Why is Wikipedia so anti-conspiracy & pro-establishment?

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Post by ph_visitor »

Because they are rational.
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Post by ALIBABA »

winston. you are starting to sound more and more like a gate keeper. awkward Chinese guy would be a perfect cover. you talk about websites that allow conspiracy theories, but what you dont talk about are the people who get arested for posting things the establishment doesnt like. a few weeks ago, a british kid was arested for saying "why do we care so much about dead british troops when muslims are getting killed every day". the pigs picked him up just for saying that. then there are the millions of other people who get arested by the cops that we never even hear about. western regimes will never publicise all the arests they make regarding disent. they know better. otherwise, there would be public outcry, and the west would no longer be able to lecture foreign governments on "human rights". the u.s govt does monitor millions of websites and blogs. that is what the nsa is for. it does care about them, thats why they spend billions to monitor, and counter them. the u.s regime funnels billions to google, and facebook specifically for surveilance purposes. the u.s regime funnels billions more to contractors who trolls websites challenging real conspiracies, and taking pro govt positions. see hbgary, centcom, cybercom, team themis, cubic corporation, booze allen hamilton, ntrepid, romas coin. the nsa will take down any site they want, just like they took down megaupload. the only owners of any site is the u.s regime. no one else. they own the internet. david icke, and alex jones are controlled opposition. they get paid to say what they say and never cross the line. have you ever heard alex jones challenge capitalism? as much as alex jones complains about the u.s regime, has he ever called for a boycott on western multinational corporations? no. because thats who funds him. if you look at alex jones pedigree, it is filled with cops, and military. winston, if you are not a gate keeper, then go research controlled opposition. this way, the u.s regime controls and steers the leadership, arrest who they want, impose draconian laws, and prevent real disent from taking place. it's the same reason they did the london riots. notice how the london riots made no changes to the british power structure and did NOT threaten the establishment whatsoever. opposition is welcomed, and encouraged, to make it look like it's a "democratic" society, as long as the power structure is never threatened.
winston, i want to challenge you on several conspiracy theories. answer them. who is behind al qaeda? who led the Libyan revolution. who's behind the Syrian terorism? whats your opinion on 9/11. what do you think about paid online trolls?
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Post by ALIBABA »

Winston wrote:
ALIBABA wrote:everything on the internet is controled. every single thing that anyone posts, anywhere in the world, has to pass through nsa headquarters. if they dont like something, it will be taken down imediately. the reason why wikileaks seems more controled than others is because it is viewed by more people. the more hits a website gets, the more controled it is. google is absolutely controled by the u.s establishments. in order for wikipedia to get the top slot for google searches, they have to conform to the rules, meaning it must publish things that the establishment likes, usually pro establishment, pro capitalist, pro imperialist stuff, etc. millions of conspiracy videos are online, but none of them expose anything that the establishment disaproves of. most of it are limited hang outs, disclosing partial truths, and dont show anything that would hurt the establishment. even the hacker group anonymous is controled oposition.
Get real. The government can't monitor millions of websites and blogs. It doesn't even care about them. They are just words to them. No one has the manpower to keep up with everything on the internet.

How can the NSA control websites without controlling the owners of the sites?

What is your explanation for why David Icke and Alex Jones are allowed to speak to millions without anything ever happening to them? How does what they say serve the interests of the NSA?

Come to think of it, how do you know this site isn't part of the "controlled opposition"? Maybe the NSA took me into a back room and made a deal/partnership with me, and that's why this site continues to grow? I mean, seriously, how do you know? LOL
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Post by The Arab »

ALIBABA wrote:everything on the internet is controled. every single thing that anyone posts, anywhere in the world, has to pass through nsa headquarters. if they dont like something, it will be taken down imediately. the reason why wikileaks seems more controled than others is because it is viewed by more people. the more hits a website gets, the more controled it is. google is absolutely controled by the u.s establishments. in order for wikipedia to get the top slot for google searches, they have to conform to the rules, meaning it must publish things that the establishment likes, usually pro establishment, pro capitalist, pro imperialist stuff, etc. millions of conspiracy videos are online, but none of them expose anything that the establishment disaproves of. most of it are limited hang outs, disclosing partial truths, and dont show anything that would hurt the establishment. even the hacker group anonymous is controled oposition.
You must have fallen down a looooong flight of stairs when you were an infant.

