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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: February 9th, 2016, 12:58 pm
by chanta76
zboy1 must be a good looking guy. So much for that theory that only white guys do really well in the Philippines.

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: February 10th, 2016, 9:22 pm
by Winston
chanta76 wrote:zboy1 must be a good looking guy. So much for that theory that only white guys do really well in the Philippines.
No. Its well known now that korean guys get the hottest girls in the Philippines. You see it everywhere. Zboy can now attest to this too. After walking around a lot and talking to girls with me, he now sees that korean guys do get the hottest girls here. We see that on the streets here and the girls themselves tell us that they like koreans too. That gives zboy a big advantage. Plus he looks young and is tall too.

However, it is said that they are very generous and like to overpay and overspend. But I cannot vouch if that is true or not though.

Chinese guys can do well here too of course and take advantage of the popularity of koreans since they look similar. But chinese look down on filipinos too much, so there are very few chinese guys here. Im one of the few. Chinese americans like me are also a rarity here.

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: February 10th, 2016, 9:51 pm
by droid
chanta76 wrote:zboy1 must be a good looking guy. So much for that theory that only white guys do really well in the Philippines.
Apparently zboy debuted in this band last year. His exact identity is not known, but what is certain is he's got tons of groupies all over Asia, even though he's only looking for a long term relationship :wink:

But seriously, I can see here some of those Korean dudes are tall and have sharp features, shit no wonder they are liked in a few countries.

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: February 10th, 2016, 11:52 pm
by zboy1
Droid and Chanta, every race or nationality will find their niche here; you have women who only likes White guys, Asian guys, Black guys, Indian/M.E. guys..

That's because it's one of the few countries in the world with a surplus of women in their country. And Filipina's are sweet, too. I can see why it's a dating paradise. If you can't find a girl here, you're either an alien or a crazy person.

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: February 10th, 2016, 11:55 pm
by zboy1
And I'm not talking about bar girls, either! There's sweet middle class girls, and nice Christian girls here, too. But, mongers won't be able to attract them, because they are much more conservative in their views. You have to be a nice guy/a family man/a business professional/rich/ part of the elite or a friend of a middle-class Filipina, to meet those kinds of girls. There's a stigma they have with low-class foreigners, such as those found in Angeles City.

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: March 7th, 2016, 5:43 am
by Winston
Hi all,
Rock and i are back in the Philippines now. Im back in angeles city and rock is back in makati. We just arrived from Thailand. To see our Thailand trip thread, see here:


We will be posting photos in both threads, that one and this one, to update you all on our adventures, dates and cold approaches.

Our next plan is to spend time with our new girlfriends here and relax a while and get some errands done. Then we will look into visiting marcoszeitola up north somewhere. And them down to dumaguete to visit our new italian expat friend and larry elterman as well. Then from there to cebu island.

Ill contact marcoszeitola and larry elterman directly to try to arrange and coordinate our meetup plans.

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 4:54 am
by Winston
Here are two cute Chinese girls that me and Rock met in Manila when we were walking around the Spanish historic area of Intramuros. We started speaking Chinese to them and they immediately took photos with us. Rock helped me to talk to them in Chinese by translating for me. When he did so, his Filipina date got jealous and suddenly left and went home. (I guess the "superior race" Chinese girls intimidated her and made her feel unworthy, so she left in shame, as Marcos Zeitola wants to hear. lol) It was a bad sign since Rock was just helping me out and wasn't romantically interested in them like I was.

When we had dinner and drinks with them later, I took this short video where they introduced themselves. The one in white on the right, to this day, talks to me by WeChat because she is offering to marry me in exchange for buying her a house and taking her to the USA for a green card. She is very upfront about it. She hot and sexy but too materialistic minded.


Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 10:12 am
by chanta76

You serious? The one in white will marry you in exchange for green card and house?

You can go either way with this. Either lead her on and get sex out of it and ditch which i some guys will do but if this girl has experience she might burn you.

Just wow...i never met anyone that upfront . At least she is honest.

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 12:17 pm
by Citizen
Winston, when you were in Hong Kong last year were you there with your parents? I ask because I saw you and Diane (who was following behind and carrying a kid who has almost half her size) going into Mirador Mansion (you took the first set of elevators on the right). I was going in to buy a new dirt cheap backpack. The two older Chinese people didn't look anything like you except they were also both short. Anyways, you certainly seemed to be following the man and walking beside the older woman.

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 6:17 pm
by zboy1
Chinese girls are becoming so materialistic and self-serving, I would suggest you guys avoid most Chinese girls. They're becoming as bad as American woman.

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 6:40 pm
by WorldTraveler
Winston wrote: The one in white on the right, to this day, talks to me by WeChat because she is offering to marry me in exchange for buying her a house and taking her to the USA for a green card. She is very upfront about it. She hot and sexy but too materialistic minded.
Winston, I think you should sample the booty to see if she is worth marrying. Or does she want you to buy a house before you have sex with her or marry her first to have sex?

What are the two Chinese girls doing in Philippines? Do they speak English?

Winston, you have a girlfriend now in the Philippines?

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 8:03 pm
by starchild5
zboy1 wrote:Chinese girls are becoming so materialistic and self-serving, I would suggest you guys avoid most Chinese girls. They're becoming as bad as American woman.
They were already but not given a Indians...Indian women become super bitchy and annoying once they reach America...I cannot make a conversation with Indian American women..They think they have made it...and always look down upon you...

I could have easily married Indian American and settled down in America but chose not to...all my friends are in America its not due to sour grapes..

