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Why does time seem to move faster now? How do you slow down time?

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 2:34 pm
by Winston
Has anyone noticed this? What feels like one hour to me turns out to be 3 or 4 hours on the clock.

After dinner I sit down at the computer at 8pm. Then after 20 minutes the clock says it's midnight. WTF?

One day it's May 15, and then two days later it says May 21! WTF?

Some explanations are given here: ... 447AAUYpjp ... opic=17928

Interesting comments: ... 339AAOKWrD

The best analogy I heard about aging is one where you compare your life with a roll of toilet tissue. When the roll is brand new, very little is noticed as missing as sheets are unrolled. As time goes on, and more paper is rolled off the roll, the roll appears to be going faster and faster. That's how time seems to proceed as we get older...the years seem to go by faster and faster.
It moves slower because the experience of time has been longer. Einstein said, Sitting in a park with a pretty girl for 5 hours feels like 5 seconds. Sitting on a hot stove for 5 seconds feels like 5 hours. That's relativity.

When you experience time for so long you realize what life is really all about. You know the pain of not "living every minute like it was your last". The finish line to life is the only finish line that comes the fastest. Getting out of high school, getting your children out of diapers, getting a project finished is all looked forward to to end. Life is hardly ever looked like that. You look back on a life lived and you see so much that you have done. Compared to 60 years, 10 or less or a little more seems insignificant.

Who knew Einstein could be used to explain the later parts in life as well as make the atom bomb?
I read somewhere that the brain records length of time in accordence with the new things we experience. when we are young a lot of the things we do are new experiences so it seems like there is a lot more going on and hence when you remember it it seems like a long time has passed. The older you are, the less likely it will be that anything you do will be a new experience. the brain will just gloss over any occurances that are repeated over and over again. So a strict routine will result in it seeming like time is moving faster.

If you did the same thing this week as you did last week then to the part of your brain that measures how much time has passed may not have any new experiences to count. Although at the time, boring and repetitive tasks seem to take ages, looking back at them from the future seems like they just flew by.

Time flies not only when you're having fun but also when you do the same thing over and over again.
Thats what i think anyway.
I guess that's why if you travel a lot and have new experiences everyday, time moves slower, cause your brain is always processing new info.

Also, when you are on the internet or playing video games, I notice that time seems to go much faster, like four times faster. Anyone notice this too? I read an article that mentioned that internet time is three times faster than normal time. ... ve-faster/

Re: Why does time seem to go faster as we get older?

Posted: July 19th, 2021, 3:33 am
by Winston
How to make time go slower.

Re: Why does time seem to go faster as we get older?

Posted: July 19th, 2021, 3:35 am
by Winston
Another way to slow down time: Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute. Then you will see how long a minute is. lol

You can slow down time if you travel to exotic interesting places, and see new things every minute. That will make you feel like a child and every moment will be interesting and the day will feel longer. It's when you live a routine life where everyday is the same that time goes faster.

Here are 3 simple ways to slow time and experience the meaning, magic and beauty of life:

1. Heighten your senses.
When you are being more aware and present to the moment, it can feel like time s-l-o-w-s down. Do you remember times when moments seemed to slow down? That first kiss. Seeing your child graduate. An incredible meal or celebration that seemed to last forever.
These things seem to move in slow motion because the moment meant something to you and thus your awareness was heightened. To slow time, then, train yourself to heighten your senses. Breath more slowly and deeply. Pay more attention to the sounds and sights all around you. Broaden your awareness and take in more of your experience. These things help you slow time down and really experience life again.

2. Minimize the number of things you pay attention to.
Get rid of distractions and don’t pay attention to so many things. The more you multitask, the less you do things with excellence, the less fulfilled you feel and the less capable you become. Learn to say no more and take on fewer things. Evaluate your opportunities and pay attention to only those things that matter. For example, when your loved ones come home, meet them at the door and have a moment where there is nothing else but them. Make that moment all there is. Make it a moment of real connection. In these singular moments of focus time slows down and becomes more meaningful.

