My female cultural comparison chart and new you tube channel

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My female cultural comparison chart and new you tube channel

Post by steve55 »

1) I posted this on my Facebook page ....

***INTRODUCING MY VERY POLITICALLY INCORRECT YOU TUBE CHANNELL*** (Previous post greatly revised so re posted because of that)
-You thought you REALLY knew me before? lol ha ha ha
*****ALL PROOF OF EVERY STATEMENT I MAKE IS BACKED BY LEADING US EXPERTS AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGISTS - See this clickable Table of contents for 100% scientific proof of my views here at (have to scroll to the very top after clicking this link to view the clickable table of contents quoting the experts - see Im not alone in my views, experts agree!!)
Yes, I authored and wrote this entire body of work.
Why now? My most recent trip to the Ukraine really hit me hard about the truths I speak of in these videos, in other words, my recent experiences convinced me EVEN MORE than before that I am on to TRUTH here. That's why Im fully open about it now, I know this stuff is FULL ON TRUTH.
Previously kept under wraps because up till now I cared way too much what people would think. I was worried about political correctness. But that is no longer the case. I've made a HUGE change in my life (especially here at FB) in that from now on in my life, I'm gonna be and say what I REALLY think and feel and willing to suffer whatever consequences from it. Id much rather be genuine real and free by being open about this than caged and feeling unable to be myself. If I lose friends over it so be it. Im actually expecting as much from my female friends. We'll see. I've been much happier doing it this way as I've broken free from walking on egg shells with my views. Before anyone says "what a raging asshole", think about this first,.....people have their views shaped by one thing, and one thing only...."THEIR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES IN LIFE". If someone seems negative or jaded, (though I dont like to think of this that way, I think Im being true and factual as I've learned things from my foreign travels that most men haven't experienced so they dont know, plus combined with my online research via expert Social Psychologists and relationship experts) did you ever stop to think that maybe it's because of how they've been treated by a certain group of people (good or bad) or perhaps it's based on their observations from experiences in life? At least these vieos will answer the question for some as to "why does Steve think this way". The videos at least allow for reasons and explanations. A sample of some of my better videos for those who might be curious smile emoticon

1) @7:58 AW don't need men @ 10:00 a lot of women in America's Bar/Club
scene are borderline evil
2) Difference between American and Foreign women dating profiles

3) Have American women become souless?

4) What happened that led me to conclude that generally, (not all cases) FW have bigger hearts than AW

5) Dating scene differences US vs Abroad

2) fellas, Brian mark and falcon bird suggested I post one of my Facebook posts here, so here it is below copied and pasted word for word


At my friend's (FalconBird's ) request, here below is a summation of the qualities of the women of each culture I have traveled to (or briefly lived in as the case with the Philippines for 3 months). Listed below are the qualities that stand out to me the most, that make them different than other cultures.

Politically correct homers won't like this cause it generalizes but sorry, there absolutely "is" such thing as generalities among various cultures and in this brief essay, these are the generalities from a man's point of view in the dating arena.

PS- If anyone feels offended by my post (or other posts) , sorry you feel that way as its not at all my intention. It's just that I decided to stop being a wuss and caring so much about what others think, I decided I'm going to be "ME" and true to myself and people will like or not like me based on the REAL me instead of the politically correct me. This is true freedom. The friends I have will be true friends who can handle who I am (which has been created based on my own personal experiences in life ). My only recommendation to you is that if you find my posts offensive, you can simply unfollow me or if you go so far as to unfriend me, it's ok, I'll completely understand and won't hold it against you. No worries ok? :)