No, scratch that. Fell down a flight of stairs , rolled out from the front door and down the sidewalk onto the street, and hit by a speeding semi and survived, after a lobotomy.
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Post by ALIBABA »

Winston wrote:If the government controlled the internet, then how come millions of conspiracy videos and websites are allowed to stay online?
there's lots of conspiracy videos and websites allowed to stay online, but theres hundreds and thousands of them that get taken off line by the u.s regime that we never hear about
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Post by C.J. »

Haha. Yup, that's the norm in the real world.

I don't even bother with most people anymore, because they are just too stupid. That's the elite's way of keeping "whistleblowers" from really reaching the public. Instead of wasting time keeping people away from the truth, make them so dumb, they won't even believe it! Genius. :D
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Post by Winston »

ALIBABA wrote:winston. you are starting to sound more and more like a gate keeper. awkward Chinese guy would be a perfect cover. you talk about websites that allow conspiracy theories, but what you dont talk about are the people who get arested for posting things the establishment doesnt like. a few weeks ago, a british kid was arested for saying "why do we care so much about dead british troops when muslims are getting killed every day". the pigs picked him up just for saying that. then there are the millions of other people who get arested by the cops that we never even hear about. western regimes will never publicise all the arests they make regarding disent. they know better. otherwise, there would be public outcry, and the west would no longer be able to lecture foreign governments on "human rights". the u.s govt does monitor millions of websites and blogs. that is what the nsa is for. it does care about them, thats why they spend billions to monitor, and counter them. the u.s regime funnels billions to google, and facebook specifically for surveilance purposes. the u.s regime funnels billions more to contractors who trolls websites challenging real conspiracies, and taking pro govt positions. see hbgary, centcom, cybercom, team themis, cubic corporation, booze allen hamilton, ntrepid, romas coin. the nsa will take down any site they want, just like they took down megaupload. the only owners of any site is the u.s regime. no one else. they own the internet. david icke, and alex jones are controlled opposition. they get paid to say what they say and never cross the line. have you ever heard alex jones challenge capitalism? as much as alex jones complains about the u.s regime, has he ever called for a boycott on western multinational corporations? no. because thats who funds him. if you look at alex jones pedigree, it is filled with cops, and military. winston, if you are not a gate keeper, then go research controlled opposition. this way, the u.s regime controls and steers the leadership, arrest who they want, impose draconian laws, and prevent real disent from taking place. it's the same reason they did the london riots. notice how the london riots made no changes to the british power structure and did NOT threaten the establishment whatsoever. opposition is welcomed, and encouraged, to make it look like it's a "democratic" society, as long as the power structure is never threatened.
But how does what David Icke and Alex Jones say fit the agenda of the elite? They teach people not to believe anything that authority says because they've been infiltrated by evil Illuminati bloodlines. How does teaching people not to trust or obey authority help them? Can you explain that one?

How come lesser popular conspiracy researchers such as William Cooper get taken out?
winston, i want to challenge you on several conspiracy theories. answer them. who is behind al qaeda? who led the Libyan revolution. who's behind the Syrian terorism? whats your opinion on 9/11. what do you think about paid online trolls?
From what I've heard, Al Qaeda means "the database" in Arabic and was created by the US to fight the Soviets during the Afghan war. I don't know about Libya or Syria, but obviously, pointless conflicts are engineered for some purpose.

9/11? There are many threads on that here. Obviously the official story makes no sense and doesn't add up for many reasons. What's your take on it?

Paid online trolls and debunkers are possible. But I wonder why there are no whistleblowers who say, "I was a paid debunker hired by the NSA to debunk conspiracies on the internet". It does seem odd though, that some internet debunkers are on forums 24/7, like programmed robots or artificial intelligences, who are constantly monitoring the forum like it's part of their "assignment".

