A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

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A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by MrMan »

I was thinking of a strategy for trying to find a woman for those of you who are single and have female co-workers or are part of organizations, churches, etc.

If you start to get to know an attractive woman, you can say you wish you could find a good woman, that you don't want to be single---want to marry or whatever. You could ask her if she knows any kind, attractive young women she could introduce you to. If she found you attractive, it might be interesting to see her body language if she doesn't want to say, "What about me?"

I suppose it could be a subtle way to lead up to asking a woman out.

You can also try this with married mother types from your 'target country' for finding a woman, for example if you like Filipinas, you could say this to an older Filipina if you got to know her.

The problem with this is if you are picky about looks, then the person they match you up may not float your boat. And they may be like, "What is wrong with the girl I set you up with?" So this could be a one-off source for a set up.

When I was in Korea, it was the culture to set people up for dates. A friend of mine had an attractive wife a few years older than me in her mid 20's. She couldn't speak much English. His Korean was pretty good. But she had told a friend at work about me. He showed me a picture of a rather plain looking Korean girl. I declined. Later, he invites me to tag along at at amusement park. His wife's two friends went-- the one I turned down and this absolute knock-out beauty. He was going there with a little kid nephew (which meant kiddie rides). I suggested I ride the rides with the two ladies. He said I'd blown my chance when I turned down the one of them for a date. I said why didn't you show me the other one's picture. I couldn't speak Korean, and I did not want to be rude to his in-laws. so there wasn't much I could do to change the situation either.
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
June 29th, 2022, 9:37 am
I was thinking of a strategy for trying to find a woman for those of you who are single and have female co-workers or are part of organizations, churches, etc.

If you start to get to know an attractive woman, you can say you wish you could find a good woman, that you don't want to be single---want to marry or whatever. You could ask her if she knows any kind, attractive young women she could introduce you to. If she found you attractive, it might be interesting to see her body language if she doesn't want to say, "What about me?"

I suppose it could be a subtle way to lead up to asking a woman out.

You can also try this with married mother types from your 'target country' for finding a woman, for example if you like Filipinas, you could say this to an older Filipina if you got to know her.

The problem with this is if you are picky about looks, then the person they match you up may not float your boat. And they may be like, "What is wrong with the girl I set you up with?" So this could be a one-off source for a set up.

When I was in Korea, it was the culture to set people up for dates. A friend of mine had an attractive wife a few years older than me in her mid 20's. She couldn't speak much English. His Korean was pretty good. But she had told a friend at work about me. He showed me a picture of a rather plain looking Korean girl. I declined. Later, he invites me to tag along at at amusement park. His wife's two friends went-- the one I turned down and this absolute knock-out beauty. He was going there with a little kid nephew (which meant kiddie rides). I suggested I ride the rides with the two ladies. He said I'd blown my chance when I turned down the one of them for a date. I said why didn't you show me the other one's picture. I couldn't speak Korean, and I did not want to be rude to his in-laws. so there wasn't much I could do to change the situation either.
I've actually tried this strategy recently with a girl I'm talking to. I asked her if she had any hot friends she could hook me up with, but my goal was to see what her reaction would be since she is the girl I want. She's already in a relationship though so I'm treading water. I'm under the impression she's not happy in the relationship, but I don't have strong enough grounds to come on to her and risk destroying a good friendship.

I think that that is often the basis for a strong relationship, if a guy can establish a good friendship first I think the relationship will have a higher rate of success. I think modern dating culture is a detriment to relationships and just makes everything seem forced and unnatural, like you're trying to be the person you think they expect you to be. But this is different when a strong friendship has already been established and the trust is already there. I think these kinds of relationships are probably more likely to succeed.
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by WilliamSmith »

Well, if that works for you gents who are looking for a marriage partner, great, congratulations! :)

So I'm not trying to knock this idea (and it was nice of you to think of it to try to help the men who are still struggling), but to me, damn, this is just such an indirect approach...

All I'm saying is sharing why I personally wouldn't want to use this approach, but I'll leave it to the rest of you guys after this (not stay around trolling your idea):

The problem for me with this idea is that I can easily imagine you could get yourself some girlfriends (or just one if you want to focus on theoretic buildup to monogamy only) using this strategy, but if you took such a passive and indirect approach, won't you always think on at least some level: "What if some guy comes along being more strong, confident, direct, turns her on more like a real leading man...?" :o

I personally believe that if you're very direct and make a woman feel desired by the way you look at her and the vibe, and give her the impression you're a gentleman yet a man who goes after and takes what he wants, it scores some "real man" points with the women in your favor far more than any cautious and indirect approach.

At minimum they'll more likely to be sexually aroused on some level by the masculinity (possibly by a whole lot), and even if you get a "no thanks" from her at a given time, she'll still have you in mind as a sexual option because it was obvious you were going to go straight at her and nail her if she'd allowed it, even if you were a gentleman and civilized enough.