3. Focus on heightening your feelings.
Sometimes when we are overwhelmed, we numb out. When life is going so fast, a lot of people don’t feel…anything. We kiss our loved ones and we don’t even feel it because we are not there in the moment. But the more moments you create by feeling the emotions of others and tuning back into your emotions with greater depth, the more you will notice your days start to count.

Over time as you do these things, you won’t feel so distracted or stressed. You will sense more slow, emotional moments that you will enjoy and remember with fondness. You will start to feel life again, and you will start to experience what we call The Charged Life!

Re: Why does time seem to go faster as we get older? How do you slow down time?

Posted: July 19th, 2021, 5:15 am
by Winston
Really interesting Ted Talk about how to slow down time. The speaker's experiences validate my experiences too.

Re: Why does time seem to go faster as we get older? How do you slow down time?

Posted: July 21st, 2021, 8:33 am
by MrMan
When I was seven years old, one of the kids in the neighborhood invited me and other kids over to play on this merry-go-round thing where we pushed a lever and spun and rotated around. She had said we could play for half an hour. I am not sure why we were limited in time. We ran and played all over the place normally. Maybe we had to go somewhere. Anyway, when she came to get my brother and me, it seemed like we had just started. She said, "Time flies when you are having fun."

But sitting around in a doctor's waiting room or on an airplane on an international flight (before they had one screen per seat with entertainment programs) seems to last forever. Waiting rooms seemed to last a lot longer when I was a child. Days in school in first, second, and third grade seemed to last a really long time-- sitting around in a desk doing boring stuff. Recess seemed to go by quickly. The teacher made us sit still or put our heads on our desks for her to go to the bathroom. This felt almost like torture and seemed to last for a very long time.

So, @Winston, I am not sure if I agree with your analysis. I think days at amusement parks may have seemed long because they were tiring-- lots of walking around. The heat of the sun takes its toll, too. I did some remodeling type work on my home. Those days seemed rather long, also, and it was hard to remember how many days passed.

Re: Why does time seem to go faster as we get older? How do you slow down time?

Posted: July 22nd, 2021, 7:36 pm
by Ellen Wooo
I don't think I can slow down time. What I can do is just cherish my time and use my time to do more things.

Re: Why does time seem to move faster now? How do you slow down time?

Posted: November 6th, 2021, 12:45 pm
by Winston
Check out the last 10 min of this podcast. Matt makes a good point that time seems to be shrinking now because it's hard to get anything done. So I'm not the one who notices this. It's not just because you are older or have bad time management skills. There's more to it than that. It's as if reality has shifted and made it so that everything takes a lot longer to get done. So you have less time to do stuff than before. Do any of you notice this too?

My comments I posted below the video:

Matt, I noticed the same thing. It's hard to get anything done nowadays. I still have stuff from years ago that I can't get to. The amount of distractions and obstacles that get added to my plate is endless. I thought it was because I have bad time management skills but I think there is more going on then that, as if something is causing it. Remember back in the 1980s it was easy to get everything done in one day and have time left over? I miss that.

I also noticed that if you are on the internet, time goes faster too. If you spend less time online and more time actively doing stuff, time goes slower. Especially if you are traveling and having new experiences in new places. Or out in nature and hiking and camping. Then time moves slower.

Re: Why does time seem to move faster now? How do you slow down time?

Posted: November 7th, 2021, 5:34 pm
by flowerthief00
There is a way within the laws of physics to literally slow down time, but you need to be moving at a veeeeeerrry fast speed. Suppose that you and a twin sibling are travelling in two different spaceships at two different speeds. At the end of your journey the one who was travelling closer to the speed of light will be literally younger than the other. Still amazing to me that reality works this way.

Re: Why does time seem to move faster now? How do you slow down time?

Posted: July 16th, 2023, 3:05 pm
by JackJack
Demiurge stuff, perhaps a cycle coming to an end for another..