1) Filipinas =
The only culture where a guy will be accepted for "who" he is as long as he is a nice guy. These women are extremely accepting of weaknesses (medical, personality flaws etc) of which women of other cultures would never be able to tolerate. Nice guys win 100% of the time. Women here are turned off by the cocky player/playboy types which are the types that so many American women uncontrollably gravitate to. By far the most non judgmental and tolerant (ease to be with or accommodating). The most light hearted - not so serious - always love to play around. Divorce is not even part of their vocabulary. By far the most friendly, the most happy, and the most HUMBLE and appreciative people. Ego and narcissism in the dating scene are totally non existent even among the knock out gorgeous model quality women. They have hearts of gold. So humble that they will deny their beauty when given a compliment about it. When I once asked a Filipina why they do this, she said "So as to pass the glory onto others so we dont get big heads", wow folks! That's humblness. More humbleness can be found in their dating profiles where they say "looking for a man who will accept me for who I am", this is extremely common, maybe said in about 30% of all profiles. Never seen those words in a Western woman's profile. Also, very common to see them specifically state in their dating profiles that they are seeking a man for marriage and family, something I've never once seen written into the dating profile here in America. (For green card nay sayers who say that's only because they are targeting foreign men so they can get a green card , sorry no dice since they also do this on the local Filipino dating sites which have no Western foreigner profiles). Their character has been shaped by hardships in life. They know what's real and what really matters in life. They work hard to support their parents and siblings (vs Americans who have a tendency to feel entitled to their parents money). Everything they have or get they share with others. Their urge to share and connect with others is unmatched by any other culture. They are the most simple/ least complicated but the flip side of this is that they are the least intellectual too, you typically won't be able to go deep with them in conversations regarding art, history, politics, or philosophy and the like. (Remember folks- these are only generalities not sayin these descriptions apply to every person). Totally do not care about money or material things in the dating scene. Extremely soulful and spiritual (most say things like "God willing" or "God bless" etc.) . Act feminine and dress that way (short skirts or dresses, ribbons, bows, or hair bands in their hair and sometimes flowers too!) Emotionally vulnerable and need men. Do not feel complete in life unless they have a man. Will show appreciation for the most simple of things you do for them such as say "Thank you" just for doing something so simple as taking them out on a date. Most under 50 speak English and they totally love Americans. 90% are thin. Love to initiate flirtation - typically by giggling while staring at you lol. One time several years ago while I was in the Philippines, a girl in the back of a pack of early 20 yr old girls yelled out to me "do you have a girlfriend?", to which I answered "no", to which she fired back, "can I apply to be your girlfriend?". Wow! That blew me away like you wouldn't believe! So cute and sweet and made me feel so happy inside. I said to myself " I LOVE THIS PLACE!! That would never happen to me in America much less with a 22 yr old (I was 45 at the time!) and much less anywhere else in the world. Anyways, this quote below is the best way to describe why I and many other guys like Filipinas so much as it is 100% accurate about them.

