Piers Morgan makes Jesse Ventura look a fool

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Piers Morgan makes Jesse Ventura look a fool

Post by steve55 »


To all you conspiracy theorists, view this debate between piers and Jesse regarding conspiracy theories and tell me if Jesse got his ass kicked so bad that his conspiracies ideas look nutty? Jesse contradicts himself over and over again. Everything piers Morgan says is exactly what I'd say to all you insane conspiracy theorists. I may offend some of you who I consider friends but I'm sorry, you guys are crazy and insane to believe our government created 9/11 and killed 3,000 people for the sake of going to war over, what, oil? The gulf of Tonkin deception was carried out by a few at the top. 9/11 would require thousands to cooperate. I met a guy at my church who believes the govt is trying to take us over and control us. Something about our govt being behind walmart encouraging people to spy on each other and the airport security being involved too.
He was offended at govt patdowns at airports and train stations and he was visibly emotionally upset when I told him the govt is more than welcome to pat me down or my kids (if I had any). I'm glad they are watching over us (if they really are ), it makes me feel a lot safer from terrorists. Oh, he also said there are no terrorists . He said the us govt created the false threat of terrorists and created the shoe bomber as an excuse to have more power and control over us.

Not only is it insane to talk like this, as an American patriot, I'm actually offended that people are talking this way about our government. Well guys, I am 110% pro government and they can pat me down or listen in on my conversations as much as they want. I got nothIn to hide so I could care less what they know about me.

Winston, I like you and consider you a friend . But you and your ilk are certified NUTS and belong in an insane asylum with these ideas that our govt was behind 9/11.
Last edited by steve55 on May 5th, 2011, 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by odbo »

Sorry but i'd rather talk to an american women than watch 20 minutes of jesse ventura vs peirs morgan on cnn.
steve55 wrote:He was offended at govt patdowns at airports and train stations and he was visibly emotionally upset when I told him the govt is more than welcome to pat me down or my kids (if I had any). I'm glad they are watching over us (if they really are ), it makes me feel a lot safer from terrorists. Oh, he also said there are no terrorists . He said the us govt created the false threat of terrorists and created the shoe bomber as an excuse to have more power and control over us.

Not only is it insane to talk like this, as an American patriot, I'm actually offended that people are talking this way about our government. Well guys, I am 110% pro government and they can pay me down or listen in on my conversations as much as they want. I got nothIn to hide so I could care less what they know about me.

Winston, I like you and consider you a friend . But you and your ilk are certified NUTS and belong in an insane asylum with these ideas that our govt was behind 9/11.
I hope this whole bit was trolling, otherwise you're so clueless that you're beyond hope.

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Re: Piers Morgan makes Jesse Ventura look a fool

Post by Rock »

steve55 wrote:See

To all you conspiracy theorists, view this debate between piers and Jesse regarding conspiracy theories and tell me if Jesse got his ass kicked so bad that his conspiracies ideas look nutty? Jesse contradicts himself over and over again. Everything piers Morgan says is exactly what I'd say to all you insane conspiracy theorists. I may offend some of you who I consider friends but I'm sorry, you guys are crazy and insane to believe our government created 9/11 and killed 3,000 people for the sake of going to war over, what, oil? The gulf of Tonkin deception was carried out by a few at the top. 9/11 would require thousands to cooperate. I met a guy at my church who believes the govt is trying to take us over and control us. Something about our govt being behind walmart encouraging people to spy on each other and the airport security being involved too.
He was offended at govt patdowns at airports and train stations and he was visibly emotionally upset when I told him the govt is more than welcome to pat me down or my kids (if I had any). I'm glad they are watching over us (if they really are ), it makes me feel a lot safer from terrorists. Oh, he also said there are no terrorists . He said the us govt created the false threat of terrorists and created the shoe bomber as an excuse to have more power and control over us.

Not only is it insane to talk like this, as an American patriot, I'm actually offended that people are talking this way about our government. Well guys, I am 110% pro government and they can pay me down or listen in on my conversations as much as they want. I got nothIn to hide so I could care less what they know about me.

Winston, I like you and consider you a friend . But you and your ilk are certified NUTS and belong in an insane asylum with these ideas that our govt was behind 9/11.
No, I don't think he got his ass kicked, not by a long shot. And I'm on the record in this forum as not being a CT fan. In spite of some minor inconsistencies, JV more than held his own. In fact, I think he comes off a lot more credibly in a candid interview like that than he does on his CP program - a show which IMO is dumbed down in order to connect with garden variety Americans.

In that interview, he and Pierce had an entertaining chemistry and seemed to have mutual respect. JV was very skilled at putting-out a lot of compelling points and Pierce was not able to fully refute any of them. If anything, he scored points for CT movements in general IMO, the very opposite of what you claim.
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Post by steve55 »

Then check this out.

