Which races do you resonate most with?

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Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Ranking each race from top to bottom, with the top being the ones you resonate most with, and the bottom being the ones you resonate least with. For me it would be...

Obviously Asians at #1.

Asians are the only group of people I've met who's behavior consistently makes sense to me. I remember when I first started watching anime, and I thought to myself while watching it "if I could write TV shows and movies, this is the kind of stuff I would create." Asians seem to have an amazing attention to detail, as well as consistency and methodological approach that I notice in the stories they create. I also seem to share this kind of need for standardization and consistency with Asians. I also seem to have this similar need to categorize and organize everything. I read this one book about Ancient China and was surprised to find that even in Ancient Times, they insisted on laying out their cities and villages in a very methodical way. Each farm in the village had a very specific square foot designation for its intended purpose. In the cities, there was no mixing of business and residential areas, they wanted all business to happen in one central marketplace and all the people to live in designated areas for their social class. I seem to share a similar need for social organization and really dislike "fluidity" so to speak.

With Asian girls I have been friends with and dated, I have also felt a much stronger spiritual connection to them and a much greater sense of familiarity then I do with each other race of females. Most other races of women, their behavior is so bizarre and confusing to me that I cannot stop scratching my head. Asian girls are some of the only girls out there who's behavior generally makes a lot of sense to me. Asian girls have also never "shit tested me" so to speak. While I've met plenty of Asian girls who are too shy to say what they want, I've never met an Asian girl who actually behaved in a contradictory way to what she wanted. And that's a big difference, because if a girl behaves in a manner that's completely contradictory, I will never figure out what she wants and it pisses me off when a girl just expects me to read their mind. With Asian girls, plenty of them will simply not say what they want, but if you guess enough times, eventually you'll stumble on the right answer and they'll say "yup that's it." There's something about the internal world of a far greater number of Asian people that seems to match my own then is the case with other races.

I also think Asian girls are the most romantic girls in the world. They respond really well to compliments, they love physical affection, they seem to enjoy all the romantic cliches the most too... They love having flowers bought for them, they make sure to send you cute good morning texts every day... Most of all though, Asian girls seem uniquely determined to make the man she loves happy. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is as selfless as an Asian girl in love is. Asian girls in love can be so selfless it is kind of frightening. Asian girls are so empathetic that everything relies on you. And I do mean everything. If the mood is bad, its going to be because of you. An Asian girl in love with you will only feel the way you feel. If your relationship with an Asian girl fails, you need to take a look at what your state of mind was when you dated her. If you were full of negativity for whatever reason, it will effect your relationship with them because of how shockingly empathetic they are.

#2 Arabs

I can't say I've had much experience with Arab women, but I've had a lot of friendships with Arab guys. Once again, I notice the similarities as far as "their inner world" goes. I think there are a lot of similarities when it comes to strong convictions, the passion, and I would also argue spiritual maturity. Arabs just seem to be a much more "mature people" so to speak then Americans do. Maybe it goes back to how old their civilization is compared to ours, but I remember back in college... My Arab friends and I constantly made fun of and couldn't believe how immature and ridiculous the rest of the student body acted. In the Arab world, I get the impression that teenagers are simply expected to act like adults. The Arab world doesn't really tolerate childish and immature behavior from people. Arabs make sure to set goals and have a sense of direction in their life. They can't really tolerate floating around and just kind of living in the moment so to speak. Arabs always kind of seem like they're thinking ten steps ahead.

Even when Arabs behave in a more toxic manner, I can kind of understand why they do it. Their reasoning makes sense, and it is rooted in concepts I can understand. I can understand for example, why so many Arab guys behave badly when they go to Europe and America... I don't agree with it, but I can understand it. Because the social rules of our societies are very weird and contradictory. And Arabs are much more accustomed to a more formal and consistent culture. In this manner, they are kind of similar to Asians in that Asians struggle in environments that are not formal or consistent.

