Gentile nations to the authority of Israel. We have been deceived by the enemy.

I'm not sharing these videos to trash anybody's faith but rather to wake other Gentiles up to the religious and esoteric dimension of the Jewish deception. I too was deceived by the slave program in my early 20s but I started to question things and discovered the disturbing truth.
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Re: Videos exposing the esoteric side of the Jewish conspiracy

Post by Lucas88 »


Another video from Adam Green which exposes how the Jesus Messiah myth was concocted by the Jewish religious elite for the subjugation of the Gentile nations to Zion (i.e., New World Order). Adam shows this to be the case through his analysis of many Messianic passages from both the Tanakh and the New Testament and then compares them to the Kabbalistic doctrines and interpretations explained by top rabbis. Once you examine the passages in light of the multimillennial Jewish plan for subversion and world domination, these shocking revelations become kryptonite to faith in this Jewish Messiah hoax for Gentile enslavement. Gentiles need to wake up from the suicidal delusion of the Christianity deception.
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Re: Videos exposing the esoteric side of the Jewish conspiracy

Post by Lucas88 »


Rabbis openly admit that America and Europe must fall for the fulfillment of their own Jewish end-times prophecies while delusional US Christians simultaneously accept their own country's destruction believing it to be a necessary part of the god of Israel's plan for the second coming of Jesus. This passive acceptance of their own destruction at the hands of the Jews is only possible because droves of Gentiles were gullible enough to buy into the Yahweh-worshiping, Torah-believing Christian trojan horse death cult.
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Re: Videos exposing the esoteric side of the Jewish conspiracy

Post by Lucas88 »


It's not fake "Satanic" Jews from Khazaria who are behind the Zionist conspiracy. That is just a disinfo project to shift the blame away from Judaism. In reality the Jews' perverse anti-Gentilism and plan for world domination have their origins in the Torah itself long before the existence of Khazaria. Judaism was always evil and Christianity is simply a derivative slave religion for the Gentiles. The "Satanism" trope is just a scapegoat used by Jews and Christians for the evils of Abrahamism which is the real Jewish deception.
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Re: Videos exposing the esoteric side of the Jewish conspiracy

Post by Lucas88 »


The rabbis want to subject all of Gentile humanity to Jewish authority through the so-called Noahide laws in their envisioned Messianic age of Jewish world domination. They want to replace all non-Abrahamic Gentile culture and traditions with their own dictatorship of thought foisted upon us as the "law of the one true god". Of course, pro-Zionist Christians enable the push to promote the Noahide laws in Gentile nations such as the US since they have fallen hook, line and sinker for the "Jews are the chosen people" Torah deception. The Abrahamic offshoot of Christianity has proven to be a useful medium through which Jews are able to judaize Gentile nations and subject them to their own Zionist Messianic agenda.
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Re: Videos exposing the esoteric side of the Jewish conspiracy

Post by Lucas88 »



Here is a very good introduction to the esoteric doctrine behind the Jewish conspiracy. It goes into depth on the Jewish supremacism rooted in the Torah, the Kabbalistic dualism between Yahweh's "seeds of light" (Jewish souls) vs. Qliphoth of the dark side (Gentiles), Tohu and Tikkun (chaos and rectification), the myth of Esau and Jacob (symbolism for the Jews deceiving and subjugating the Gentiles), Yeshua ben Yosef (Jesus) as a false Messiah for the enslavement of the Gentiles, Noahide laws as the envisioned one-world religion for the Gentiles, manufactured anti-Semitism for the advancement of the Jewish agenda, apocalyptic prophecies as a template for modern Zionist geopolitical goals, the coming of the Messiah and Jewish world domination in the world to come, and other related topics.

I recommend this video and others from the channel especially to @WilliamSmith. William is already extremely well-versed in the political dimension of the Jewish conspiracy and has shared a wealth of valuable information with us on the forum. I feel that looking into the esoteric/Kabbalistic side of Jewish supremacism will take him into even deeper depths of knowledge regarding the JQ.