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 8:45 pm
by starchild5
Winston wrote:We started speaking Chinese to them and they immediately took photos with us. Rock helped me to talk to them in Chinese by translating for me. When he did so, his Filipina date got jealous and suddenly left and went home. (I guess the "superior race" Chinese girls intimidated her and made her feel unworthy, so she left in shame, as Marcos Zeitola wants to hear. lol) It was a bad sign since Rock was just helping me out and wasn't romantically interested in them like I was.
Winston this is NOT RIGHT. I thought you would understand Filipinas better.

How would you and rock feel, if it was the other way around. A Filipina talking to Filipino American ...while you are on a date with her...We don't know the whole story...We need to hear her side how long Rock ignored her while translating Chinese to you...or was it intentional to get rid of her..IF NOT..DID ROCK TRY TO APPROACH HER AGAIN...WE NEED PROOF THAT ROCK DID...To know you are saying the truth...

Looking at your excitement in video...and a quick dinner date...We don't know how Rock agreed to all this so suddenly when he had a date...more data is missing here...

If Rock did not try to meet her again..Its obvious..he wanted to get rid of her...if he did...what was her response...are they back together now?

Having been to close to a 1000 filipina women or more...No Filipina would get jealous and leave just like that...Its really hard to believe close to being impossible because Filipinas are very very decent...

Unless, knowing the type you and rock are...started flirting with the Chinese as when you found a better catch, you left the low grade Filipina.

Why would you say, She left in shame...Is this something to be happy about :( :( ..Why bother with Marcos..He never gets you anyways...

Common, We already know that Chinese are far superior in terms of looks, genes and intelligence even knowing that, you carelessly went after them knowing very well how it could impact a low grade Filipina...WHY DID YOU DO THAT? :| :|

I feel terrible for that girl because you have suffered a lot in America and I think Rock too to get women but you forget all those feelings and just went carelessly when you saw better girls with better DNA...even very well knowing that...Filipinas would get jealous, intimidated in your own words..due to their low grade DNA.

I hope you and rock apologized for your behavior to the girl. You are the smart one here, Its heartless. Its so fake..opportunistic..Its feels so mainstream...which i absolutely hate.

You are justifying your own misery because then all American women went for the better ones.

Its very disrespectful to a women what you both did, Filipinas are been used, abused because they are real good human beings. Men can use and throw them as they wish, and they never have to apologize to a filipina because they are low grade and just a stop over till you get a better DNA Chinese..

Now, don't bring American liberal BS when it suits you to justify your it was her choice...she had free will, she is independent, she can do whatever she feels like load of crap...

It just don't feel right...I will never do this kind of things even though I consider myself a d*ck...

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 9:20 pm
by yick
zboy1 wrote:Chinese girls are becoming so materialistic and self-serving, I would suggest you guys avoid most Chinese girls. They're becoming as bad as American woman.
I have to respectfully disagree Zboy1.

You are in Dongguan - is that right? Women come from all over the south of China to live and work there, a lot of them are there for that reason.

There are a lot of foreign men there for that reason too - because there are lots of single Chinese women in the city.

So they are going to be a bit more mercenary than average - is it all Chinese women? No.

Women - it doesn't matter where you are, want you to be the best that you can be, they don't want to be straddled to some guy who is coasting - whether it's the States, China or Burkina Faso - that's the reality of women.

Filipinas are the same - they want you working so you can buy their uncles and nephews stupid shit they don't need. I worked in Saudi Arabia with loads of men who married Filipinas and Thais - the reason they were there was to finance whole families - which is great if that's what you want but most of the fellas I knew weren't all that happy with their current situation - hardly 'Happier Abroad'.

Anyway, my point is - whatever the nationality of woman - they all want you to step up sooner or later.

Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Posted: August 25th, 2016, 9:48 pm
by yick
A (rare but...)great post from Starchild5.

And the tl;dr version is of course, treat everyone with respect, and treat people how you would like to be treated, he also said something
along the lines of nobody has the full story about why what happened went down the way it did.

Now, I don't get all this 'Chinese people are more superior to Filipinos' it's not true - I have taught thousands of Chinese people and though a lot of them
are great and wonderful people, a fair few are thick, stupid, ugly and are prone to cheating - about the same amount of arseholes as there are in the UK.

The thing is though - we don't know what and why this girl was with Winston and Rock.

Now, it seems to me that the pair go to the Philippines and get women in Angeles City and Manila because it's easy because they have the means to get women - the women are with them because they have spare means and they can treat them to nice things.

If Winston and Rock know this - then they are going to treat them all as 'easy come, easy go'.

Would they be as disrespectful to a woman they were spending time with in Tokyo, Seoul, Gothenburg or Copenhagen.

No - because these women have standards - and they won't just go with a man on a date because he has a bit of spare cash to spend, he has to have a lot more in the way of factors going for him - it isn't easy to go to Copenhagen and date young, single women.

So this is my point.

It is absolutely UP TO THE WOMEN to determine how they are treated by men.

And this is why I have NO PROBLEM with western women and their actions - because they are the arbiter of how they get treated by men.

If western women were like Filipinas and let Winston be king of all the domain he looks out on, he would treat them like shit, so, they don't have anything to do with him.

Because he and Rock are pretty smart blokes - they go to places where they can indulge in their shitty behaviours - which is their right.

But at the end of the day - it is the woman who determines how she is treated, the Filipina in question was obviously being disrespected and she split, which is the right thing to do.

Rock could probably get her back onside - because he has money - and everyone knows that the score - now if you did that to a woman from the lowest socio-economic class in England - she would never deal with you again.

So - again - the woman is the absolute determiner of how she gets treated, and if she decides money is the factor in regards winning her over - then she is going to be treated like shit by men - don't blame the men, blame her.

Being poor is no excuse, they are poor in Argentina, but dating an Argentinian woman is as hard as dating any woman in Europe or The States.