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How marriage/society works

Posted: September 10th, 2022, 3:45 pm
by Cornfed
You could see the precursor to society as everyone doing their own thing, taking care of themselves, people f***ing whenever they want and women raising any resulting children.

The problem with this situation is that people have difficulty gathering resources and protecting themselves on their own, so you would expect bands of men to get together and cooperate, which involves giving up some of your autonomy and generally accepting some form of leadership over you and some form of responsibility.

The problem then, outside of tropical abundance, is that women can't gather enough resources and need protection for themselves and their children. Hence they go to the men and strike a bargain. They will become the exclusive property of a particular man, only have sex with him, raise children guaranteed to be his and so provide him with a mini-army in later life and a legacy. He and his group will in return provide her with resources and protection. That is the mutually beneficial deal that efficiently solves the problem. There is no reason for the man to owe the woman sexual fidelity or obedience or the woman to owe the man resources and protection.

This is the only viable way to live in the current universe. Of course if it succeeds very well it will accumulate resources and then people may use the resources to fund their deviant selfish whims for a while, which in short order will cause the society to crash and burn, as is happening now.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 10th, 2022, 4:46 pm
by Outcast9428
Men do owe women their sexual fidelity. For one thing, what kind of husband is cruel enough to make his wife sit there while he runs off and cheats on her? I read an article about polygamous marriages in Afghanistan who's wives were sitting in the other room crying while her husband pumps away at his second wife in the other room. She was having to listen to them have sex and calling each other pet names and begged her husband to simply spend the night with her and he wouldn't do it. It was sickening and turned my stomach. I honestly believe that's a form of psychological torture. Men and women are supposed to love one another in marriage and remaining faithful creates a powerful emotional/spiritual bond which gets pissed away when either partner cheats on the other. If a man cheats on his woman in a marriage, I guarantee you that their marriage is a lot more likely to fail regardless of what justifications he may try to give for it. Because a marriage cannot survive when one partner is openly being selfish. Your selfishness will hurt the bond you were meant to forge with your wife and in turn, hurt you, because your marriage suffers as a result of your inability to be faithful.

The fidelity of our spouse is a right given to us by God and Jesus Christ... That applies to both men and women. God instructs us on this because its what creates a successful marriage. If you insist on breaking these laws, then your marriage is doomed.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 10th, 2022, 4:50 pm
by Cornfed
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 10th, 2022, 4:46 pm
Men do owe women their sexual fidelity. For one thing, what kind of husband is cruel enough to make his wife sit there while he runs off and cheats on her?
Try to keep your feminist emotions in check and explain what in the deal outlined above requires male sexual fidelity for the society to work. The idea that the Bible requires it is demonstrably false. It was perfectly legal for married men to use prostitutes in Biblical times and subsequent Christian society. Go study.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 10th, 2022, 5:04 pm
by Outcast9428
Cornfed wrote:
September 10th, 2022, 4:50 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 10th, 2022, 4:46 pm
Men do owe women their sexual fidelity. For one thing, what kind of husband is cruel enough to make his wife sit there while he runs off and cheats on her?
Try to keep your feminist emotions in check and explain what in the deal outlined above requires male sexual fidelity for the society to work. The idea that the Bible requires it is demonstrably false. It was perfectly legal for married men to use prostitutes in Biblical times and subsequent Christian society. Go study.
Yes it does, why do you think Jesus would say a man who looks at another woman with lust commits adultery in his heart? Rules against adultery very obviously apply to men as well.

Prostitution was legal in Christian Europe but it was intended for single men. People believed that sexually frustrated men would be a huge problem for society, which, they are correct about. Some married men probably used brothels as well, but I highly doubt that was considered proper/acceptable behavior. There is no excuse for a married man going to a brothel. I can sort of understand if his wife refuses to have sex with him, but in that case, even the Medieval Catholic church would've excommunicated whoever was responsible for that and annulled their marriage. At that point, they are no longer married. But while you are married you must remain faithful.