Not to mention, if you go straight at her and she likes how you handled the approach and yet you're still a "no thank you" to her for whatever reason (maybe she has another good relationship and she is not a cheater, such women definitely are out there), then she might be the one who recommends you to a friend that she wants to set up with a real man.

Of course, some women are so horny, if they happen to think you're good looking enough they might try to get you in bed anyway even if you use a completely "safe" and indirect approach like suggested here, and only a "social" vibe instead of what I personally think is best.
My friend's ex-girlfriend was always trying to get me into the sack even when I was a teen and had no idea what I was doing beyond just being sociable. (I didn't do anything to her because I think guys who nail their friends' girlfriends are lowlifes and that's a complete bastard way to disrespect a friend, but after they broke up it's another story.) :lol:
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by MrMan »

@WilliamSmith it is very indirect, but some men on the forum seem shy or afraid of getting arrested (or the death penalty) for asking a girl out.

This is also something you can say to a girl while leading up to asking her out to read her body language and gauge her interest. Some girls may not pay you any attention until you show interest and then they like you.
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by WilliamSmith »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 29th, 2022, 10:52 am
I've actually tried this strategy recently with a girl I'm talking to. I asked her if she had any hot friends she could hook me up with, but my goal was to see what her reaction would be since she is the girl I want. She's already in a relationship though so I'm treading water. I'm under the impression she's not happy in the relationship, but I don't have strong enough grounds to come on to her and risk destroying a good friendship.
Interest thoughts here! But there's a twist there: He was saying it might be a strategy to get single women, but you're using it on a woman who's already in a relationship...!! :o
So yeah, like I was mentioning where if a woman wants to cheat like my friend's girlfriend did, then an indirect approach won't hurt you as much because you basically have a strong societal/social pretext for being less aggressive (but in this case I actually agree with the sexual conservatives that it's lousy ethics to mess up other men's relationships by nailing their gfs or wives, personally :mrgreen: ).
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 29th, 2022, 10:52 am
I think that that is often the basis for a strong relationship, if a guy can establish a good friendship first I think the relationship will have a higher rate of success.
Hmmm, I'm not trying to contradict what you say necessarily, and with what you've got in mind for your own specific situation, it's probably got something to it there........ But a definite big caveat worth mentioning since we're talking about generalized cases here is that there's a known dynamic where lots of women (I think most women) very definitely compartmentalize men and put them in categories according to the level of sexual interest, and often times these categories are so strong they almost seem to have a physiological component in the women's case, and they don't like to bring a man out of the "just a friend" category into the sexual ones...

That's one more reason even if you're not a horny bastard like me or @Lucas88 who wants to go mount females with big butts as fast as possible on sight, I personally feel its best for men to take a more direct approach and at least have maybe some good humored flirting technique that you do so that women will not put an asexual label on you, because going by the stories of tons of guys in the PUA/seduction/relationships literature, they had a real problem with this and it bothered their women friends so much when they tried to switch from asexual friend to sexual relationship-seeker that it was a real fuckin' mess that made everyone involved feel bad....

So like I was saying, I am guessing you personally don't have that kind of dynamic, but I had to warn for sake of other guys who were trying to play it too safe: There's definitely a risk you'll lose out on a woman who would've said yes by playing it too safe, but might've got her legs waving in the air very willingly if you'd found a gentlemanly enough way to make it obvious (my preference non-verbally) that you're a sexual aggressor who she knows will definitely try to get in her pants as soon as she gives you the greenlight, even if you're gentlemanly enough to make sure she's ready and willing first. A lot of times women won't hold this against you at all even if you're a "no" for them, as long as you find the right way to convey it, because they like being desirable. :)

Back on the possibility of a friendship->relationship slide though:
Of course, there's also a "maybe" category many women put men in where even if you're not doing anything at the time, she thinks you're good enough for some action at minimum, so she might want to ball later on and possibly even escalate into a relationship. The problem is that if guys take too safe, indirect, or merely "social" vs sexually charged vibe, how do they know which category she's got you in, maybe vs "no"?

To me it's a moot point because I'd never be indirect that way, I really get a kick out of trying to make that impression on women where you immediately get put in a way higher bracket of potential sexual interest. (Some women will definitely give you a "no thanks" when you're very direct, but if that happens chances are you saved yourself some time with what-ifs and can go find the women who do want you.)
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 29th, 2022, 10:52 am
I think modern dating culture is a detriment to relationships and just makes everything seem forced and unnatural, like you're trying to be the person you think they expect you to be. But this is different when a strong friendship has already been established and the trust is already there. I think these kinds of relationships are probably more likely to succeed.
This is pretty interesting, I couldn't agree more with you saying that you should not be "trying to be the person you think they expect you to be." I'm no expert on how contemporary generations of normies are f***ing themselves (and each other) up with bullshit neurotic behavior in the modern dating scene, but any sort of gameplaying or mind games is a bad idea IMO:
In my opinion, you really want to make that impression where even though you have some gentlemanly social skill and a sense of humor (so she doesn't have to worry about you doing something totally Travis Bickle-ish out of the blue), you seem like you're a strong confident man who already has strong goals of your own and is moving forward on your own momentum to get what you want and take what you want in life, which is a lot of times the kind of guy heterosexual women actually wish they could get nailed by if they can find one who desires and appreciates her...