#3 Hispanics

I put Hispanic people in the middle as far as races I resonate with because I do think Hispanic people are some of the most friendly and generally "balanced" people in the world. Hispanic people are not really one for extremes and this makes it so a lot of different kinds of people can at least sort of get along with them. Hispanic culture also seems uniquely good at incorporating people into its culture who aren't necessarily like them. Hispanic people seem to be good at focusing more on what you have in common rather then what you have that's different. I think this could be a big reason why so many people resonate with Hispanic culture is because it is a very "open" culture so to speak. It has room for a lot of different types of people. That being said, I don't truly feel at home among Hispanics. Latina women I feel are very prone to shit testing their men and the gender dynamic between men and women in Hispanic culture tends to shift way too rapidly between positive and negative for my liking.

#4 Whites

With Whites, its kind of weird in that some White people I do get along pretty well with... But with the White people I don't get along with... They are basically aliens to me. I resonate fairly well with Southern Whites, but even then, I don't quite feel a full connection. Its like they kind of get my internal world, but not really. The only White people I find who really seem to completely understand my internal world is other autistic White people. Overall though, a lot of the assumptions that White people make about the world doesn't make sense to me. The internal world of other Whites seems completely mismatched with my own. I also find that White culture is way too socially complex for my liking. There are too many nuances and unspoken expectations that you get punished quite harshly for if you don't understand them. I also find that White culture can become incredibly meticulous about things that don't make any sense. When Asians are meticulous about things, it always makes sense to me and I can understand why they're being meticulous. But White people often seem to become really strict, completely out of the blue, over issues that seem incredibly petty. And those petty issues seem more important to them then other issues which I regard as having much more substance. Asians seem to be meticulous and strict about issues that are more substantive whereas Whites seem to become strict about things that I'm just like "Wtf? That's so stupid?"

The politics is where you really see this show up. You will never see Asian conservatives for example saying that a girl is a "tradthot" if she uses smartphones too often, or insisting that people stop watching television at all. I've also never heard of an Asian conservative who had a problem with masturbation. Whereas I've heard White conservatives before say things like "if you masturbate then you're just as bad as women who've slept with 1,000 guys." It never fails to astonish me how much White people will hyperfocus on and become really angry about insanely petty issues while completely ignoring more substantive problems. Keeping in the same vein, White people get really fixated on these sort of "abstract concepts" when it comes to determining their moral compass rather then looking at visible harm done. This is why so many White people actually seem to believe that racism or sexism is more evil then robbing someone or beating them up. Lots of White people will try and argue for "the other side" when it comes to robbers and other criminals but racists or sexists... Pure f***ing evil in their eyes. White people hold abstract concepts like freedom, equality, and self-determination as so sacred that violating them is seen as more evil then actually hurting people is. And I don't believe any other race thinks this way. Put this moral question for example, is it more immoral to hold someone in captivity but given a pleasant environment, plenty of food, entertainment, and other things to make their life pleasant while in captivity, or is it more immoral to beat somebody up in the streets but then leave afterward and never return? Most White people would probably actually think the first action is more immoral whereas most other races would think the latter is worse. Again, White people have this weird tendency to elevate abstract concepts that are, quite frankly, meaningless to a person's actual quality of life. And this is something that I will never understand about other White people.

#5 Blacks

Oddly enough, I actually think Black people are easier to talk to then a lot of White people are... The problem is that I don't have anything in common with them. I don't share any common interests, any common beliefs, or any common values with them. Their way of interacting with the world is completely alien to me. I can have small talks with a lot of them but when it comes to a deeper understanding of one another, there's always a barrier there because we simply don't have enough in common. There's no mutual understanding to go off of. Don't get me wrong, I can certainly be on friendly basis with plenty of Black people and often am because of working around so many of them. But trying to build relationships with them outside of work is hopeless for me because there isn't anything to build relationships on. With other White people, at least with a lot of them, I can kind of understand them, even if they come out of left-field with something that completely confuses me, but I still mostly understand them. Definitely enough understanding to build relationships with people even if I don't fully feel connected to or understanding of them.