When I first created the http://www.debunkingskeptics.com forum, immediately we had a regular group of debunkers monitoring and posting everyday, as though they were monitoring the forum. It's weird, because you'd think that if someone had no interest in paranormal/conspiracy topics, why would they spend so much time on visiting forums about them? If I had no interest in something, I would certainly not spend much time in forums about it.
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Post by HAGAR »

David Icke, and Alex Jones discourage people from disent. You ever notice they say all these rotten things about the u.s. regime, but never actually encourage any kind of revolution against the government. This is a perfect example of controlled disent. They teach people not to believe anything that authority says, but they also teach you to fear the government. A lot of what Icke, and Jones say is fear mongering. They can say whatever they want, as long as it doesn't threaten the power structure, and they always speak within the boundaries. The Taliban was used to fight the Soviets. I don't even think al Qaeda exists as an entity like the u.s regime describes. They are a bunch of unorganised terorists from different countries that are recruited by the u.s to carry out terorism when the situation calls for it. For example, if they want Asad to step down, then they send a bunch of terorists into Syria, cause trouble, and make excuses to invade it. In Libya, western intelligence agencies broke a bunch of terorists out of prison, and told them to overthrow Qadafi. That same bunch of ex cons is in Syria now doing the west's dirty work. 9/11 was an inside job. Before 9/11 even happened, Zbignu Brezenski said that in order to control the world, you must control central Asia. So what happens immediately after 9/11, the u.s regime sets up bases in central Asia. Why is central Asia important? You can launch teror attacks from these places, and send terorists into China, and Russia, two countries that the u.s is determined to bring down. In fact, since 9/11, the u.s regime has, on numerous occasions, sent terorists from central Asia into Xing Jiang, and Chechnya, to do teror attacks. Having bases in central Asia can also block any kind of a pipeline getting oil from Iran into China. In this instance, and many other instances, the u.s is like the bully who stands in the hallway and does not let you pass. The reason why there are no people coming out saying they were a paid debunker hired by the NSA is because the FBI probably put a hit out on them before they say anything. By the way, u.S. central command, and u.S. cyber command have already admitted that they use paid trolls. There was an article saying that Canada also uses paid trolls. This is my theory. It may or may not be true, but it sounds a hell of a lot more believable than the theories coming out of al jazira, cNN, bBC, ny times, spiegel, or the guardian.
Last edited by HAGAR on April 9th, 2012, 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HAGAR »

The next time you struggle to comprehend how someone could spend their time trolling the Internet in order to defend and downplay whatever government cover-up or abuse is in the news this week, consider the fact that they may be on a government payroll.

The Canadian government has been caught paying a media group to monitor online political discussion and respond to information, in order words to spread state-sanctioned propaganda, in the latest scandal to hit the Harper administration.

“Under the pilot program the Harper government paid a media company $75,000 to monitor and respond to online postings about the east coast seal hunt,� reports News1130.

“The government has a lot of power, that it feels the need to monitor public bulletin boards, or places where people express views and then to respond to that, seems to me going beyond a reasonable action the government should be taking,� said UBC Computer Science professor and President of the BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association, Richard Rosenberg.

A poll carried on the News1130 website shows that the majority of respondents, 77 per cent, are intimidated by the fact that the government is monitoring their online conversations, and would regulate the information they post on the Internet.

Accusations that people who defend the seemingly indefensible in the aftermath of government atrocities, wars and scandals are in the pay of unscrupulous authorities, circulate on a regular basis. But the fact is that governments and transnational corporations have made a habit of using the Internet to spread propaganda by using individuals who pose as neutral observers.

The innovator of these “black propaganda� techniques was undoubtedly Monsanto, who as far back the late 90’s were creating “fake citizens� via their PR front company Bivings to post messages on Internet bulletin boards lauding the virtues and scoffing at the dangers of genetically modified food.