Jesse and this piece of crap judge napolitano are defending this traitor Bradley manning and also supporting Julian assuange. Bradley manning is a disgrace and needs to hang. Then these losers talk as if the helicoptor attack incident was murder by our military. We have our brave soldiers fighting for your and my freedom and assholes talk about this unfortunate incident as if its some crime. War always has mistaken identity casualties including infracticide. Shit happens. The mere idea or assumption our brave soldiers are blood thirsty or committed a crime is repulsive. Anyone who thinks like this needs to be dumped in the streets of iraq or in the hands of the taliban so they can see what our brave soldiers and government are protecting us from. I say we need another 9/11 or worse so you morons who buy into this sick shit know what your brothers and our govt is protecting us from. My patriotic blood boils over traitors like Jesse and manning and fuckin napolitano. This asshole judge was talking about how it was a new low that the USA broke laws or committed a war crime by killing bin laden. WTF? War is war and it's open seaon on slime like bin laden. This hatred and resentment towards the govt is disgusting and sickening. I'm ashamed to even congregate with anyone who thinks these traitors are some kind of heroes. You're not American and don't deserve to be in this country if you agree with these traitors. Nuff said.
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Post by C.J. »

You're right steve. I don't belong here.

Nevermind the fact I didn't ASK to be born here.

I don't mind not belonging in a country that routinely sexually abuses its citizens, especially its very young.

I don't mind not belonging to a country that calls its most intelligent citizens insane.

I don't mind not belonging to a country that has the most inverse justice system EVER.

I don't mind not belonging to a country that has fat, stupid people and domestic jobs AS ITS PRIMARY EXPORTS.

I don't mind not belonging to a country that encourages paranoia, backstabbing and competition amongst the sexes.

I don't mind not belonging to a country that allows 3rd world citizens to just drop by, take jobs and makes the government FORCE natural born citizens to pay for them. All 70+ million of them.

I don't mind not belonging to a country that allows its most powerful foundation, females, to look butch, act stupid, feral and lack any valuable skills, such as cooking.

I don't mind not belonging to a country that makes corporate culture the only viable way of life.

I don't mind not belonging to a country that robs its citizens financially.

I don't mind not belonging to a country that drugs its citizens everyday to keep them stupid, docile and zombie-like.

I don't mind not belonging to a country that WON'T TELL ITS CITIZENS THEY'RE GONNA DIE FROM RADIATION POISONING.

So yeah, I hate America, the government and any old dirty bastards that run it.
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Post by Rock »

steve55 wrote:Then check this out.

Jesse and this piece of crap judge napolitano are defending this traitor Bradley manning and also supporting Julian assuange. Bradley manning is a disgrace and needs to hang. Then these losers talk as if the helicoptor attack incident was murder by our military. We have our brave soldiers fighting for your and my freedom and assholes talk about this unfortunate incident as if its some crime. War always has mistaken identity casualties including infracticide. Shit happens. The mere idea or assumption our brave soldiers are blood thirsty or committed a crime is repulsive. Anyone who thinks like this needs to be dumped in the streets of iraq or in the hands of the taliban so they can see what our brave soldiers and government are protecting us from. I say we need another 9/11 or worse so you morons who buy into this sick shit know what your brothers and our govt is protecting us from. My patriotic blood boils over traitors like Jesse and manning and fuckin napolitano. This asshole judge was talking about how it was a new low that the USA broke laws or committed a war crime by killing bin laden. WTF? War is war and it's open seaon on slime like bin laden. This hatred and resentment towards the govt is disgusting and sickening. I'm ashamed to even congregate with anyone who thinks these traitors are some kind of heroes. You're not American and don't deserve to be in this country if you agree with these traitors. Nuff said.
Nuff said? Why, just cus you said it? What makes you so sure you know the full inside story on everything? And who elected you judge of who should be an American or deserves to be in the country?

Do you even have a clue as to what you are talking about? Have you read the US Constitution and its amendments? Do you believe it is a valid document which should be fairly applied to citizens of 21st Century USA? Have you served in any of the armed forces?

In any case, can't you at least sense that something is not quite right? Just dig through the facts man. Think with your brain, not your emotions or patriotism. Consider for example, why is the middle class hollowing out so quickly while the elite get even richer and the poor class grows in size? Why are institutions and authority figures exercising more and more control over the lives of private citizens? Why do we have the largest prison population in the world even though we are much smaller than several other nations? Why must our policies always be driven by some sort of figurative war - war on communism, war on drugs, war on terror. Could it just be a set-up to implement zero-policy laws to move the country towards fascism with a democratic facade? Why can banks and corporations act with impunity against the greater interests of most citizens? Remind me, why did we need to go into Iraq? And you still take everything you are told by government leaders at face value?