I know I say this a lot, but I think the Connery and Dalton James Bonds (and the Moore for guys who are possibly a little further on the docility scale vs the primal masculinity of the other two) are the best role models to learn from, because they are very civilized yet still have that decisive masculine and direct approach with women. I think I said something about Connery maybe seeming a little glib sometimes a while ago, but after I started re-watching the old Bonds I changed my mind and think even if he does seem a little self-aware, Connery's approach is so golden compared with the horse-shit I see modern day men doing that I think if a lot of those men's rights betas would stop bitching and just read some bodice ripper romance novels + watch those films and gradually work on adapting that kind of vibe to make it their own, they'd go from yapping that "women have all the power" to realizing *they* actually have the power, at least over more women than they'd have time for, LOL. :lol:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by WilliamSmith »

MrMan wrote:
June 30th, 2022, 2:30 pm
@WilliamSmith it is very indirect, but some men on the forum seem shy or afraid of getting arrested (or the death penalty) for asking a girl out.

This is also something you can say to a girl while leading up to asking her out to read her body language and gauge her interest. Some girls may not pay you any attention until you show interest and then they like you.
Yeah, fair points for sure! And I'm glad you want to help them.

Not my area of expertise since I definitely strongly prefer the one-man approach with just me and the women and don't even want to go out with male partners if I'm going after the women personally, but FYI to anyone interested:
There's actually a whole sub area of the PUA/seduction literature I remember seeing that focuses more on in-group and social network dynamics, which would include stuff like organization and church settings. (And me using "PUA" for lack of a better term does not mean it has to be anything overly casual or "hookup culture" in any way, it could on the contrary be the kind of thing that even helps a big win happen for "no sex before marriage" religious people, in theory.)
I didn't read much of that because like I said I prefer the polar opposite approach, but if I run across any of it that might help with this approach maybe I'll come back and share it. :D

Oh, one other thing: @Yohan I think mentioned an approach like this before for more conservative circles in Japan where you ask around if there's any single women looking and might get such "referrals" as long as you know the people you're asking well enough (LOL), and @Outcast9428 mentioned it too where Asians more often have an in-group thing going in their social conditioning. (I have no clue about dealing with that kind of stuff personally, but I know you're right that it's definitely a way a lot of Asians do things. I had to jump in to a different thread to point out that the entire traditional society does not actually do it that way in those countries because it's a well known thing decent looking white guys who know what they're doing can get more Asian women more casually than any one man has time for, but it IS true that tons of Asians do in fact do things that way, so that's good for guys who like this approach.)
Once again one of those convenient examples of where the women we'd each want are in very different groups, even if we were all stuck in the same area: I'd be aggressively closing the deal on the man-eating Asian tiger women with white fever who Asian men tend to think are too aggressive, outspoken, "Westernized," and "feminist," but more traditional or cautious guys could be doing it this way and scoring with a completely different subset of women who wouldn't want to get nailed by the guys like me at all. :lol:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by Outcast9428 »

@WilliamSmith Yeah part of the reason why I don’t want to do a direct approach in Asia or use dating apps is because I feel like that will get me the wrong kind of girl. I’m not trying to get the kind of Asian girl who wants to escape her culture. I want a true Asian girl. The way to get a real Asian girl is through playing by the rules of their society.
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by WilliamSmith »