I'm practically the arch-nemesis of any feminist. I think women shouldn't work and should not have careers, abortion should be illegal, women should be cute, motherly, and dainty, that adultery should be a criminal offense, that teenagers ought to be getting married, and that arranged marriages should be normalized again. No feminist would like me.

You are confusing my lack of desire to be cruel to women with being a feminist. Traditionalism was always about caring for women too. Traditionalists recognize the childlike nature of women, which is why we don't trust them with the same kind of responsibility and freedom afforded to men. But traditionalism, in Christian society at least, has never been about just letting men do whatever they want. That's what feminists lie and pretend like the pre-feminist world was like.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 10th, 2022, 5:14 pm
by Cornfed
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 10th, 2022, 5:04 pm
why do you think Jesus would say a man who looks at another woman with lust commits adultery in his heart?
He was criticising the externalisation of religion.
Rules against adultery very obviously apply to men as well.
Yes, with adultery in all major cultures being defined as sex between a married woman and someone other than her husband.
Prostitution was legal in Christian Europe but it was intended for single men
Simply not true.

You still haven't given any reason why men owe women sexual fidelity. What social purpose would such a thing serve?

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 10th, 2022, 5:55 pm
by Outcast9428
Cornfed wrote:
September 10th, 2022, 5:14 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 10th, 2022, 5:04 pm
why do you think Jesus would say a man who looks at another woman with lust commits adultery in his heart?
He was criticising the externalisation of religion.
Rules against adultery very obviously apply to men as well.
Yes, with adultery in all major cultures being defined as sex between a married woman and someone other than her husband.
Prostitution was legal in Christian Europe but it was intended for single men
Simply not true.

You still haven't given any reason why men owe women sexual fidelity. What social purpose would such a thing serve?
No he wasn't, that's ridiculous Cornfed.

Men who cheat on their wives break the emotional bond and trust that spouses are entitled to in marriage. @MrMan talks about this in his thread on good sex. You are pissing your spiritual bond with your wife away. It will lead to the destruction of their marriage and consequently of their family. It also leads to husbands depriving their wives of her emotional/physical/psychological needs because he's more interested in other women. Your wife is entitled to your full attention just as you are entitled to your wife's full attention.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 10th, 2022, 6:03 pm
by Cornfed
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 10th, 2022, 5:55 pm
Men who cheat on their wives break the emotional bond and trust that spouses are entitled to in marriage.
You are just restating your claim without reasoning. Why is the wife entitled to sexual fidelity? What is the purpose of it? It is easy to state why women owe men sexual fidelity. Make a similar argument for why men owe women sexual fidelity.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 12th, 2022, 5:29 am
by Cornfed
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 10th, 2022, 5:55 pm
Men who cheat on their wives break the emotional bond and trust that spouses are entitled to in marriage.
Think about the state of nature described above. The men offering women and children resources and protection solves a problem for the women and children, so saying that shouldn't be part of the deal would clearly be wrong. The women offering the men sexual fidelity offers payment and incentive in return, so saying that shouldn't be part of the deal would clearly be wrong. Where does men offering sexual fidelity to women come in? Clearly it doesn't.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 12th, 2022, 7:38 am
by Cornfed
Mercer wrote:
September 12th, 2022, 7:31 am
How marriage works - Women use a normie betabuxx for resources, cheat on him with Chad and then ruin and divorce him.

