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America is so horribly cruel to homeless people, it's sick.

Posted: March 9th, 2024, 8:53 pm
by Mercury
Everyone has encountered at least one if not more homeless person or persons before. They are all disheveled, guys that have raggedy beards that are over a foot thick because they have nothing to trim or shave with, and they ask you if you have a few dollars or some food.

Homeless people could never possibly have guns or firearms on them. They would never be capable of armed robberies, shootings, armed carjackings, and so forth. And yet Americans reduce homeless people to literally feral animals and even call them "sub-human." To make matters worse, homelessness itself is criminal under Federal law in the United States of America. Every night, numerous homeless people get arrested by the FBI and taken to Federal lockup, thrown in jail with the real criminals (rapists, killers, terrorists, robbers, and so forth). Sentences of up to 90 years in prison have been handed down to homeless people for sleeping on streets and sidewalks. People who help homeless people in any way also get arrested by the FBI and get the same kind of sentences.

In the United States of America, once you get evicted, you are no longer human anymore. America reduces homeless people to wild and feral animals to where homeless people have nothing to lose by mass migrating into Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, and Brazil, and even telling anyone they see going the other way; do not go to the United States of America because that country is toxic, greedy, selfish, and will never help you. In the United States, they lock everyone up that is poor, and they throw all poor people in jail.