Outcast9428 wrote:
July 1st, 2022, 11:23 am
@WilliamSmith Yeah part of the reason why I don’t want to do a direct approach in Asia or use dating apps is because I feel like that will get me the wrong kind of girl. I’m not trying to get the kind of Asian girl who wants to escape her culture. I want a true Asian girl. The way to get a real Asian girl is through playing by the rules of their society.
I think that might work out great for you @Outcast9428, a lot of Japanese women (and I'm pretty sure many other Asian women, Vietnamese, Thai Chinese, Taiwanese, etc) are VERY open to dating a nice gentlemanly white man even if the majority is for their own men, but the reason a lot of the more traditional ones fantasize about a white heart-throb but don't necessarily expect it to work out IRL is they just frankly are well aware that they have both very different cultural conditioning, and also a very different language that takes a lot of work to learn to be able to really communicate effectively. But if you did learn their language and culture, it might work out great!
It's interesting to talk to (or listen to, or watch YT vids of) Japanese talking about this type of thing, because they are way more circumspect due to cultural conditioning, and yet often LESS brainwashed and hypnotized into perverse self-censorship and Orwellian reality-denial than the majority of our judaized 'Western' stock tend to be, LOL.
A lot of Asian men are upset with white men because of how many of those went swarming over there nailing too many of their chicks while acting arrogant and being disrespectful (no wonder they don't like that, LOL!).
It makes me a bit sad thinking on that, because in the old days (e.g. 1990s) there was a good vibe with most Asians in the jewnited states as well and they really seemed to like it and respond favorably if you were genuinely interested in their language and cultures. These days I've seen online evidence that a lot of the 'Asian Americans' have been flipped over into a mixture of feeling humiliated + hating white men (though they all hate black men more and get violent attacks by black men far more than whites), and the ZOG's campaigning directly for destruction of China, and indirectly for destruction of Japan, and pretty much everyone else via globohomo. Actually Japanese at least on the surface have always struck me as less of a bunch of crybabies, but anyway....
Dammit, let me stay positive here:
My impression is that someone like you could probably put yourself in another category where you were expected and even valued. I'm worried about Japan, but the fact that they've opened themselves up to so much foreign integration and are so weakened they even allow foreigners to buy foreign real estate in Japan is a double-edged sword: I wish they had not done that, but you guys who feel like you do and love their cultures shouldn't hesitate to go there and join with more traditionally minded people. Their population decline has even led to amazing opportunities where you can even go and be part of a low-population rural village or town (or even small city), some people even can get paid to move into a vacant property if they take over maintenance and tax duties, etc. More on that later maybe.
People who really don't belong in Japan at all are already doing that, so guys like you who actually respect their culture should look into it! :o
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by Outcast9428 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 1st, 2022, 11:55 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
July 1st, 2022, 11:23 am
@WilliamSmith Yeah part of the reason why I don’t want to do a direct approach in Asia or use dating apps is because I feel like that will get me the wrong kind of girl. I’m not trying to get the kind of Asian girl who wants to escape her culture. I want a true Asian girl. The way to get a real Asian girl is through playing by the rules of their society.
I think that might work out great for you @Outcast9428, a lot of Japanese women (and I'm pretty sure many other Asian women, Vietnamese, Thai Chinese, Taiwanese, etc) are VERY open to dating a nice gentlemanly white man even if the majority is for their own men, but the reason a lot of the more traditional ones fantasize about a white heart-throb but don't necessarily expect it to work out IRL is they just frankly are well aware that they have both very different cultural conditioning, and also a very different language that takes a lot of work to learn to be able to really communicate effectively. But if you did learn their language and culture, it might work out great!
It's interesting to talk to (or listen to, or watch YT vids of) Japanese talking about this type of thing, because they are way more circumspect due to cultural conditioning, and yet often LESS brainwashed and hypnotized into perverse self-censorship and Orwellian reality-denial than the majority of our judaized 'Western' stock tend to be, LOL.
A lot of Asian men are upset with white men because of how many of those went swarming over there nailing too many of their chicks while acting arrogant and being disrespectful (no wonder they don't like that, LOL!).
It makes me a bit sad thinking on that, because in the old days (e.g. 1990s) there was a good vibe with most Asians in the jewnited states as well and they really seemed to like it and respond favorably if you were genuinely interested in their language and cultures. These days I've seen online evidence that a lot of the 'Asian Americans' have been flipped over into a mixture of feeling humiliated + hating white men (though they all hate black men more and get violent attacks by black men far more than whites), and the ZOG's campaigning directly for destruction of China, and indirectly for destruction of Japan, and pretty much everyone else via globohomo. Actually Japanese at least on the surface have always struck me as less of a bunch of crybabies, but anyway....
Dammit, let me stay positive here:
My impression is that someone like you could probably put yourself in another category where you were expected and even valued. I'm worried about Japan, but the fact that they've opened themselves up to so much foreign integration and are so weakened they even allow foreigners to buy foreign real estate in Japan is a double-edged sword: I wish they had not done that, but you guys who feel like you do and love their cultures shouldn't hesitate to go there and join with more traditionally minded people. Their population decline has even led to amazing opportunities where you can even go and be part of a low-population rural village or town (or even small city), some people even can get paid to move into a vacant property if they take over maintenance and tax duties, etc. More on that later maybe.
People who really don't belong in Japan at all are already doing that, so guys like you who actually respect their culture should look into it! :o
I also feel sad about the implicit Asian-white alliance breaking down. In the 90s and 2000s it seemed strong but too many Asians went to those rotten California universities and got taught that “white supremacy” was why they feel humiliated. Still it does give me comfort seeing that both Hispanics and Asians are really turning against the Democratic Party now. If the same happens in California then as shocking as it sounds California might flip red.

