What's the best non-Western country to live in?

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What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by MoreMinerals »

Based on beautiful women, food, entertainment, weather, amenities, and ease of expatriation, which non-Western country would you recommend as being the best?

If you wish to suggest Japan, I would be OK with that. Just please specify your reasoning.

In you're experience, based on women, good food, weather, amenities, and internet reliability, which non-Western country in your opinion is the best?
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by Bao3niang »

I would not suggest Japan for a number of reasons. It's interesting how Japan is the Asian country that Westerners seem to have a fetish for. I've never seen the same reception towards China, Viet Nam, etc. Yet the majority of Westerners are quite ignorant about the realities of living in Japan:

1. If you are a deep, introverted, feeling type, the societal pressure in Japan will make you feel extremely alienated. The Japanese as a whole tend to place a lot of emphasis on conformity to the group, on social niceties and rules, and on rituals. These things are the bane of my (textbook INFP) existence. I hate being told what to do, what to think, what to feel just because everyone else is that way. I maintain a general politeness but I won't go out of my way just to make someone feel like a god or goddess, especially if I despise them. If you work in Japan, you will be EXPECTED to attend drinking parties with your superiors and co-workers. It's an unwritten rule. I'm not a fan of drinking, I'm not a fan of most social gatherings, I'm not a fan of small talk, and I'm not a fan of hierarchy.

2. The Japanese are among the most workaholic / studyaholic people on earth. There's a reason why their suicide rates are so high. I'm the complete opposite of what Japanese society expects out of a guy. I'm not a fan of work (generally speaking) for the sake of $$, I despise the very concept of something so 'made-up' like the monetary system. I heard that if you're a family-oriented guy in Japan, which I am, and a guy who likes to enjoy live at a slow and relaxed pace (ALSO ME), you'll be viewed as the scourge of a society that paces extremely high importance on the cardinal sin known as productivity AND devoting your life to your company. Hell, women will look DOWN on you for being a family-oriented man. If you return home early every day, thinking that your wife and kids will be happy that you're trying to spend more time with them, your wife may not appreciate you but think you're useless / not well-respected. If you get invited to drinking parties by co-workers and your superiors all the time, your wife will think you have status. The Japanese education system is a training ground for obedient, subservient, corporate drones, though this applies to all formal education systems. It's an extremely high-stakes system where a couple of tests and exams may seal your fate. It's dehumanizing and merciless.

3. Japan has extremely high living costs. Your average salaryman struggles, having to earn the equivalent of like two or three salaries. You can't live comfortably as an English teacher in Japan, unlike in China / VN. Thinking about starting a business? It's almost IMPOSSIBLE for a foreigner.

4. Japanese society as a whole, due to #2 and #3, is in an extremely unhealthy condition. It has very low birth rates typical of developed Asian nations and of course Western nations, indicating a lack of prioritization in love, marriage, and family. The population is rapidly ageing and the youth aren't starting families. Heck, both genders are displaying a lack of interest in sex and relationships altogether. The women look for capable providers (and guys with status) above all, but many of the men simply don't make the cut. That's why the 'herbivore male' phenomenon is so prevalent, and I really can't blame them. In my opinion it's a better response than just giving in to the system and being enslaved for life, while your wife may think you're never 'good' enough. Now I'm sort of into anime and I'm a gamer, but whoa, dating sims as a substitute for real romantic relationships is just f***ed up. These strange obsessions adopted by male youth in Japan say loads about the circumstances they are living in, more than them as individuals.

5. I can appreciate East Asian beauty in general, but i don't like how Japanese females invest so much into cosmetics even at young ages (and increasingly young). It's fake, vain, and makes them look silly. I especially can't stand heavy makeup with lots of powder, cream, mascara, and eyeliner etc. Oh, and also clothes and handbags. It's also a thing of conformity, because the Japanese and Koreans place A LOT of importance on public image. It's so unnecessary and utterly detestable in my opinion. On the other hand, I can still find a number of women in mainland China who wear little or no makeup, and they are nowhere NEAR ugly by my standards. They seem to be a lot safer in their own skin compared to the Japanese. Unfortunately, even China is changing in this regard. If you haven't watched the SK-II commercial on leftover Chinese bitches, go do it. Just make sure you are near a toilet, as it will make you puke.

6. Japanese females tend to be more sexually experienced at younger ages. It may be a good thing if you're just looking for physical pleasure, but there's the phenomenon of schoolgirls going out with older men and offering their bodies in exchange for #5. It's unacceptable to me. Due to Japanese couples being essentially separated after marriage (because the man is usually not home), the women may initiate divorces after a while (or into middle age) and go on to pursue their own desires.