I would also like to recommend it to @Winston. I've touched upon the topic of Kabbalah and its role in the Jewish conspiracy (New World Order) in discussions that we've had in the past. This video will make everything much clearer and show how Kabbalistic Messianism and the JC are intimately related.
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Re: Videos exposing the esoteric side of the Jewish conspiracy

Post by MrMan »

Lucas88 wrote:
October 25th, 2022, 5:53 pm
On this platform of free speech, some of the forum's noteworthy antisemites such as our good friend @WilliamSmith have kindly shared with us copious amounts of uncensored information which exposes the Jewish agenda and the Zionist domination of the nations through the New World Order. Many of those videos and articles have served to inform us about the evil schemes of the tribal mafia that have been gradually destroying our nations in the areas of finance, industry, education, the media and the medical establishment with an understandable emphasis on the more tangible secular aspects of the conspiracy, although the author Ron Unz whose work William often cites does briefly touch on the religious basis behind the Jewish supremacy cult. In this thread, however, I intend for us to focus on the religious and esoteric doctrines which drive the Jews' extreme tribalism and perverse anti-Gentilism. I will include videos which provide analysis of the open statements of top rabbis and Jewish esoteric texts from the likes of the Kabbalah and how they relate to the Jewish conspiracy. Believe me, this topic will be extremely dark.

Today @willymonfrete shared an excellent video about shocking Kabbalah secrets shared by rabbis and what those assholes really say about us Gentiles. I watched through the whole video and thought that it would serve as a good introduction to the esoteric side of the JC.

Many of the doctrines I already knew about since I studied this topic in depth a few years ago but this video puts it all together nicely and gives us a comprehensive overview of the topic.

The video mentions how rabbis and the Kabbalah teach that only Jewish souls come from the light of Yahweh/HaShem while all Gentile souls come from the darkness of Tohu and are therefore eternally and irredeemably impure and must be annihilated, how the Jewish elite have a divinely mandated mission to bring about the destruction of the Gentile nations for coming of the Messiah and the Tikkun Olam which actually entails the annihilation of all Gentiles who don't submit to Jewish dominion or accept their own enslavement, how the Judaic religions such as Christianity and Islam were created as programs of controlled opposition and in order to further the Jewish agenda, how Jesus son of Joseph was a false Messiah with the appointed task of misleading the Gentiles, etc.

I agree with the overall gist of the video. I myself actually first came across the JQ as I was leaving the cruel and depraved cult of Christianity in the early 2010s and discovered that the Bible is nothing more than a Jewish hoax slave religion for the pussification and spiritual enslavement of the Gentile peoples. I would later discover through further research the sick, twisted anti-Gentilism of the Talmud, the bizarre and destructive doctrines of the Kabbalah, the Old Testament prophecy books as a blueprint for Jewish world domination, the conspiratorial history of modern Zionism, and the Jewish nature of the New World Order.

Here are more videos from the same channel:

The videos are of good quality and full of insights and with interesting guests like Christopher Jon Bjerknes. Some of them are a bit long but, from what I've seen, they are worth watching.

The video is obviously from an anti-Christian viewpoint and I myself consider Christianity to be an evil and sick Jewish slave program and death cult despite all of the bullshit theological tubthumping about it being somehow the highest representation of divine goodness. Gimme a fcukin' break! I also find it ironic how masses of self-styled "antisemites" blindly accept an alien faith that comes straight from Judea and are even willing to slavishly prostrate themselves before a crucified Jew - just because that miserable slave religion scares people with threats of hellfire and damnation if they don't submit to Zion's Yeshua. Real Gentile antisemites are way better than that. We don't submit to false Jewish gods, messiahs or slave religions. Nor will we be scared or intimidated by Jewish theological claptrap. We are proud Gentiles with our own cultures and traditions and don't need no Jewish alien religion. We understand that both the Jewish religious and secular elites are our mortal enemies - together with all of the spineless and mentally feeble US Evangelical Christian Zionists with their contemptible Stockholm syndrome and willingness to bend over and give their asses to Israeli Jews who hate them anyway - and we desire their utter and complete destruction.

Gentiles need to open our eyes, see what is happening and do something about it before it's too late!
I watched about 37 minutes of it. It was frustrating listening to the commentators cut in and spew all their nonsense theories. I'm not saying that man's Zohar theories weren't nonsense. But the two anti-Jewish guys were trying to make his Zohar interpretation to be about being anti-Gentile and to fit with their conspiracy theory. Fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy was reinterpreted to be about a long standing conspiracy theory for Jews to make certain things happen.
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