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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


For me

1) Latinos(Mexicans, Colombians, etc) & Southern Europeans(Such as Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, Balkans, etc)

I don't have any major problem with them. I like the flexibility, fluidly, their colorful architecture, food, women, and their life philosophy of "the good life". Although they can be lying backstabbers, a$$holes, and irresponsible at times.. I connect well with them spirituality and in conversation.
There is no rigid Asian hierarchy or social expectations. It's total breath of fresh air compare to Asia.

2) White people(Germanics, Brits, Nords, general white people in America, etc)
I also get along with white people in Europe and America. They can be rigid and some of them can be lying a$$holes at times. But I didn't have any major confrontation with them. Their women, some of them are hot. I like the European white people because they tend to be more intellectual and more open minded then their American counterparts. So I can hold good conversations with them. I also like their social welfare system, life philosophy, and their architecture.

3) East Asians(Chinese, Koreans)
The worst for me. I had many bad experiences with East Asians especially the Chinese and Koreans. Asians are harmonious and their women demure? You got to be joking!! Yes, maybe in your anime weeaboo fantasyland pal. Complete rude insensitive a$$holes, pig headed donkeys, Selfish, narrow minded, materialistic, conniving, unreliable, backstabbing, rude cocks*ckers. I don't trust most of them. I can't connect with them as they only care about food and money like pack of ghouls! Also their women most of them looks with emaciated teenage girls and many have some sort of a massive personality disorder.

Neutral Categories

Black people- Some of them are alright.. some of them are rude arrogant a$$holes.
Indian People- Many of them are alright.. No major problem with them except their stupid telemarketing spam.
Filipinos- Many of them are friendly and like latinos! But people say if you marry a filippina, you have to support their entire family.
South East Asians- I don't know, I didn't meet enough of them..
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 8:04 am
Yes, maybe in your anime weeaboo fantasyland pal.
People keep saying that to me but both my ex girlfriend and my girlfriend now are Asian and my ex girlfriend acted a lot like this, definitely more so when she was younger and less jaded. My girlfriend now acts exactly how I described. I don’t know why people keep saying that Asian American girls basically act like White girls… Even among girls raised in America I can still see a lot of Asian traits in them.

It seems like you are expanding your negative experience with South Korea to all Asians. Keep in mind, South Korea is just one country… An infamously dysfunctional one at that compared to most of its neighbors. You seem to have had good experiences with the Chinese people (not the government), the Japanese people and Filipinos as well.
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 9:35 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 8:04 am
Yes, maybe in your anime weeaboo fantasyland pal.
People keep saying that to me but both my ex girlfriend and my girlfriend now are Asian and my ex girlfriend acted a lot like this, definitely more so when she was younger and less jaded. My girlfriend now acts exactly how I described. I don’t know why people keep saying that Asian American girls basically act like White girls… Even among girls raised in America I can still see a lot of Asian traits in them.

It seems like you are expanding your negative experience with South Korea to all Asians. Keep in mind, South Korea is just one country… An infamously dysfunctional one at that compared to most of its neighbors. You seem to have had good experiences with the Chinese people (not the government), the Japanese people and Filipinos as well.
Yep. That's a correct assessment. I didn't mean to come off as rude. I meant some Chinese people were easy to approach and were kind. They even invited me to their group and we both taught each other how to count 1 to 10 in our own languages. Personally I have no problem with some Chinese people. There were other Chinese people who were rude, dirty, cheapstakes. I personally don't like how the Chinese government always use heavy handed approach and is communist.

The Japanese, I rarely encountered them in East coast of America. I only encountered some Japanese girls. They were really shy, but cute.
I also encountered middle aged Japanese truck drivers who always smelled like fish and cigarettes'.

One of our customers were Filipinos. They were very nice and acted like Latinos.

As you have read some of my threads. The Koreans has been the worst. I am just telling you my experience as a native Korean living in America.
I was born, raised, settled, visited my homeland many times, watch the korean news in korean, interact with koreans in Korean from all economic classes everyday. So I know what I am talking about!

Do you even speak, read and write Korean bro? Have you even lived in South Korea more than a year?