Despite all the conversation surrounding it… Japan, Thailand, and the Philippines only have about 200,000 white Europeans living in each of them. Of course I imagine that the vast majority of them are men so it’s approximately 600,000 white men between the three of them. Not sure about the other Asian countries but I imagine their numbers are fewer. In comparison to their populations though there really aren’t that many white guys so I don’t think the Asian guys there have to worry too much about white guys stealing all their women.

@WanderingProtagonist mentioned that the Philippines has an unusually high number of homosexual men. Looking into it it does seem that 11% of the Philippines is some kind of lgbt. He even said one Filipina girl told him the reason she married a foreign guy was because of how many gay men there are there.

It seems to me that traditional cultures end up banning polygamy so that there’s enough wives for all the men and then banning homosexuality so that there’s enough husbands for the women. Western women may have been brainwashed into thinking gayness is the best thing ever but it’s not really natural for women to encourage homosexuality in men.

As far as I’m concerned no Filipina girl deserves to live without a husband :lol: and it does ease my guilt about taking a Filipina wife knowing that so many guys there would rather ram each other for what reason I cannot comprehend.
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by MrMan »

Outcast9428 wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 10:31 am
As far as I’m concerned no Filipina girl deserves to live without a husband :lol: and it does ease my guilt about taking a Filipina wife knowing that so many guys there would rather ram each other for what reason I cannot comprehend.
I don't think I've ever felt the tiniest bit of guilt for marrying an Indonesian, as if I were taking a wife away from an Indonesian. I don't think marriage is locked in to national borders. One of my co-workers once was a Filippina who had married an Indonesian. That one marriage can count as a foreign wife to offset my marriage if there needs to be one.
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Outcast9428 wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 10:31 am
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 1st, 2022, 11:55 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
July 1st, 2022, 11:23 am
@WilliamSmith Yeah part of the reason why I don’t want to do a direct approach in Asia or use dating apps is because I feel like that will get me the wrong kind of girl. I’m not trying to get the kind of Asian girl who wants to escape her culture. I want a true Asian girl. The way to get a real Asian girl is through playing by the rules of their society.
I think that might work out great for you @Outcast9428, a lot of Japanese women (and I'm pretty sure many other Asian women, Vietnamese, Thai Chinese, Taiwanese, etc) are VERY open to dating a nice gentlemanly white man even if the majority is for their own men, but the reason a lot of the more traditional ones fantasize about a white heart-throb but don't necessarily expect it to work out IRL is they just frankly are well aware that they have both very different cultural conditioning, and also a very different language that takes a lot of work to learn to be able to really communicate effectively. But if you did learn their language and culture, it might work out great!
It's interesting to talk to (or listen to, or watch YT vids of) Japanese talking about this type of thing, because they are way more circumspect due to cultural conditioning, and yet often LESS brainwashed and hypnotized into perverse self-censorship and Orwellian reality-denial than the majority of our judaized 'Western' stock tend to be, LOL.
A lot of Asian men are upset with white men because of how many of those went swarming over there nailing too many of their chicks while acting arrogant and being disrespectful (no wonder they don't like that, LOL!).
It makes me a bit sad thinking on that, because in the old days (e.g. 1990s) there was a good vibe with most Asians in the jewnited states as well and they really seemed to like it and respond favorably if you were genuinely interested in their language and cultures. These days I've seen online evidence that a lot of the 'Asian Americans' have been flipped over into a mixture of feeling humiliated + hating white men (though they all hate black men more and get violent attacks by black men far more than whites), and the ZOG's campaigning directly for destruction of China, and indirectly for destruction of Japan, and pretty much everyone else via globohomo. Actually Japanese at least on the surface have always struck me as less of a bunch of crybabies, but anyway....
Dammit, let me stay positive here:
My impression is that someone like you could probably put yourself in another category where you were expected and even valued. I'm worried about Japan, but the fact that they've opened themselves up to so much foreign integration and are so weakened they even allow foreigners to buy foreign real estate in Japan is a double-edged sword: I wish they had not done that, but you guys who feel like you do and love their cultures shouldn't hesitate to go there and join with more traditionally minded people. Their population decline has even led to amazing opportunities where you can even go and be part of a low-population rural village or town (or even small city), some people even can get paid to move into a vacant property if they take over maintenance and tax duties, etc. More on that later maybe.
People who really don't belong in Japan at all are already doing that, so guys like you who actually respect their culture should look into it! :o
I also feel sad about the implicit Asian-white alliance breaking down. In the 90s and 2000s it seemed strong but too many Asians went to those rotten California universities and got taught that “white supremacy” was why they feel humiliated. Still it does give me comfort seeing that both Hispanics and Asians are really turning against the Democratic Party now. If the same happens in California then as shocking as it sounds California might flip red.

Despite all the conversation surrounding it… Japan, Thailand, and the Philippines only have about 200,000 white Europeans living in each of them. Of course I imagine that the vast majority of them are men so it’s approximately 600,000 white men between the three of them. Not sure about the other Asian countries but I imagine their numbers are fewer. In comparison to their populations though there really aren’t that many white guys so I don’t think the Asian guys there have to worry too much about white guys stealing all their women.