In the 21st century, governments try to harness the power of manufacturing fake consensus in order to dictate reality and justify their actions.

Last year, the Israeli government announced that it would be setting up a network of bloggers to combat websites deemed "problematic" by the Zionist state following a massive online backlash to Israel’s brutal bombing of Gaza.

Israel’s goal was to flood Internet message boards in English, French, Spanish and German with their own PR agents who would attempt to manufacture a contrived consensus that the IDF’s actions were justified.

Like Israel, the U.S. military industrial complex hires armies of trolls to spew propaganda in defense of the war on terror and in support of bombing whatever broken-backed third world country is being targeted next.

CENTCOM has programs to infiltrate blogs and message boards to ensure people, "have the opportunity to read positive stories,"presumably about how Iraq is a wonderful liberated democracy and the war on teror really is about protecting Americans from Al-CIAda.

In May 2008, it was revealed that the Pentagon expanded "Information Operations" on the Internet with purposefully set up foreign news websites, designed to look like independent media sources but in reality carrying direct military propaganda.

More recently the New York Times published an expose`on how privately hired operatives were appearing on major US news networks promoting the interests and operations of the Pentagon and generating favorable news coverage of the so-called war on terror while posing as independent military analysts.

This operation was formally announced In 2006 when the Pentagon set up a unit to "better promote its message across 24-hour rolling news outlets, and particularly on the internet".

Again, the Pentagon said the move would boost its ability to counter accurate news stories and exploit new media.

Last year, the US Air Force announced a "counter-blog" response plan aimed at fielding and reacting to material from bloggers who have "negative opinions about the US government and the Air Force."

The plan, created by the public affairs arm of the Air Force, includes a detailed twelve-point "counter blogging" flow-chart that dictates how officers should tackle what are described as "trolls," "ragers," and "guided" online writers.
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Post by HAGAR »

We bring to the attention of our readers this provocative review of the strategic and corporate interests behind 9/11 including Wall Street, the Texas oil companies and the defense contractors.

The statements in this article are corroborated by numerous studies, books, news articles and research reports published since September 2001.

In the course of almost ten years, Global Research has conducted a detailed review and analysis of the 9/11 attacks, focussing on their broad implications as well as their historical significance. See our 9/11 and the War on Terrorism Dossier

Forget so-called conspiracy theories. Instead look at reality. Dare ask yourself who actually seems to have benefited from the 9-11 calamity. In light of the debt ceiling debates and the continuous corrupt politics as usual of Washington D.C., it is time for the American people, and individual states of this federation, to look at a troubling set of facts. It seems there were “several� beneficiaries of 9-11 that don’t exactly fit the story line we were constantly fed by the propaganda machine and mainstream media as to how to connect the dots (which we were rhetorically asked to do).

Here is a list of peoples that benefited. Most of this list is factual. Some are more opinion but with strong support in reality-based argument:

1) The New York Port Authority was having difficulty renting out space in the Twin Towers. More importantly there was a huge asbestos liability. Surprisingly these Towers were sold to a new owner Larry Silverstein just three months prior—who managed to get an insurance contract for a big payout if any of the Tower buildings got hit by an airplane. This is a fact.

2) Our first international move was to bomb Afghanistan under the assumption that people there were involved. So the heroin industry of Afghanistan came back to life in a big way—that is international and local drug cartels rediscovered a gold mine of money supply. Bin Laden and the Taliban, because of their religious fanaticism, pretty much closed down the trade to a trickle. But after the bombing shake-up, people connected with the heroin trade in Central Asia reaped billion dollars rewards—including money-laundering groups of financiers—such as banksters, etc. (And this is pretty much all the U.S. military/ intelligence has really accomplished—despite all the rhetoric and high-sounding goals about exporting democracy.) This is fact and not fiction.