These are some of my reasons why Japan isn't a good choice. I do like Japan for some of its cultural offerings, cuisine, and I do appreciate their women at a physical level, but the numerous extremities and rigidity of a culture whose adherents are still warrior-like in many ways, and the general unhealthy state of Japanese society are huge turn-offs for me. Modern Japan is, for lack of better words, f***ing strange. It's no longer Eastern nor Western, but a decaying entity that has incorporated the worst of both (the same can be said of Singapore, Korea, Taiwan etc.). It is confused, repressive, and rapidly in deterioration. I used to fantasize about living in Japan and marrying a Japanese woman, but not anymore.

I'm an introverted type that feels deeply, that desires a simple and peaceful life, that refuses to be bound by dogma and expectations. I am what I am. What Japan as a nation believes to be right, is a physical and spiritual death sentence to me and those like me. Many people marvel at how polite the Japanese are, and how clean and orderly Japan is as a country. I know that these aspects are extremely superficial, and are no way indicative of a nation possessing real soul. In fact, these aspects may very well point to the opposite. Those who seem polite may often be the most dull, shallow, repressed, and SOULLESS individuals. I don't like such meekness. There's a difference between being gentle and soulful, and being meek as a cover-up for the lack of substance, thought, and soul within. Like Winston, I've also seen the same kind of meekness in a lot of Taiwanese. It is, quite frankly, annoying. I've noticed that this kind of person is actually extremely dogmatic and judgmental due to their conditioning. Their superficial kind of politeness, heck even their weak and shaky voices make me extremely uncomfortable. People pleasers. I've gotten out of that stage long ago.
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by JohnDoeBigBaller »

Cambodia is super easy to get a visa for. Just get a 90 day "work visa" on arrival at the airport (perhaps have some papers showing some basic employment or something) and then you just renew it every 180 days.

Cambodia isn't the most developed country but it has it's charm and there are shopping malls and lots of great food places. The women are hot as f**k. Cambodian women are basically how Thailand was before Thailand got invaded by millions of horny western men. It's still a relatively pure culture.

As for prostitution, it's open. Mostly it's either street walkers or massage parlours or bar girls. There's tons of girly bars where you go in, choose a girl, and take her back to your hotel room. Costs like 60 dollars or so.

weather- never gets cold in Cambodia except for at nights during december january

internet reliability- there's a mobile internet modem that you can use anywhere. Otherwise, you'll want to pay higher prices like 100 dollars a month for home broadband so that they will give you the best service.
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by HenryGeorge »

Bao3niang wrote:I would not suggest Japan for a number of reasons. It's interesting how Japan is the Asian country that Westerners seem to have a fetish for. I've never seen the same reception towards China, Viet Nam, etc. Yet the majority of Westerners are quite ignorant about the realities of living in Japan:

1. If you are a deep, introverted, feeling type, the societal pressure in Japan will make you feel extremely alienated. The Japanese as a whole tend to place a lot of emphasis on conformity to the group, on social niceties and rules, and on rituals. These things are the bane of my (textbook INFP) existence. I hate being told what to do, what to think, what to feel just because everyone else is that way. I maintain a general politeness but I won't go out of my way just to make someone feel like a god or goddess, especially if I despise them. If you work in Japan, you will be EXPECTED to attend drinking parties with your superiors and co-workers. It's an unwritten rule. I'm not a fan of drinking, I'm not a fan of most social gatherings, I'm not a fan of small talk, and I'm not a fan of hierarchy.

2. The Japanese are among the most workaholic / studyaholic people on earth. There's a reason why their suicide rates are so high. I'm the complete opposite of what Japanese society expects out of a guy. I'm not a fan of work (generally speaking) for the sake of $$, I despise the very concept of something so 'made-up' like the monetary system. I heard that if you're a family-oriented guy in Japan, which I am, and a guy who likes to enjoy live at a slow and relaxed pace (ALSO ME), you'll be viewed as the scourge of a society that paces extremely high importance on the cardinal sin known as productivity AND devoting your life to your company. Hell, women will look DOWN on you for being a family-oriented man. If you return home early every day, thinking that your wife and kids will be happy that you're trying to spend more time with them, your wife may not appreciate you but think you're useless / not well-respected. If you get invited to drinking parties by co-workers and your superiors all the time, your wife will think you have status. The Japanese education system is a training ground for obedient, subservient, corporate drones, though this applies to all formal education systems. It's an extremely high-stakes system where a couple of tests and exams may seal your fate. It's dehumanizing and merciless.