"In a way, it's like they give new birth to your heart, for if your heart had lost faith in love, they renew and awaken it with their child-like hope and belief in love, making it a reality for you, and make you a believer as well"
2) Latinas =
very very PASSIONATE and spicy! Strongest family values of any culture I've seen! Like Filipinos, Latinos are also very connected to one another and have the urge to connect with others. Moderately intellectual (can vary greatly among individuals). Emotionally vulnerable and need men. Very soulful and spiritual. "Generally" do not care much about money and material things. Also do not believe in divorce. Very feminine and dress as such. Emotionally vulnerable in regards to needing a man. Very turned off by the cocky player/playboy types. In most S. American countries, people are thin. Only about 15% speak English.
Will show appreciation for the most simple of things you do for them such as say "Thank you" just for doing something so simple as taking them out on a date. The first time I experienced that totally blew my mind. Just amazing "thoughfulness". In the dating scene, Latinas easily flex in age range by 10-15 years compared to about 5 years for Western women. (See my proof in the Western women section). Also, very common to see them specifically state in their dating profiles that they are seeking a man for marriage and family, something I've never once seen written into the dating profile here in America but only maybe selected in the intentions box only. (For green card nay sayers, they do this on local Latino dating sites too that have no Western foreigner profiles in them)
3) Russian/Former soviet Republics/ Eastern Europe =
Extremely intellectual and highly educated. Can go deep with you on conversations about art, history, politics , or philosophy. Will be more sensitive to a man's ability to provide in a similar way to their Western sisters. Less tolerant and accepting of one's weaknesses. (Say you have a medical issue or a personality flaw, you're likely out of luck with these ladies). A guy has to be on his "A" game to impress these ladies. Not quite as "divorce accepting/divorce prone" as Western cultures but divorce is not so out of the question as it is with Filipinas and Latinas. Not as materialistic as Western culture but on the other hand, more than even US culture, a man "MUST" be able to provide adequately or he's not going to even be be in consideration. Very emotionally vulnerable and have the strongest need for a man than any other women of any culture I've seen. These women do not feel complete without a man and a family to call their own. They long and dream for a man to win their heart and whom they can pour themselves into. To them, not having a man and/or family is equivalent to the way an American man or woman feels when he or she is unemployed - they feel like failures without this. (Literally this is true about them - once again, generally speaking of course). Very very tall! Will show appreciation for the most simple of things you do for them. Amazing "thoughtfulness" in the little things they do for you while dating or in relationships - one will often find themselves trying to out give each other in relationships with them. Very stylish and classy, dress for looks not for comfort - High heels are always a must! Always dress very feminine (skirts, sexy tight clothes, fur coats, high heels). About 85% are thin. Very direct about what they think- there is no such thing as political correctness and I greatly admire and respect them for this aspect of their culture, it's so refreshing. (Excessive political correctness is my pet peave about American culture, it drives me literally insane! Everyone is so sensitive and easily offended in America - Grow a pair America and stop being so sensitive and such wusses - Geez!) About 15-20%% can speak at least some basic English though most can speak at least two languages - multi lingual. Overall, these girls are SMART and intellectual as hell! Lastly, in the dating scene , they flex in age by 10-15 years compared to the Western women flex of only 5 years on average. (See my proof of this 5 year average flex in the Western culture section further down below) Also, very common to see them specifically state in their dating profiles that they are seeking a man for marriage and family, something I've never once seen written into the dating profile here in America but only maybe selected in the intentions box only. (For green card nay sayers, they do this on their local dating sites too that have no Western foreigner profiles in them)
4) American/Western countries = So as to not come across as just negative, I have provided sourced expert quotes by book and page number to back up my observations (*Disclaimer - exceptions to these generalities below are found with small town country women, christian women and 1st or 2nd generation immigrants such as women either foreign born and raised or who have parents that were so since their culture's good values tend to get passed down that way somewhat cushioning American culture's negative influences)
*** Divorce accepting*** -

(google it, this fact is very well documented - all social psychologists say this, but to be fair this applies to both men and women of American culture). See expert quotes on this below:

"Individualists also feel more frustration with their marriages: they criticize their partners more severely and express less marital happiness." (The American Paradox, pg 184)
"Now, (in America), most people consider it completely acceptable to divorce if you are unhappy"- (Generation Me, pg 25)
"In America, marriage is no longer idealized as self-sacrificial love or as an enduring commitment. Adults, regardless of marital status, continuously measure their marriage against perceived alternatives." (The American Paradox, pg 183).
"If individualism corrodes family commitments, we should also expect to see greater individualism linked with weaker family bonds across cultures – which we do. The United States is both the world’s most individualistic and most divorce prone nation. Britain is somewhat less individualistic, and it has barely half the divorce rate." (The American paradox pg 184)
***Divorce prone*** -

70% of all divorces initiated in America are initiated by the women. Nnot being judgmental in this, just sticking to the facts is all. Google it for verification. The experts explain how its not due to abuse as feminists will automatically spit out. Here is what Dr. Laura Schlessinger and Social Psychologist Jean Twenge says about it so you know it's not just me being negative. These are the reasons why America leads the world in divorce, this right here is the source of it. I totally see these issues much more clearly when I date foreign women abroad as it provides a comparison to compare against- the differences in attitudes and characteristics in relationships are dramatic. (again, not sayin this applies to ALL women in America, only as a trend as the MANY numerous female experts say here below)