I am just telling you the truth. I really hate to bust your bubble, but even if you have settled, integrated and speak perfect Korean, you will NEVER be considered Korean! You will be considered perpetually foreigner or "외국인" -Waeguk-in. That's just the way their society is..
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 10:33 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 9:35 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 8:04 am
Yes, maybe in your anime weeaboo fantasyland pal.
People keep saying that to me but both my ex girlfriend and my girlfriend now are Asian and my ex girlfriend acted a lot like this, definitely more so when she was younger and less jaded. My girlfriend now acts exactly how I described. I don’t know why people keep saying that Asian American girls basically act like White girls… Even among girls raised in America I can still see a lot of Asian traits in them.

It seems like you are expanding your negative experience with South Korea to all Asians. Keep in mind, South Korea is just one country… An infamously dysfunctional one at that compared to most of its neighbors. You seem to have had good experiences with the Chinese people (not the government), the Japanese people and Filipinos as well.
Yep. That's a correct assessment. I didn't mean to come off as rude. I meant some Chinese people were easy to approach and were kind. They even invited me to their group and we both taught each other how to count 1 to 10 in our own languages. Personally I have no problem with some Chinese people. There were other Chinese people who were rude, dirty, cheapstakes. I personally don't like how the Chinese government always use heavy handed approach and is communist.

The Japanese, I rarely encountered them in East coast of America. I only encountered some Japanese girls. They were really shy, but cute.
I also encountered middle aged Japanese truck drivers who always smelled like fish and cigarettes'.

One of our customers were Filipinos. They were very nice and acted like Latinos.

As you have read some of my threads. The Koreans has been the worst. I am just telling you my experience as a native Korean living in America.
I was born, raised, settled, visited my homeland many times, watch the korean news in korean, interact with koreans in Korean from all economic classes everyday. So I know what I am talking about!

Do you even speak, read and write Korean bro? Have you even lived in South Korea more than a year?

I am just telling you the truth. I really hate to bust your bubble, but even if you have settled, integrated and speak perfect Korean, you will NEVER be considered Korean! You will be considered perpetually foreigner or "외국인" -Waeguk-in. That's just the way their society is..
I’m not really very interested in South Korea. South Korean culture seems the most westernized and dysfunctional out of the Asian countries (and North Korea of course as far as dysfunction goes). If I was gonna move to an Asian country I’d pick Japan or Thailand.
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 10:43 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 10:33 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 9:35 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 8:04 am
Yes, maybe in your anime weeaboo fantasyland pal.
People keep saying that to me but both my ex girlfriend and my girlfriend now are Asian and my ex girlfriend acted a lot like this, definitely more so when she was younger and less jaded. My girlfriend now acts exactly how I described. I don’t know why people keep saying that Asian American girls basically act like White girls… Even among girls raised in America I can still see a lot of Asian traits in them.

It seems like you are expanding your negative experience with South Korea to all Asians. Keep in mind, South Korea is just one country… An infamously dysfunctional one at that compared to most of its neighbors. You seem to have had good experiences with the Chinese people (not the government), the Japanese people and Filipinos as well.
Yep. That's a correct assessment. I didn't mean to come off as rude. I meant some Chinese people were easy to approach and were kind. They even invited me to their group and we both taught each other how to count 1 to 10 in our own languages. Personally I have no problem with some Chinese people. There were other Chinese people who were rude, dirty, cheapstakes. I personally don't like how the Chinese government always use heavy handed approach and is communist.

The Japanese, I rarely encountered them in East coast of America. I only encountered some Japanese girls. They were really shy, but cute.
I also encountered middle aged Japanese truck drivers who always smelled like fish and cigarettes'.

One of our customers were Filipinos. They were very nice and acted like Latinos.

As you have read some of my threads. The Koreans has been the worst. I am just telling you my experience as a native Korean living in America.
I was born, raised, settled, visited my homeland many times, watch the korean news in korean, interact with koreans in Korean from all economic classes everyday. So I know what I am talking about!

Do you even speak, read and write Korean bro? Have you even lived in South Korea more than a year?