@WanderingProtagonist mentioned that the Philippines has an unusually high number of homosexual men. Looking into it it does seem that 11% of the Philippines is some kind of lgbt. He even said one Filipina girl told him the reason she married a foreign guy was because of how many gay men there are there.

It seems to me that traditional cultures end up banning polygamy so that there’s enough wives for all the men and then banning homosexuality so that there’s enough husbands for the women. Western women may have been brainwashed into thinking gayness is the best thing ever but it’s not really natural for women to encourage homosexuality in men.

As far as I’m concerned no Filipina girl deserves to live without a husband :lol: and it does ease my guilt about taking a Filipina wife knowing that so many guys there would rather ram each other for what reason I cannot comprehend.
It's not just the regular homosexual men, it's mostly the transgenders that outnumber men who identify as men. Filipina women like in the same boat as Thai women their society is known for having a lot of transgender people. Unlike America, Canada, etc where they have their own communities. In Thailand and The Philippines you will come across these people in bars, shopping centers, hair salons, food courts, malls, they are literately everywhere, some of them even go and hang out at bars among a lot of straight/hetero people too vs just sticking to only gay bars among their own kind. In the U.S. you have to be actually looking for these people to meet them, out there?

Nope, they are right there out in the open among the regulars of society they don't have to live within a community dedicated strictly to them so they blend right in with actual women. Truth is, there are a lot of single trans and actual women in the Philippines as a result of that, women might have a hard time meeting a Filipino man, not just because a lot of them want to be women or gay. But because they also say that most Filipino men don't seem to care all that much to pursue women aggressively. But there are still plenty of men there with families and wives, plus some women also don't like the whole mistress thing either which I've been told some men will have a wife girlfriend but a mistress on the side which is super common among Filipino males. But I ran into some filipina women that were actually okay with their husband having a mistress.

As for Japanese women, I'd leave those women alone if I was ever going to bother with Asian women. I use to see Chinese looking women all the time with white men, but the main reason a lot of them do this stuff is because the majority of them hate themselves which is why they get all crazy about having half white kids and shit because they don't want them to look Asian. People say plastic surgery in Korea is real bad and out of control because so many people there do it. Here in the U.S. mostly only celebrities do that stuff but hardly do every day people bother with plastic surgery mostly because they can't afford it.
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by Outcast9428 »

@MrMan You're right, I really shouldn't feel guilty.


I cannot help but feel that you are exaggerating. The percentage of transgenders in the Philippines and Thailand is still only 0.8%. There is no way they are outnumbering normal men.

90% of the population in the Philippines and Thailand still gets married. For the Philippines, 11% of men and 9% of women never marry. For Thailand, 7% of men and 12% of women never marry. That puts their numbers very similar to America in the 1950s when 10% of men and 5% of women never got married.

Considering there are a lot more homosexuals in the Philippines and Thailand then there were in 1950s America, I think its safe to assume the rise in unmarried is being caused by higher levels of homosexuality rather then disinterest in marriage which, from what I've heard, there isn't any of in the Philippines or Thailand. All I've heard is that girls there are very eager to get married.

These countries may not be perfect but the idea of a country out there that criminalizes violent, sick porn, and where girls still idolize love and marriage and dream of it, where girls still like gentle guys who love them back warms my heart. Honestly, I think its worth it to be impoverished in order to keep that alive. To just have girls who really do want to be loved and are eager to be in the heart of a good man.
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by WilliamSmith »