3) Investors of profitable corporations connected to the military industrial complex made a killing (pun intended). Obviously war has been profitable for some industries for eons as we are told by most war historians profits are an inevitable consequence of war for merchants of death yet they say profit is “not� the driving force behind war. Think again. For our American culture, since at least the Vietnam War, it seems to have become the driving force. (What else does America still manufacture?) Prior to 9/11 there was little in the way of war material inventories being depleted. But soon after 9/11 this all changed. In fact some corporate stocks immediately went up in value—as did some military contracts. Note as well that after the cold war both the Pentagon and the Intelligence apparatus should have cut their budgets in half. (But then no one would have been promoted and the Pentagon would have lost some of its clout.) That did not happen. Rather the budgets doubled in size. How is that for financial austerity? This is fact and not fiction.

4) Some powerful industry leaders and think tank politicos believed it was necessary for certain “companies� to “control� various strategic resources such as oil and gas. And not surprisingly the very countries in which we declared a war against terrorists are surprisingly the same countries that contain such resources—especially in the Middle East.

Gas and oil reserves are coveted by every industrial civilization and every military as a necessity. For example, there was a plan to build an oil pipeline through Afghanistan and Pakistan to ship out from the Indian ocean—requiring stable societies that don’t sabotage pipelines. Nevertheless despite things not going as planned oil companies for whatever reason reaped huge profits. Fact and not fiction.

5) Advocates, such as Paul Bremer, for extreme laissez faire economic policies, attempted to rewrite an Iraqi constitution to promote a free market system of neo-liberal economic principles to make it especially easy for foreign nations to own Iraq’s resources. And if you do your research you will come to learn that the U.S. did not have any gripes with Saddam Hussein until he kicked oil companies out of Iraq because they wanted to take the lion’s share of the profits. He nationalized oil. This is fact and not fiction.

6) Israel benefited by having one of their neighboring enemies, namely Saddam Hussein and his standing army, weakened and preoccupied. It is not a coincidence that advocates and newspaper pundits most defensive about our invasion happen to be strong advocates of Israel’s right-wing will. Evidence clearly shows that some Israeli supporters were part of the culture of deception to take us to war with Iraq—as they are now working to take us to war with Iran with a similar pattern of phony intelligence. Equally it is a fact that whatever Middle East group harbors hostility toward Israel is now considered terrorist in nature to Americans. It is a fact that the Israeli lobby pushed hard for war with Iraq.

7) Right-wing politicos, especially Christian and Judaic, who like to promote prejudice against anything Muslim and Arab benefited. Since 9-11 there has been a constant propaganda war against Muslims throughout Western countries. (This is not to argue that Americans should not be wary of foreign motives.) But the fact is that those who do not wish Muslims to have influence in this culture have clearly wages a major propaganda campaign for Westerners to fear and distrust a huge segment of the world’s population—as a “cultural clash� or clash of civilizations like the medieval era of The Crusades. This is to say that Israel’s enemies have become our enemies as “neocon� propaganda campaign harps on “Islamo-fascism,� “Islamo-extremism,� and “Islamo-fanaticism�. Meanwhile this event is used to further persuade Americans Israel is America’s “natural� ally and partner against the forces of evil. (Yet rightwing Israelis too are not willing to separate Church and State and so they discriminate against those not Jewish. Therefore they too do not share our democratic values of equality for “all� people—like many of the theocratic countries in the Middle East.) This is opinion but it still reflects reality.

8) Politically motivated people with the desire to use “fear,� namely terrorism, as an excuse to curtail and destroy civil liberties and freedoms normally honored in democratic countries. We have become more a fascist state with Homeland Security surveillance. This curtailment is similar to those who continue to try to censor free speech—and make it more difficult to have the right to “associate� via technologies such as the Internet. Such mentality has allowed spying on citizens by “privatized� corporations not accountable to the tax paying public who pay organizations to secretly spy and keep records on its own citizenry. Obama and his team have done nothing to make real, substantive changes, and in fact have reinforced this tyranny. The curtailment of our freedoms is fact and not fiction.