I am just telling you the truth. I really hate to bust your bubble, but even if you have settled, integrated and speak perfect Korean, you will NEVER be considered Korean! You will be considered perpetually foreigner or "외국인" -Waeguk-in. That's just the way their society is..
I’m not really very interested in South Korea. South Korean culture seems the most westernized and dysfunctional out of the Asian countries (and North Korea of course as far as dysfunction goes). If I was gonna move to an Asian country I’d pick Japan or Thailand.
Good! You made the right decision!
South Korea is "burning out" literally and figuratively speaking. I wouldn't want you to waste your time and your life in South Korea.
They have the LOWEST birthrate in the entire planet. That alone validates what I have been talking about in this site about South Korea.
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 2:29 am
Ranking each race from top to bottom, with the top being the ones you resonate most with, and the bottom being the ones you resonate least with. For me it would be...
This exercise is more difficult than I would have thought. The problem is that each race (e.g., White, Black, Asian, etc.) has various subgroups which are often radically different. For example, in Europe, Southern Europeans such as Italians and Spaniards are both culturally and phenotypically different to Northern Europeans such as British and Germans. Slavs are also considerably different to both of these. Likewise, Southeast Asians don't resemble East Asians much in terms of their character and culture and even have a significantly different genetic constitution, hence their darker phenotype. So I think that I'll have to modify your categories a little for my own reply.

For me:

1. Latinos

Latin Americans are my absolute favorite people and the group with which I resonate the most. Those include Spanish-speaking populations such as Colombians, Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Mexicans, Central Americans and Hispanic Caribbeans and also Brazilians (who speak Portuguese). Latin Americans are friendly and outgoing. Being a unique fusion of Mediterranean and indigenous elements, their culture is wild, passionate, vivacious and free-spirited. I really feel like I can be myself in that kind of environment. The colonial architecture is awesome and brings joy to my heart. The homegrown musical styles and dances are full of energy and perfectly express the soul of the Latin American people. The languages which they speak (i.e., Spanish and Portuguese) are absolute perfection with the most euphonious sounds and a well-designed morphology. Latin American women and especially Colombians are the hottest in the world with beautiful radiant brown skin, cute neotenous facial features and unbelievable curves - puro fuego! Throughout Latin America men are macho and women are feminine.

2. Southern Europeans

Likewise, I also love Southern Europeans. Italians in particular are the originators of Latin culture. I regard them as a special people blessed with a certain talent for innovation and superior artistic and intellectual sensitivity and which created a sublimely beautiful civilization. Mediterraneans are the best Europeans. They perfectly combine the Dionysian and Apollonian principles, hence the superiority of the civilizations that they have built as well as their artistic achievements. Mediterraneans also understand the joie d'vivre better than anyone else. Mediterranean civilization is a blessing to the Earth.

3. Blacks

I actually like Blacks quite a bit despite the social problems that affect their communities. Blacks are very different to Whites on an energetic level. They are characterized by "telluric energy", are well-synchronized with the rhythms of the Earth, have a certain smoothness and unique coolness about them and are very soulful. They also have certain gifts for music and dance and have pioneered some of the best musical genres such as Funk, Soul and many other trends in popular music (but rap music sucks). Blacks are indeed easy to talk to. Many of them seem more relatable and down-to-earth than Whites. I even like Black American women and find them extremely sexy just like our WMBW friend @WilliamSmith does. Of course, here I'm talking about Blacks with a certain level of culture and refinement, not the crazy and dangerous "hood nigga" types. Anecdotally, my experiences with Blacks in the UK, Spain and elsewhere have been mostly positive.

4. Whites (Anglos, Germanics)

I'm White myself but I can't relate to most Whites at all. I find them extremely alien and tend to feel uncomfortable around them. Anglos and Northern Europeans have an extremely weird energy. They are for the most part cold, reserved, standoffish and difficult to talk to. Something about them just freaks me out. I could never see myself with a White woman. Moreover, Whites lack the passion and spontaneity of Latinos and Southern Europeans and their mindset is rationalistic and Apollonian to the extreme. I perceive them as a little boring. Many Whites also look downright weird with their melanin-deficient pale skin. Some Northern Europeans look like Neanderthals. Lol! I generally find them less aesthetically appealing than Southern Europeans. I also find a disproportionate number of Whites to be neurotic and anal retentive. They're no fun to be around. Their languages are also ugly as fcuk. English (especially British English), German, Dutch - yuck! They all sound so soulless and miserable.