3. Japan has extremely high living costs. Your average salaryman struggles, having to earn the equivalent of like two or three salaries. You can't live comfortably as an English teacher in Japan, unlike in China / VN. Thinking about starting a business? It's almost IMPOSSIBLE for a foreigner.

4. Japanese society as a whole, due to #2 and #3, is in an extremely unhealthy condition. It has very low birth rates typical of developed Asian nations and of course Western nations, indicating a lack of prioritization in love, marriage, and family. The population is rapidly ageing and the youth aren't starting families. Heck, both genders are displaying a lack of interest in sex and relationships altogether. The women look for capable providers (and guys with status) above all, but many of the men simply don't make the cut. That's why the 'herbivore male' phenomenon is so prevalent, and I really can't blame them. In my opinion it's a better response than just giving in to the system and being enslaved for life, while your wife may think you're never 'good' enough. Now I'm sort of into anime and I'm a gamer, but whoa, dating sims as a substitute for real romantic relationships is just f***ed up. These strange obsessions adopted by male youth in Japan say loads about the circumstances they are living in, more than them as individuals.

5. I can appreciate East Asian beauty in general, but i don't like how Japanese females invest so much into cosmetics even at young ages (and increasingly young). It's fake, vain, and makes them look silly. I especially can't stand heavy makeup with lots of powder, cream, mascara, and eyeliner etc. Oh, and also clothes and handbags. It's also a thing of conformity, because the Japanese and Koreans place A LOT of importance on public image. It's so unnecessary and utterly detestable in my opinion. On the other hand, I can still find a number of women in mainland China who wear little or no makeup, and they are nowhere NEAR ugly by my standards. They seem to be a lot safer in their own skin compared to the Japanese. Unfortunately, even China is changing in this regard. If you haven't watched the SK-II commercial on leftover Chinese bitches, go do it. Just make sure you are near a toilet, as it will make you puke.

6. Japanese females tend to be more sexually experienced at younger ages. It may be a good thing if you're just looking for physical pleasure, but there's the phenomenon of schoolgirls going out with older men and offering their bodies in exchange for #5. It's unacceptable to me. Due to Japanese couples being essentially separated after marriage (because the man is usually not home), the women may initiate divorces after a while (or into middle age) and go on to pursue their own desires.

These are some of my reasons why Japan isn't a good choice. I do like Japan for some of its cultural offerings, cuisine, and I do appreciate their women at a physical level, but the numerous extremities and rigidity of a culture whose adherents are still warrior-like in many ways, and the general unhealthy state of Japanese society are huge turn-offs for me. Modern Japan is, for lack of better words, f***ing strange. It's no longer Eastern nor Western, but a decaying entity that has incorporated the worst of both (the same can be said of Singapore, Korea, Taiwan etc.). It is confused, repressive, and rapidly in deterioration. I used to fantasize about living in Japan and marrying a Japanese woman, but not anymore.

I'm an introverted type that feels deeply, that desires a simple and peaceful life, that refuses to be bound by dogma and expectations. I am what I am. What Japan as a nation believes to be right, is a physical and spiritual death sentence to me and those like me. Many people marvel at how polite the Japanese are, and how clean and orderly Japan is as a country. I know that these aspects are extremely superficial, and are no way indicative of a nation possessing real soul. In fact, these aspects may very well point to the opposite. Those who seem polite may often be the most dull, shallow, repressed, and SOULLESS individuals. I don't like such meekness. There's a difference between being gentle and soulful, and being meek as a cover-up for the lack of substance, thought, and soul within. Like Winston, I've also seen the same kind of meekness in a lot of Taiwanese. It is, quite frankly, annoying. I've noticed that this kind of person is actually extremely dogmatic and judgmental due to their conditioning. Their superficial kind of politeness, heck even their weak and shaky voices make me extremely uncomfortable. People pleasers. I've gotten out of that stage long ago.
Some good points Bao!
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by JohnDoeBigBaller »

Japan is way too modern, man. What you want is a more traditional culture. So choose South Korea or Taiwan over Japan. Choose Cambodia or Vietnam over Thailand.

It's also much easier to get visas for the later-mentioned countries.
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by Yohan »

MoreMinerals wrote:Based on beautiful women, food, entertainment, weather, amenities, and ease of expatriation, which non-Western country would you recommend as being the best?