I suppose you think we should trust it with blind faith and willingly become a nation of non-thinking idiots who never question what we are told? In theory (ant that's all it is now) our government is supposed to serve the masses, not the other way around. Don't you get it?
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Post by steve55 »

Guys, it's clear you're not understanding me. I wholeheartedly agree that American "culture" is sick and messed up. I agree with all the ills of american society that both of you just mentioned. I know. If Winston will get around to at least linking my project to my bio on his site, you will see I wholeheartedly agree. My only contention is that I do not believe 1,000's of people in the govt conspired to commit 9/11 or are conspiring to control us and all this nutty nazi like accusations. Yes , all govt lie or deceive sometimes, I realize that. But 9/11??? As piers Morgan said "come on, I can't believe you really believe that, it's not rational".
And I don't agree with the accusation that our brave fighting men and woman are war criminals just because there are occasions of mistaken identity in the battlefield. And I don't support traitors like fuckin loser Bradley manning and I don't support Wiki leaks damaging our country's national interests, oh, and I am a strong supporter and backer of our police force. They do a hard job and I have nothing but admiration and respect for them. I think some here are critical of our men and woman in blue. I appreciate what they do, its a tough job. Yes, America is f'd up in many ways, I agree!! But that doesn't mean I'm against those who keep us free and defend us, nor am I against our government even if there are many things I may disagree with. In the end, I'm still a patriot. Im not so paranoid that I think men in dark rooms are conspiring to control us. I think American culture is screwed up (I.e. Highest mental illness and incarceration, woman masculinized and all bitched up and act like men, obesity epidemic , lack of connectedness, etc etc etc ) These issues have little to do with our government!!!!! It's a cultural problem.

I'm really glad that Winston keeps the nutty conspiracy shit separate from the happier abroad content. I wouldn't want to be associated with the conspiracy stuff. I bet some here are huge fans of the x files. LOL
Last edited by steve55 on May 6th, 2011, 1:01 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by odbo »


Last edited by odbo on May 6th, 2011, 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FreeYourMind »

During the Civil War, the sides were easily demarcated by region (and also by race to a large degree). The current situation in America is reminiscent of the leadup to the War Between the States, but this time around the opponents are not as easy to discern or label. To put it as simplistically as possible, the sides this time consist of those who still believe the government, believe what it says and that its intentions are always honorable, versus those who no longer believe anything the government and the dinosaur media say. There is obviously no shortage of racial and gender animosity in the U.S., but a lot of it has been stirred up by the system itself to keep the masses ignorant and divided. I think this country has actually proved that all races and ethnicities can pretty much get along, but one of its unworkable flaws is pushing multiculturalism and multiracialism in a totalitarian manner. A worldwide global empire and a free country cannot co-exist together.

Ron Paul is the only politician within the system who still speaks common sense, but he is 75 or so, which means the 2012 election will probably be his last hurrah. A poll linked on Drudge's site today found that Paul does better than any of the other GOP presidential candidates when matched head to head against Obama. I lost faith in the two-party monopoly long ago, but in many ways Ron Paul represents the last chance to radically and peacefully reform the U.S. from within. He can unite all the anti-NWO factions, but that of course is a best-case scenario, because the power structure is utterly ruthless and will not make meaningful concessions unless tremendous pressure is exerted upon it.
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Post by odbo »

don't wait up for it. america is done. but we can still save humanity
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Post by keius »

You guys are a bit too extreme 'mmkay?

Do i buy into all the conspiracy junk? Some of it. Not enough to make crazy claims without the proof to back it up. But i can smell something fishy.

Do i trust my gov't? Not even remotely. They lie. It's so obvious, you'd have to be blind, deaf, stupid, and retarded not to notice.

Do i believe Bradley needs to hang? Yes. Despite how much i distrust my gov't, i understand that ALL gov'ts need to have some secrets. The stuff that was exposed wasn't even surprising at all. All gov'ts collect similar info at all their embassies. That's the whole bloody point of it.
No real state secrets were exposed. It was just embarrassing shit for everyone.

Do i think my gov't lied about 9/11? Yes. The facts don't lie. The evidence before my eyes don't lie. Science doesn't lie. What they say doesn't match up with the facts. Do i believe some of those CT's? Not necessarily. Some of those theories are just way out there. But i know when what i'm told doesn't add up to what i see.

About war.... It's fking war. To me, that means killing, torturing, and destroying anything that gets in your way. There are no rules in war. You can make rules to try and "humanize" it as much as you want, but quite frankly, that's just more BS. To place restrictions on ourselves when the "other" side doesn't, is just insane.