How society works - There is no social contract anymore. Everything is a scam and no one gives a shit about anyone but themselves.
Yes, I am talking about when it actually works, not when it devolves into some form of communism before everything crashes and burns.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 12th, 2022, 3:20 pm
by Outcast9428
Cornfed wrote:
September 12th, 2022, 5:29 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 10th, 2022, 5:55 pm
Men who cheat on their wives break the emotional bond and trust that spouses are entitled to in marriage.
Think about the state of nature described above. The men offering women and children resources and protection solves a problem for the women and children, so saying that shouldn't be part of the deal would clearly be wrong. The women offering the men sexual fidelity offers payment and incentive in return, so saying that shouldn't be part of the deal would clearly be wrong. Where does men offering sexual fidelity to women come in? Clearly it doesn't.
Marriage is about fulfilling emotional and physical needs as well as giving children a caring environment to grow up in. A man who cheats on his wife neglects his wife’s emotional and physical needs while simultaneously creating a risk of fathering a child he cannot take care of because he has already promised to take care of his wife’s children. The social contract is broken on multiple levels here.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 12th, 2022, 3:40 pm
by Cornfed
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 12th, 2022, 3:20 pm
Marriage is about fulfilling emotional and physical needs as well as giving children a caring environment to grow up in. A man who cheats on his wife neglects his wife’s emotional and physical needs while simultaneously creating a risk of fathering a child he cannot take care of because he has already promised to take care of his wife’s children. The social contract is broken on multiple levels here.
You haven't given any justification for your version of a social contract. You are simply restating your simp/feminist position. With regard to the minor practical matters you bring up, the husband is physically doing his wife a favour. Women want a certain amount of sex. With men the more you get with different women up to a point the more you want. Thereby the man f***ing whores is actually spicing up their sex life. It also means that the wife has an incentive to keep herself in shape and not get complacent about pleasing her husband. Of course she doesn't like this in the short term, but at the end of the day she is better off. This has often been remarked upon. With risks to the whore such as getting pregnant it is up to the whore and her handers to manage the risks of her profession, just like with any other profession. If I hire an electrician, it is up to him to know how to avoid getting electrocuted.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 12th, 2022, 3:59 pm
by Outcast9428
Cornfed wrote:
September 12th, 2022, 3:40 pm
The husband is physically doing his wife a favour. Women want a certain amount of sex. With men the more you get with different women up to a point the more you want. Thereby the man f***ing whores is actually spicing up their sex life.
Wtf kind of bullshit is that? Now you just don’t make any sense.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 12th, 2022, 4:01 pm
by Cornfed
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 12th, 2022, 3:59 pm
Cornfed wrote:
September 12th, 2022, 3:40 pm
The husband is physically doing his wife a favour. Women want a certain amount of sex. With men the more you get with different women up to a point the more you want. Thereby the man f***ing whores is actually spicing up their sex life.
Wtf kind of bullshit is that? Now you just don’t make any sense.
It makes perfect sense and has been commented on through the ages. We have evolved for the social contract I described above.

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 12th, 2022, 4:09 pm
by Outcast9428
Cornfed wrote:
September 12th, 2022, 4:01 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 12th, 2022, 3:59 pm
Cornfed wrote:
September 12th, 2022, 3:40 pm
The husband is physically doing his wife a favour. Women want a certain amount of sex. With men the more you get with different women up to a point the more you want. Thereby the man f***ing whores is actually spicing up their sex life.
Wtf kind of bullshit is that? Now you just don’t make any sense.
It makes perfect sense and has been commented on through the ages. We have evolved for the social contract I described above.
What you are describing is not a social contract and no, I’ve never heard that before and it sounds like bullshit to me. That’s like saying “yeah if I jerk off 6 times before having sex with my wife that’s just gonna make me hornier for her.” In what universe does that make sense?

Re: How marriage/society works

Posted: September 12th, 2022, 4:20 pm
by Cornfed
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 12th, 2022, 4:09 pm
What you are describing is not a social contract and no, I’ve never heard that before and it sounds like bullshit to me. That’s like saying “yeah if I jerk off 6 times before having sex with my wife that’s just gonna make me hornier for her.” In what universe does that make sense?
It is a historical fact backed by logic that what I am describing is THE social contract. The idea that the more you get (with different females) the more you want is pretty well known. It also makes the husband more desirable. It is often said that "women want fried ice". A woman will want to completely sexually capture a sexually desirable man, but if she succeeds she will then regard him as a loser and won't want him any more. The solution is the man f***ing whores, which will stimulate the wife's competitive instincts to the betterment of all. This should be very apparent if you can get past your feminist brainwashing.