If you wish to suggest Japan, I would be OK with that. Just please specify your reasoning.

In you're experience, based on women, good food, weather, amenities, and internet reliability, which non-Western country in your opinion is the best?
I can only comment about Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and some other countries in this region.
I am living in Japan, have my second home in Thailand and a fosterdaughter in Philippines.

About myself, Japan is the No. 1 place, with good income, good health insurance, low criminality, clean streets, no tips - but this country is really not for everybody, as already explained by another member of this forum. I am living in Tokyo since about 40 years.

I would say it depends on the individual, if you are still young and have to work for a living, any low-cost country cannot be not recommended, you will face problems to earn money. Better try Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore - about jobs, it depends on your qualification.

Some members will surely recommend China too.

If you are financially secure for example with a retirement allowance, you might consider some place like Philippines or Thailand/Cambodia.

Malaysia might be a good choice for retirement, but it is not that cheap if you consider long-stay and to buy your own home.

What is your present situation, how old are you, how is your financial situation, what is your educational background?

Please tell us more about yourself.

About the choice of countries maybe you should create something like an Excel sheet, listing the countries and what they offer like easy visa, good pay, cheap entertainment with girls, language issues, possible to buy your own rooms as a foreigner etc.

You will see, there is not even one country which will fulfill all criteria for you, there is always something 'missing'...
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by JohnDoeBigBaller »

Yohan wrote:
MoreMinerals wrote:Based on beautiful women, food, entertainment, weather, amenities, and ease of expatriation, which non-Western country would you recommend as being the best?

If you wish to suggest Japan, I would be OK with that. Just please specify your reasoning.

In you're experience, based on women, good food, weather, amenities, and internet reliability, which non-Western country in your opinion is the best?
I can only comment about Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and some other countries in this region.
I am living in Japan, have my second home in Thailand and a fosterdaughter in Philippines.

About myself, Japan is the No. 1 place, with good income, good health insurance, low criminality, clean streets, no tips - but this country is really not for everybody, as already explained by another member of this forum. I am living in Tokyo since about 40 years.

I would say it depends on the individual, if you are still young and have to work for a living, any low-cost country cannot be not recommended, you will face problems to earn money. Better try Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore - about jobs, it depends on your qualification.

Some members will surely recommend China too.

If you are financially secure for example with a retirement allowance, you might consider some place like Philippines or Thailand/Cambodia.

Malaysia might be a good choice for retirement, but it is not that cheap if you consider long-stay and to buy your own home.

What is your present situation, how old are you, how is your financial situation, what is your educational background?

Please tell us more about yourself.

About the choice of countries maybe you should create something like an Excel sheet, listing the countries and what they offer like easy visa, good pay, cheap entertainment with girls, language issues, possible to buy your own rooms as a foreigner etc.

You will see, there is not even one country which will fulfill all criteria for you, there is always something 'missing'...
Good point mentioning jobs, but I think most of us here are trying to become financially independent thru various methods, not thru jobs. But yes if you want a job then only Japan or Korea or Singapore will pay you anything worth a damn.
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by droid »

JohnDoeBigBaller wrote:Cambodia is super easy to get a visa for. Just get a 90 day "work visa" on arrival at the airport (perhaps have some papers showing some basic employment or something) and then you just renew it every 180 days.

Cambodia isn't the most developed country but it has it's charm and there are shopping malls and lots of great food places. The women are hot as f**k. Cambodian women are basically how Thailand was before Thailand got invaded by millions of horny western men. It's still a relatively pure culture.
The food is excellent yeah, I think better than Vietnamese food.
JohnDoeBigBaller wrote:As for prostitution, it's open. Mostly it's either street walkers or massage parlours or bar girls. There's tons of girly bars where you go in, choose a girl, and take her back to your hotel room. Costs like 60 dollars or so.
That's just outrageous, being that a local makes just $3 or $4 a day, and the hookers are mostly busted.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by Cornfed »

droid wrote:
JohnDoeBigBaller wrote:Cambodia is super easy to get a visa for. Just get a 90 day "work visa" on arrival at the airport (perhaps have some papers showing some basic employment or something) and then you just renew it every 180 days.