5. East Asians

East Asians are the race which resonates with me the least. I perceive Chinese, Japanese and Koreans as cold, robotic and NPC-like. I just can't relate to the vast majority of them at all. Like Anglos, East Asians are reserved and difficult to talk to. They lack soulfulness and spontaneity and usually seem boring. East Asians, like Whites, are also rationalistic and Apollonian to the extreme and their mindset is usually characterized by narrow utilitarianism. They lack the Dionysian artistic sensitivity of Southern Europeans and the joie d'vivre or anything even remotely spiritual just seems completely lost on them. Many of them strike me as soulless NPCs who only live to work and eat. I don't like East Asian countries. Their cities are ugly concrete jungles in which everybody rushes around like ants. They resemble something out of a dystopian sci-fi movie. East Asian women don't appeal to me either. Like @Natural_Born_Cynic said, most of them have the body of a 12 year-old girl. They have no ass or curves.
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


Indeed. Most East Asians are ghouls, NPCs, Rote-memorization robots, mass conformists, heavily compartmentalized like Tetris pieces,
socially maladjusted, soulless, terminator-like, cannibalizing, conniving, think inside the box, hierarchy obsessed, repressed, reptiloids.

Don't take my words for it.
Below are the links from Winston Wu's thought about Asians:

https://www.happierabroad.com/Winston_vs_Asians.pdf - Winston Wu vs your typical Asians
https://www.happierabroad.com/Asian_Mentality.htm - Asian Mentality
viewtopic.php?f=35&t=36725 - Asians can't innovate anything.
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 1:15 pm

Indeed. Most East Asians are ghouls, NPCs, Rote-memorization robots, mass conformists, heavily compartmentalized like Tetris pieces,
socially maladjusted, soulless, terminator-like, cannibalizing, conniving, think inside the box, hierarchy obsessed, repressed, reptiloids.

Don't take my words for it.
Below are the links from Winston Wu's thought about Asians:

https://www.happierabroad.com/Winston_vs_Asians.pdf - Winston Wu vs your typical Asians
https://www.happierabroad.com/Asian_Mentality.htm - Asian Mentality
viewtopic.php?f=35&t=36725 - Asians can't innovate anything.
I took the effort to read almost everything that Winston mentioned about the Asian mindset… But I mostly agree with what his father told him at the end of the article. Yes there are definitely times when people can take certain ideas too far. Almost anything can be taken too far, even good ideas.

A lot of what Winston mentions however are part of how you raise people to be healthy and non-selfish. I mean Winston himself admits that Asian women are the most loyal race of women. Statistics prove that, Asian women are half as likely to divorce their husband as non-Asian women are and they are the least likely to commit adultery as well. Asians have perfected the ability to create a stable, well ordered, society and yes… All of that comes with some small sacrifices.

Winston himself is an example of the problems with allowing too much nonconformity and free spiritedness. A big part of that being that his ideology is a complete contradiction. He wants a traditional society with sweet, nurturing women but he also wants a sexually progressive society where men can act like PUAs and approach random women in the streets for sex? This is an increasingly large problem I’m seeing with young Americans is having no understanding of how different ideas basically require the fulfillment of another idea or rule in order to work.

Winston doesn’t like that American society rewards bad boy and aggressive men, but then complains that he can’t approach random women in the streets for sex in Asian countries. He doesn’t seem to understand that Asian societies prohibit cold approaches precisely in order to prevent bad boys from being sexually successful. Bad boys are the best at employing sexual strategies that emphasize confidence and swagger a lot. Cultures that allow this strategy to be a winning strategy result in more crime because women are allowed to sleep with criminals. Hence, why Latin America has such horrible issues with criminal behavior. Winston likes that he can flirt with random women over there, but this cultural "allowance" so to speak has a very dark side to it. Asian societies don’t want that so instead the emphasis is on mutual connections through friends and family. Not only does this prevent bad boys from succeeding but it also helps good men by giving explicit permission to him to see the girl in a sexual/romantic light. This way you don’t have to nervously walk up to random women who may ruthlessly reject you. In-fact you never really have to face rejection at all because your friends and family will take the brunt of the rejection for you or even set you up with someone without you knowing they did it. This takes a lot of pressure off the single person. In addition to that, in its most pure form, through the arranged marriage system. You can have a society where nobody is left behind. Being shy or reserved will not damage your prospects of getting married. Marriage data from Japan in the 1920s shows that 99% of the population back then got married.