Good post @WanderingProtagonist, I personally agree there's too many transexuals and homos over there in Thailand and Phillipines to be a healthy place for a family even though I do think they're really wonderful countries and like their traditional culture. But this statement here is something you often hear Asian incels latch onto a lot, but not really true as broadly as they'd like everyone to think:
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 4:12 pm
I use to see Chinese looking women all the time with white men, but the main reason a lot of them do this stuff is because the majority of them hate themselves which is why they get all crazy about having half white kids and shit because they don't want them to look Asian.
So frankly, that's just NOT true, as a general thing: I 100% understand where angry Chinese guys are coming from on not wanting to be insulted by arrogant white men nailing too many of their chicks, and Emperor Xi is someone I've got hope for that he's going to play a great role in this world to hit back against ZOG and the jews that destroyed China by putting in the opium trade and f***ing them up back last century, and is now campaigning heavily to destroy modern China now by having Soros attack them and jews try to open their markets to satanic tranny Ayn Rand vulture capitalism and globohomo, so good luck China!
But when it comes to the Chinese women:
It's just not true most of them hate themselves even if they want white men, the problem is a lot of them just feel that way about us whites who are comparatively more aggressive and romantic because too many Chinese men might be cool and not have anything wrong with them at birth but they're frankly culturally conditioned to act like entitled wimps, and so the women don't feel appreciated or aroused if they unfortunately are surrounded by men like that. (And the old foolishness about penis size is a total distraction, by the way, a common one men have been misguidedly obsessed with, but trust me on this one, the #1 complaint from women about size is not men being too small, it's their husbands and boyfriends with a big schlong bruising their cervix, LOL. Learn that "welcomed method" stuff and good fingering techniques among other things, hypnotism, LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Anyway, it's similar with sexually aggressive and confident men of whatever race (black and Latino most infamously LOL) going after white women after the white women have a long history of being around piece of !@#$ worthless weak white lib faggots or other white men who aren't necessarily so bad as that, but even if the women wanted those men as their first choice, too many of the men lacked confidence and weren't sexually aggressive and didn't approach the white women, so some white women for a long time before the jews really started firehosing the "cuckolding porn" bullshit were already asking "why don't white guys hit on me", so some ended up with the blacks/browns/etc, but they weren't all self-haters:
We both know the piece of !@#$ jew pornographers try to humiliate white and Asian men with their "cuckolding" propaganda (among others, but especially them since white and Asian countries are at the top of their hitlist of nation destroying campaigns), because they want to drive a wedge between men and women, as well as young vs old, one race vs another, etc.
But we men have to do our part here too: The white men and Asian men being too much of a bunch of passive wimps just opened the field for men who go after the women, but the Chinese women are DEFINITELY not all self-haters even if they want white men. :)
In fact, tons of Chinese women are overtly downright proud of Chinese culture and think China is superior in everything even if they're hot to ball with a white man (and possibly marry one too): :lol:
I have read some quotes from ones in "Asian American" culture who say they felt self-loathing because (without trying to be hurtful to them) they're frankly being weak in not feeling like the majority pop culture beauty ideal because they're being "normies" instead of finding real confidence and believing in themselves, and there's some black women who feel similarly (though they unfortunately also tend to get torn down by some black men who say mean things about them)...
But it's about 100x easier to get native Chinese even than "Asian American" girls, and they're NOT all self-haters, LOL, they often think everything about China is superior even if they want a white man.
As for the children: Frankly most whites and Asians think they're really good looking. Sure, not all (Anthony Wong's badass and was up to his ears in p***y being a womanizer far worse than me I heard, LOL), but many are:
Brandon Lee, Michael Wong, Russel Wong, LOL, they're good looking. :wink:
There's Michael Wong at left in City Hunter, one of my old Hong Kong favorites :mrgreen:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 3rd, 2022, 12:02 am
Good post @WanderingProtagonist, I personally agree there's too many transexuals and homos over there in Thailand and Phillipines to be a healthy place for a family even though I do think they're really wonderful countries and like their traditional culture. But this statement here is something you often hear Asian incels latch onto a lot, but not really true as broadly as they'd like everyone to think:
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
July 2nd, 2022, 4:12 pm
I use to see Chinese looking women all the time with white men, but the main reason a lot of them do this stuff is because the majority of them hate themselves which is why they get all crazy about having half white kids and shit because they don't want them to look Asian.
So frankly, that's just NOT true, as a general thing: I 100% understand where angry Chinese guys are coming from on not wanting to be insulted by arrogant white men nailing too many of their chicks, and Emperor Xi is someone I've got hope for that he's going to play a great role in this world to hit back against ZOG and the jews that destroyed China by putting in the opium trade and f***ing them up back last century, and is now campaigning heavily to destroy modern China now by having Soros attack them and jews try to open their markets to satanic tranny Ayn Rand vulture capitalism and globohomo, so good luck China!
But when it comes to the Chinese women:
It's just not true most of them hate themselves even if they want white men, the problem is a lot of them just feel that way about us whites who are comparatively more aggressive and romantic because too many Chinese men might be cool and not have anything wrong with them at birth but they're frankly culturally conditioned to act like entitled wimps, and so the women don't feel appreciated or aroused if they unfortunately are surrounded by men like that. (And the old foolishness about penis size is a total distraction, by the way, a common one men have been misguidedly obsessed with, but trust me on this one, the #1 complaint from women about size is not men being too small, it's their husbands and boyfriends with a big schlong bruising their cervix, LOL. Learn that "welcomed method" stuff and good fingering techniques among other things, hypnotism, LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Anyway, it's similar with sexually aggressive and confident men of whatever race (black and Latino most infamously LOL) going after white women after the white women have a long history of being around piece of !@#$ worthless weak white lib faggots or other white men who aren't necessarily so bad as that, but even if the women wanted those men as their first choice, too many of the men lacked confidence and weren't sexually aggressive and didn't approach the white women, so some white women for a long time before the jews really started firehosing the "cuckolding porn" bullshit were already asking "why don't white guys hit on me", so some ended up with the blacks/browns/etc, but they weren't all self-haters:
We both know the piece of !@#$ jew pornographers try to humiliate white and Asian men with their "cuckolding" propaganda (among others, but especially them since white and Asian countries are at the top of their hitlist of nation destroying campaigns), because they want to drive a wedge between men and women, as well as young vs old, one race vs another, etc.
But we men have to do our part here too: The white men and Asian men being too much of a bunch of passive wimps just opened the field for men who go after the women, but the Chinese women are DEFINITELY not all self-haters even if they want white men. :)
In fact, tons of Chinese women are overtly downright proud of Chinese culture and think China is superior in everything even if they're hot to ball with a white man (and possibly marry one too): :lol:
I have read some quotes from ones in "Asian American" culture who say they felt self-loathing because (without trying to be hurtful to them) they're frankly being weak in not feeling like the majority pop culture beauty ideal because they're being "normies" instead of finding real confidence and believing in themselves, and there's some black women who feel similarly (though they unfortunately also tend to get torn down by some black men who say mean things about them)...
But it's about 100x easier to get native Chinese even than "Asian American" girls, and they're NOT all self-haters, LOL, they often think everything about China is superior even if they want a white man.
As for the children: Frankly most whites and Asians think they're really good looking. Sure, not all (Anthony Wong's badass and was up to his ears in p***y being a womanizer far worse than me I heard, LOL), but many are:
Brandon Lee, Michael Wong, Russel Wong, LOL, they're good looking. :wink:
There's Michael Wong at left in City Hunter, one of my old Hong Kong favorites :mrgreen:
Except Brandon Lee literately looks 100% white and nothing at all like Bruce Lee. And there are a lot of self hating Asians, the main ones say stuff like "I don't like Asian men because they look like my brother." And I've read articles in the past by some of these women that literately said they hated Asian features like the slanted eyes, and all that. Then you have places like Korea where some of them will bleach their skin, eye surgery, dye their hair blond to look white, etc.