Cambodia isn't the most developed country but it has it's charm and there are shopping malls and lots of great food places. The women are hot as f**k. Cambodian women are basically how Thailand was before Thailand got invaded by millions of horny western men. It's still a relatively pure culture.
The food is excellent yeah, I think better than Vietnamese food.
JohnDoeBigBaller wrote:As for prostitution, it's open. Mostly it's either street walkers or massage parlours or bar girls. There's tons of girly bars where you go in, choose a girl, and take her back to your hotel room. Costs like 60 dollars or so.
That's just outrageous, being that a local makes just $3 or $4 a day, and the hookers are mostly busted.
When were you there? I was there about a dozen years ago, and the indigenous food sucked (although was cheap). The slightly more upmarket French/Western food was good. The price for hookers does seem outrageous. The price for an overnight stay with some action in the morning used to be $20. With inflation, that should now be about $35. What is the world coming to?
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by droid »

Cornfed wrote:When were you there? I was there about a dozen years ago, and the indigenous food sucked (although was cheap). The slightly more upmarket French/Western food was good. The price for hookers does seem outrageous. The price for an overnight stay with some action in the morning used to be $20. With inflation, that should now be about $35. What is the world coming to?
That was about a month ago, I'll make a report with some pics when I get a chance.

Like I've said, it's the foreigners paying whatever that ruin it where they go. Then locals lose any sense of proportion and start asking for any random number that comes to their head. Even though I can negotiate, I felt fleeced a couple of times for tuktuks and drinks, it's a different ethic than in vietnam.

I wonder what ever happened to the guy on that other thread, if he stayed or made it back home, if true at all.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by Jonny Law »

It is more fun in the Philippines :mrgreen:
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by Yohan »

Cornfed wrote: When were you there? I was there about a dozen years ago, and the indigenous food sucked (although was cheap). The slightly more upmarket French/Western food was good. The price for hookers does seem outrageous. The price for an overnight stay with some action in the morning used to be $20. With inflation, that should now be about $35. What is the world coming to?
This is correct what you write here, Cornfed. I share your observation. I has been several times in Cambodia during the last years.

About the food, you have to look out for Western food. I have to say, not bad at all, but I cannot eat what the locals are eating. No way. Just too cheap and not my taste. I do not eat outside along the streets with foodstalls.

About girls, it depends on the customer - it seems that girls from Vietnam not over 25 y/o able to communicate a little and of very white skin are maybe USD 60,- but you can find a very friendly local girl from a Cambodian village, of course with dark skin but also of same age who will be with you for full afternoon/overnight for not more than USD 20,- to max. USD 30,- even in Phnom Penh in hotels near to the river. However communication is very difficult, they have no education at all, they cannot speak any basic words in English, French and not even in Thai.
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by Yohan »

droid wrote: Like I've said, it's the foreigners paying whatever that ruin it where they go. Then locals lose any sense of proportion and start asking for any random number that comes to their head.
This is really a problem, there are coming in various idiot-men from Western countries, who feel sorry for every local girl they see, even in Thailand.
They pay huge money and them give additionally tips, so girls are just asking for that. I cannot blame them.

And then are all these do-gooders from the church, and feminist NGOs and otherwise useless people - they cannot give these girls any job, but are merely there to complain about foreign men - despite the local men are nothing better, or even worse.
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by nomadphilippines »

cambodia? really?

under developed is putting it mildly, place was devastated by civil wars for decades and is nowhere near close to recovering, the infrastructure is terrible, and who said the food is better than vietnamese?

the girls are ok looking but less attractive than viets..... cambodia is the slums of southeast asia, it is good because the visa is easy and its very cheap, but as far as livability goes its near the bottom of the list
avid follower of site about travel and girls https://guysnightlife.com
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Re: What's the best non-Western country to live in?

Post by JohnDoeBigBaller »

droid wrote:
JohnDoeBigBaller wrote:Cambodia is super easy to get a visa for. Just get a 90 day "work visa" on arrival at the airport (perhaps have some papers showing some basic employment or something) and then you just renew it every 180 days.

Cambodia isn't the most developed country but it has it's charm and there are shopping malls and lots of great food places. The women are hot as f**k. Cambodian women are basically how Thailand was before Thailand got invaded by millions of horny western men. It's still a relatively pure culture.
The food is excellent yeah, I think better than Vietnamese food.
JohnDoeBigBaller wrote:As for prostitution, it's open. Mostly it's either street walkers or massage parlours or bar girls. There's tons of girly bars where you go in, choose a girl, and take her back to your hotel room. Costs like 60 dollars or so.
That's just outrageous, being that a local makes just $3 or $4 a day, and the hookers are mostly busted.
what do you mean "The hookers are mostly busted"? Busted like they are trashy and ugly? What exactly do you mean by the term "busted"?
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