9) Some international political operatives willing to take American bribe money in exchange to playing and saying our tune have benefited, such as some political factions in the Middle East who equally play they game with our tax dollars—including journalists who will write and say whatever Uncle Sam wants as long as there is a brick of one hundred dollar bills as “disappeared� just like military contracts that did not get performed—but were still played. This could also include those creating phony websites to spew messages or take credit for events done by others.

10) People with a desire to destroy the political strength and good will of the American people and government. Our country is no longer looked upon as a “positive� force for democracy. Further our economy has been severely damaged by corrupt forces willing to sacrifice real national security to greedy and self-interested ends. We are seen as the rogue state by too many. It doesn’t seem to bother some profiting that America goes broke invading foreign countries—irrespective of what the rest of the world thinks—and what could be a long term disaster—if not a World War 3. (It almost seems like a deliberate foil to destroy military preparedness and to weaken our security.) Furthermore, those who believe in a two class system benefited because the wealth investor class, including most of the Congress and Senate, are “not� sending their kids to die—rather they rely on a volunteer military of lower and middle class kids that can’t find jobs or have few prospects to go to school.

11) Along with this financial bust is a drive to destroy liberal notions of any kind of welfare for the less fortunate—save welfare for corrupt corporations. While it is true that there is no free lunch (unless you live in the beltway) there is also way too much scorn for people who are not super-rich as deserving some kind of humanity.

Perhaps Obama should let the country default. Perhaps individual states “should� give serious consideration to secede from the Union. It has become one massive failure anyway. This litany is as contentious as the list of grievances in the Declaration of Independence written over two hundred years ago. And there is good reason to modify our current banking system and the Federal Reserve.

The U.S. Congress, like most pseudo-liberal chicken lefties, who have not had the guts to look seriously at what likely happened on 9/11, or why, have succumbed to the cowardliness of voting to not close the U.S. gulag. They are more afraid of their own lost of stature than they are of honoring the rights of law and justice. Meanwhile the legal system—id est lawyers—have been far too compliant.

This is to say that the U.S. is being strangulated by corporate America and its finance sector. This is a form of slavery to be manipulated into doing things under false assumptions. Why the ultra rich became even more so, they “own� Congress with their bribery of lobby money and especially the Republican party—despite all the Tea Party advocates.

You may not like these realities. Few do. So go ahead and continue to shun all “theories� about 9-11 as mere skewed imagination. Because while it is true that 99.99% of the Government is innocent that doesn’t mean a relatively small, but high-ranking cabal, could not have been involved—especially given all the security transgressed and air force stand down that ensued.

Still it is easy to point fingers at identifiable groups of people as over-generalizations. Nevertheless many people looked the other way to not notice the dots the machine was drawing was itself tainted—which had its own wisdom of reticence. But where are we to go as a culture if we continue to play blind?

You can believe in fantasy as most people choose—because in the short term it feels easier. But it may turn out to be worse in the longer term with both parties being irremediably corrupt. More importantly to the sell out of our human rights to corporations with laws like Citizens United vs. the Federal Elections Commission.

Good Luck to all people who think they know something because they have been conditioned to believe what they currently do. Yet ask yourself how many Muslims actually benefited? Then ask that irrespective of who did it, does it not seem that our culture has some issues to contend with and some bureaucracy to address besides the liberal agenda? If lawyers don’t start making more noise we could have some serious problems.
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Post by KBAY »

This is what happens when your mission does not fit the script of the establishment.
Scroogle, the search engine operated by privacy militant and self-appointed Wikipedia watchdog Daniel Brandt, has folded for real. After enduring DDOS attacks “around the clock� that sent a flood of unsustainable traffic to his servers, Mr. Brandt took down the search engine along with his other four domains, namebase.org, google-watch.org, cia-on-campus.org, and book-grab.com. He was being attacked by hackers with a personal vendetta.

Critics of Brandt have always incorrectly assumed this blog was owned by him. In reality, he is just one of many people who have passed on tips and research to me. In a recent email, he mentioned that he suspected "friends of Ryan Cleary" in coordinating the DDOS attacks that led to his servers being taken off-line.