You're going to get wimpy, weak men in every culture just like you're going to get shitty unfeminine women in every culture. Anybody that thinks all Asian women are passive and feminine are blind and don't pay any attention since China is notorious for people spitting in public and I've seen videos of Chinese women literately doing this in public, there's nothing feminine what so ever about a woman doing this.

Back in my elementary days there use to be these groups of Hmong girls I knew that use to spit on the ground all the time. Sure they aren't all self hating, but most Asians literately do only prefer white men due to self hatred reasons especially the heavily white washed ones in America. There was a blog written by an Oriental woman I read back when I was 16 years old and she covered that better than anyone. It's the opposite of the Asians that date blacks and try to talk as if they are from the ghetto.

China also have plenty of feminist over there as well. Even Jet Li started acting like he admired "strong" Chinese women which is how feminism seeps into these countries. Mulan itself is a feminist movie so the Chinese aren't all that "resistant" to everything.
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Re: A Non-Threatening Dating Strategy

Post by WilliamSmith »

Well LOL I don't think so, that's your view but not mine: Brandon Lee does not look 100% white, that's just how you see it. To me he's an obvious good-looking half Chinese. Anyway, that's Bruce Lee's kid and Bruce Lee was nailing a zillion women as well as his wife, so obviously "self-hatred" has nothing to do with Brandon Lee, LOL.
This amuses me though, because to most whites, mulattos and even quadroons supposedly look "black," but to me I'm spoiled by black women and so to me the mullatos and even paler ones all look white. Well, they look like caramel colored "whites" rather than actual Germanics or Nordics, but they sure don't look black to me! :lol:

Fair enough to say there's more self-hating "Asian Americans" because the "diverse" jewnited states is a big sham created by jews who flooded all types of people in here and then set about using the media they control via tribal mafia networking to make all gentiles hate each other and themselves, but I'm not wrong that a lot of Chinese women like white men just because they think they're handsome and think the mixed kids are good-looking.
Also I don't know anything about Jet Li (and Disney got taken over by sexually perverted jews quite a while ago so it wouldn't shock me if Mulan was globohomo propaganda, but I never saw it), but some of us like strong women because they make stronger and braver mates than wimpy weak submissive women, who might be cute like pets but are going to be useless if the shit hits the fan.
Strong masculine man + strong feminine woman = the ideal match to me.
That's fine if you have other preferences, but my point here is: Liking strong women has nothing to do with "feminism" where it was originally just a women's rights thing where they wanted to be allowed to vote and not get abused and so on, but then sexually perverted schizo female jews took it completely over to transform it into part of their tribe's war to destroy fundamental gentile families, their values, and now even claim gender itself (as well as race) is supposedly a "supremacist" construct that needs to be destroyed.
But if the jews were wiped off this planet (ahhh, what a nice thought) then strong masculine men would still want strong feminine women like I do now, because they make better mates and make us feel like studs if we're man enough to turn them on, LOL.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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