Winston thinks this is because Asian society is prudish... Its not being prudish, its being smart and structuring society so that the sexual strategy that is most conductive to good men's talents are what's emphasized while the sexual strategy of society's worst members is the least successful. It also prevents adultery. I saw in Kangarunner's thread about Colombia that Winston praised Colombian society because a girl said hi to Kanga even though she was walking with her boyfriend... Meanwhile I'm thinking "how the hell is this a good thing?" Women should not be speaking to random men walking around out in public when they have a boyfriend. Nor should men be speaking to random girls. What purpose is there in doing that? All it does is invite trouble. The shyness of Asian society helps to curb adultery by stigmatizing men who make random approaches on women they don't know (who are often already partnered with someone). Latin America has a terrible adultery problem precisely because Latin American society expects you, as a man, to basically physically ward off threats to the sexual exclusivity of you and your girlfriend. If you cannot properly control your woman or threaten other men well enough that they don't approach, then it is considered to be your fault that your wife cheated on you. In Asian society, on the other hand, fault always lies with the woman who committed adultery and the man who seduced her. And visa versa. It is never considered to be the victim's fault for not being strong enough to fight for his or her mate or whatever.

Yes Asian society has a "one track mind" so to speak as far as what people's objectives should be... But the reason why modern Asian countries are having problems now is not because the culture promotes that idea but rather because too many people are not following it anymore. Winston criticizes Asian culture for enforcing adherence to tradition and custom, but too many people failing to adhere to that is exactly why there's so many problems in countries around the world today. Liberalism and progressivism promote individualism in the sense that they believe every individual should be able to determine what the meaning of their own life is. The truth is, the only lifestyle that really brings anybody any happiness is having a family. You can pursue acting or artistic pursuits as a side hobby or bonus to your life, but unless you have a family, its only going to lead to you being lonely and miserable. Humans are incomplete without family, and they are incomplete without a significant other in life. The truth is that having a romantic partner is as much a human need as food, water, breathing, and shelter is... The only difference is that not having a romantic partner to share your life with kills you slowly, and excruciatingly... Drawing out the pain for years and decades until you can't wait for your life to be over. Hunger will kill you after about a week. Its a lot more painful of a way to go, but it is quick. I don't know whether its actually better or worse then a life with no romantic partner.

But liberalism has misled people into thinking that they can be happy without one, and they simply can't. Not long term anyway. Because there is no clarity, uniformity, or clear expectation regarding what the goal of everybody's life should be though, we have lots of people who cannot find a marriage partner and cannot have a family anymore. This is because our culture does not believe that individual self determination is worth sacrificing in order to make this a birth right. People's solution to those who can't find a family is basically "well just become passionate about your hobbies or career." This is terrible advice. But because our society doesn't think its right to criticize people's choices or stomp on individual liberty, we essentially have to allow people to make terrible choices that hurt them and hurt the person who could've been their significant other because they chose to live a selfish life.

Winston criticizes Asian parents for being too meddling in their children's lives without understanding that the reason why they do this comes from a place of great virtue. Great virtue that too many parents in the West now lack. Asian parents believe that nothing is more important then their children's success. They want to make sure he or she finds a good romantic partner, grows up with good values, can get a good job, will remain healthy, won't self-destruct with drugs or alcohol. That's not being "too meddling," that's being a good parent. Asian parents believe that the job of a parent is to help their kid as much as they can.