This blog is hosted by Google and is immune to DDOS attacks. It won't be going anywhere. Please visit the main page of this blog for more on Ryan Cleary and his friends who run Encyclopedia Dramatica.
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Re: Why is Wikipedia so anti-conspiracy/paranormal?

Post by zacherystaylor »

Winston wrote:I've noticed a pattern about Wikipedia.

Why does it seem to be against everything related to conspiracies and paranormal phenomena? It seems to be saying that everything outside of mainstream science and establishment views are false, and that conspiracies, cover ups, and the paranormal don't exist.

How did it come to be so prejudiced and one-sided? Who owns and operates Wikipedia and who are the people who censor/edit it so that it's endorsement of everything official remains? Does Wikipedia itself reveal who its editors are?

It claims to be neutral and unbiased, but on controversial issues it is clearly heavily biased and one-sided.

And how did it get to the top of all the search results? It's not easy at all to get that kind of ranking that is on par with Google, Yahoo, and Amazon.com.

Does anyone know?
Yea, maybe, I know a little and baby I can guess the rest.

I went through this a couple of years ago when I wrote this Wikipedia Censorship article after something I worked on recieved an enormous amount of absurd opposition; in this case some of it seemed to come from the NRA which had a minor interest in the article but objected to the whole thing. I also had another encounter with something that might be considered paranormal and this article about the Fatima UFO Hypothesis was left untouched for the most part for four months before someone arbitrarily decided to redirect it to the Miracle of the Sun which is absurd since the sun couldn't have been in Fatima and if it involved the Sun it would have been observed all over the world.

My best guess is that this is part of a controlled disclosure conspiracy; this is done with a large segment of legitimate users to make it seem more realistic. there are plenty of stories about the CIA being involved but the way Wikipedia is set up it invites many different sources to be involved as well. so there should be no doubt that the CIA would do their share and so would the RNC, DNC, business community and many other interests including various religious believers that want to slant it their way. the CIA probably sends in a large amount of people to dominate when they need to do so and they have a certain amount of seniority. this enables them to maintain what they consider plausible deniability.

They're apparently funded by donations and some of them are large grants; this may come with undisclosed agendas. According to Daniel Brandt Google may be fixing it so they have preferential treatment on the search engine and they may both be influenced by the CIA.

Brandt has a history of trying to censor things himself including the page on himself. Perhaps he has his agenda but he may have some good points as well.

Such is life in the Twilight Zone.
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Post by 34423432 »

u.s military controls the internet. google prospers as long as they allow it. any website the u.s regime doesnt like, they take down
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Winston wrote:But why is Wikipedia so popular? How come other Wiki sites don't rank at the top in search engines like Wikipedia does?

If you look up simple topics like zebras or dogs, Wikipedia will give factual accurate information about them. It's only conspiracy/paranormal topics that Wikipedia shows its bias in.
Jimmy Wales is an Illuminati shill and Google is owned by the Illuminati as is microsoft and IBM. You want to know how crooked wikipedia is? Try this link.


"A law enforcement officer (also called peace officer), in North America, is any public-sector employee or agent whose duties involve the enforcement of laws. "

Only problem is this is a BLATANT LIE. A PEACE OFFICER can NOT ENFORCE LAW.....EVER!!!

A PEACE OFFICER has the role of maintaining the peace and providing the PROTECTION OF THE LAW.

Indeed, in LAW there is NEVER ANY FORCE.


This is why wikipedia is such a bunch of lies...it is intended to shape society via defining things how the Illuminati want them defined...and the Illuminati are not "Jewish". They are Illuminists pretending to be "Jewish" among MANY other religions such as catholic and muslim and christian etc.
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Post by GuitarGuy996 »

This thread is getting ridiculous. Now the guys who supposedly debunk the conspiracys are involved in them themselves? Even winston is a conspirator according to a poster. Is ron paul a conspirator? Is life itself a conspiracy? I have no doubt that conspiracys and hidden agendas exist, but you really have to use your own innate judgment and reasoning skills to keep from going completely insane in this world.
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