90% of the American people are sheep. Research things yourself. Educate yourself. Don't blindly believe the gov't. Don't blindly believe conspiracy theorists. Make your own determinations.
BTW blind patriotism/nationalism is a really bad idea. Love your country....but it's ok to hate your gov't. Your gov't isn't your country.
That's what i tell people who go on hate rants on China or North Korea. The people and the country != their gov't.
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Post by gsjackson »

FreeYourMind wrote:Ron Paul is the only politician within the system who still speaks common sense, but he is 75 or so, which means the 2012 election will probably be his last hurrah. A poll linked on Drudge's site today found that Paul does better than any of the other GOP presidential candidates when matched head to head against Obama. I lost faith in the two-party monopoly long ago, but in many ways Ron Paul represents the last chance to radically and peacefully reform the U.S. from within. He can unite all the anti-NWO factions, but that of course is a best-case scenario, because the power structure is utterly ruthless and will not make meaningful concessions unless tremendous pressure is exerted upon it.
As a lefty (at least on the American political spectrum) I like a lot of what Paul has to say, but as someone getting close to social security and Medicare, I'm not too keen on his intention of cancelling the American social contract. I may be the only one here old enough to remember the '50s, when, as John Kenneth Galbraith put it, the government, along with organized labor, served as a counterweight to corporate power. Nowadays, American government is nothing but a proxy for corporate power, but that doesn't mean we should throw out the social progress achieved during the days when it was something else.

People here are inclined to look back to better days in the nation's past. The best days were the first 25 years after WWII, when there was a sense of living in a country with a viable social contract. The days before Mammon assumed the throne.

Always good to note your rare appearances here, FYM. Is there another forum where you post more often?
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Jesse Ventura totally PWNED Piers Morgan!

Post by Winston »

I just watched the 40 minute debate you posted, and I don't know what you're talking about. Jesse Ventura TOTALLY WHIPPED his ass, utterly and completely. He had his ass for dinner and made mincemeat out of him!

The guy couldn't answer any of Jesse's questions. He just kept denying and refusing to admit that anything that challenged the official version of things might be true, on no basis. He had no evidence or substance in his points. He was just arguing for the sake of arguing. He was like a total amateur who was just doing his job of trying to put Jesse on the defensive. He didn't know shit about anything. Like David Icke said, "The mainstream media are public relations officials for the official version of events, not truth tellers."

Piers Morgan was totally out of his league. He lost the debate many times over, and was overwhelmed so he kept having to change the topic. All he could do was fire cheap shots and cheap attacks, while addressing none of Jesse's questions. So I don't know why you think Jesse lost. Jesse no more lost than Michael Jordan lost to me in basketball.

Furthermore, what was Morgan's logical basis for saying that it is impossible for Dick Cheney to have had foreknowledge of 9/11? Why must Dick Cheney be an angel of light or bastion of truth and morality to him? On what basis? He never explained that. And why is it impossible for Obama to be a CIA operative? Why is he religiously so sure that it can't be true? The dude is dumb as shit and has no basis to anything. Anyone can whip him in a debate.

Steve, you say you are 110 percent pro-government. Why? Don't you think that might color your biases or objectivity? Don't you realize that if you are 110 percent behind something, that it becomes a religion to you, and thus, edits your incoming data and reality?

What if the government came in and dragged you to jail on false charges? Would you support it? What if they drafted you for a war for profit? Would you risk life and limb for corporate profits, just because it's your "patriotic duty" to do so?

Do you ever lie awake at night thinking, "What if I'm wrong about all this? What if...?"
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Post by onezero4u »

haha steve you are the type of sheep...i mean citizen that governments love to control...i mean govern.

you should go back to all the public schools you attended starting with kindergarden and ask for refund because you got ripped off.

oh yeah, the media also is crooked, flouride is bad for you & pro wrestling is fake.
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Post by Adama »

After all the things the US government has done to its people, any man who still calls himself a Patriot is the true idiot. That is like being grateful to your abuser.

Divorce system slanted against men, zero fathers' rights, child support obligations that will land you in prison if you lose your job, child support obligations that will prevent you from obtaining professional licenses that will allow you to catch up on back payments, selective service registration for men only despite women being equals, child custody for women >90% of the time, Feds preventing states from enforcing laws against illegal immigrants, illegality of prostitution, proposed carbon taxation which is 100% known to crush economies (as learned in places like Spain), "women's studies" mandatory programs in universities nationwide teaching women to hate men, and the list goes on...

The conspiracy theorists may be often wrong. However, that doesnt mean the Government is your friend. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and most of the rest of the founding fathers (except for the traitor Alexander Hamilton) would definitely disapprove of the tyrannical leviathan that calls itself government today.

And yes, big business is in collusion with the government, meaning Fascism. Yes, they are taking away your freedom daily. (Speaking of which, this is no longer the Land of The Free.)
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