I thank God my parents have more of an Asian mentality rather then a Western mentality, because my parents have allowed me to live at home building my money until I can get a down payment on a house. My parents set me up with my girlfriend. My mom reached out to her mother and gave my phone number to the girl who lived next door. My parents paid for my college tuition and plan to leave me a generous inheritance as well. And yes, my parents also tried very hard to raise me with good values. It was annoying to me how they overreacted so much to me getting a B in school. Their standards for propriety always seemed a little excessive, but once I got into the workforce, I realized I am lightyears ahead of all my peers in terms of discipline and talent precisely because they set standards that were a bit excessive. It is deeply engrained into my mindset that my boss can fire me for whatever reason he wants. Not just because I did something completely out of line, but simply because he doesn't think I can do the job professionally enough. It stuns me how much most people push boundaries in the workforce, and my discipline has allowed me to pull way ahead of my peers.

I do agree that Asian culture emphasizes academics and work too much. I do think the excessive emphasis on school and academics is harming a lot of Asians' dating/romantic lives. And I can also agree that some of the examples of controlling behavior that Winston cites are taking things too far. But I see the merit in the basic idea behind all of it. These are not ideas that should go away. Taking things to extremes in general ought to be stigmatized rather then the idea itself. Because ultimately the problem is that some people, not necessarily everyone in Asian society, but some people are taking what are generally good ideas too far.
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Kalinago »

1.Southern Europeans

I confirm and echo what Lucas88 said.

2.Latin americans,same as what he said

3.Middle easterners,I get along well with them mostly.

4.American Whites.
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »


Well whatever works for you. But beware. Please don't think the Japanese and the Thai people are perfect little harmonious, intelligent, cool and self conscious angels either..
There are stupid people, smart people, a$$holes from all races.
If you love Asians so much then go live there and experience it yourself. I am not stopping you. :D
I doubt they would accept you as one of their own even in Japan and Thailand. It's similar to South Korea's level of acceptance. No matter how well you integrate yourself and speak their language, you will always be an outsider. Remember that. You will always be the "Gaijin" or "Farang" in their land. Their country, their rules. I am just giving you a realistic picture. If you still want to go then go ahead.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Cornfed »

I'd say only white people, and really only Anglo-Celtic people are authentic human beings rather than some combinations of animals or borg-like autistic weirdos. Of course we have been heavily targeted by the bad guys so are mostly dysfunctional in various ways.
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Cornfed wrote:
March 4th, 2023, 1:50 pm
I'd say only white people, and really only Anglo-Celtic people are authentic human beings rather than some combinations of animals or borg-like autistic weirdos. Of course we have been heavily targeted by the bad guys so are mostly dysfunctional in various ways.
It's a shame that they are being subjected to all kinds of weird and crazy social engineering programs by the elites.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by IraqVet2003 »

In my life experience, there is no particular race I "resonate with the most". Because there is both good and bad in every group. However, even as black American man, I don't feel I resonate with many people within my own racial/cultural group. Perhaps, I believe this could be due my growing up as a "military brat" moving to various Army posts (including one in Germany) vs. someone who grew up in a civilian setting (the inner city, suburbs, or rural areas). Also, I think it could be experiences of having served in the military myself (in both U.S. Air Force and later the U.S. Army/Iraq) with people of diverse backgrounds that gives me a different worldview. Here are types of people I tend to resonate with the most REGARDLESS OF SKIN COLOR:

1.) Other Military Veterans

2.) Older People (usually 10-15yrs.) or Mature younger folks

3.) Most Bible-Believing Christians

4.) Intellectuals or people with Above Average Intelligence

5.) Foreigners or people from other cultures
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Re: Which races do you resonate most with?

Post by fschmidt »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
March 4th, 2023, 2:48 pm
The latest generation of humans born after the year 2000 is prettty much universally trash. I resonate better with people a little older. Which is a shame. The whole "TikTok", zoomer, woke generation is trash. Race has little to do with it. Just, trash, everywhere.
Doesn't this concern you? Aren't you concerned that your descendants will become trash? My Arkian project is designed to address this. And there are some other possible solutions. Don't you want to solve this for your descendants?
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