"Unfortunately, (with women in America), love is usually looked at as a feeling that comes over you and makes you happy; and of course, if you’re happy, then you behave nicely. Somehow, the notion is out there that you’re entitled to behave badly if you don’t feel that lovin feeling. More than that, if you don’t get that lovin feeling, you’re entitled to get it somehow, somewhere, with someone else who’s available. This sense of entitlement comes from a culture that has elevated feelings over obligation, responsibility, and commitment. “I have a right to be happy, don’t I” is not an infrequent comment from callers frustrated that their marriages haven’t put them in a perpetual valium –drip state. And this focus on happiness helps them to rationalize their virtual abandonment of marriage and family, replacing it with hobbies, drugs and alcohol, work, affairs, whining in therapy or with friends and family, or hostility directed at those who love them. This is not a minor issue. This is the point I bring to the attention of many woman callers who, with unrealistic demands and outrageously negative behaviors, determine that the solution to the problems in their home is divorce. They are wrong if they think a new pair of pants will change their lives – because the same skirt wills still be in the room! "(Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 4-5)
“feminism is not only responsible for the deterioration of the family, but also for the disintegration of intimacy between men and women.” (Dr Laura Schlessinger –Proper care and feeding of husbands)
“The result is that women get married thinking largely about what their marriage and their man can do for them. And when there is so little emphasis on giving, the nitpicking and pettiness chews up and spits out what could have been a good marriage. (The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 2-3)
“Pop psyche and woman’s magazines generally recommend that when a woman is “fed up” with her life, it’s time for spas, solo vacations, more girlfriend time, plastic surgery, affairs, or divorce. This is all in the search for “getting one’s own needs met” (The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 162)
"Most of the woman we interviewed insisted they were not looking for a prince charming -then, without missing a beat, they described an equally unattainable ideal". It’s ironic that we’ve developed such lofty expectations of our potential husbands at a time when nearly 50% of marriages still end in divorce. (Dr Jean Twenge -Gen me pg 133)
"Woman have become selfish and have a sense of entitlement that is out of proportion."(Dr Laura Schlessinger –Proper care and feeding of husbands pg 55)
"This grandiose self-centeredness about the value of women, paired with a virtual disdain for men, leads woman to treat men badly. Too many woman look at men with a sense of entitlement versus an opportunity for selflessness." (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 54)
"If there is one basic assumption I believe that most married woman make, it is that their husbands are to serve them, and that any demands husbands make are insensitive and selfish. When I tell woman callers that they are obligated to their husbands for such-and-such, I generally get two reactions: The first is surprise, the second is anger over perceived oppression. Think about it for even one minute: How many woman’s mags talk about woman’s obligations to their men and children? Not many. The typical article is about deserving freedom. These days, so many young woman are products of divorces or never created homes, were neglected by career mothers, were indoctrinated by the anti-family feminists throughout their schooling, and are surrounded by a culture that glorifies selfish gratification over sacrifice." (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 32)
"The Universal complaint of men who emailed my web site with their opinions about “The proper care and feeding of husbands”” was that their wives criticize, complain, nag, rarely compliment or express appreciation, are difficult to satisfy, and basically are not as nice to them as they’d be to a stranger ringing their doorbell at 3AM! These are not men who hate their wives or who were divorced; on the contrary, they are guys who love their wives and are trying to do whatever they can to please them. However they are miserable and lonely. I’m convinced that too many wives don’t know what to do or how to communicate if they’re not complaining, nagging, or criticizing. "(Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 38 & 41)
"Far from being oppressed in marriages, most wives are the oppressors." (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 75)
"The stereotype of a woman insensitive to a man’s feelings is, unfortunately, well –earned. This problem for men is one of a severe magnitude. Many woman treat their men’s feelings with disrespect and disregard. Woman seem to imagine that that their husbands can, will, and ought to take a lot of abuse and keep on ticking" (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 79 & 81)
"The notion of “fixed roles” is inflammatory and controversial. It shouldn’t be so. I’ve said it many times on my program that woman have become denigrated by that part of the feminist movement that dismisses marriage, child rearing, and home-making as insignificant and insulting to woman. As long as woman disrespect what they have to offer as wives and mothers, they will continue to disrespect their men who serve as husbands and fathers. No one benefits. No one is happy(Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 169-170)
***Unless it's a special occasion, generally dress for comfort rather than style or looks***
Not sayin it's wrong, just sticking to observational facts is all, nothing more, and as said before, doesn't apply to ALL women, just the general trend is all.
***Extremely emotionally independent*** -
Hence do not need a man in their life to feel complete or happy (experts such as dr Laura Schlessinger and Suzanne Venker say as much and this is more than obvious to me when Im in the singles scene, vey very obvious compared to abroad). I don't need an expert to convince me of this one , though there are numerous experts who confirm this fact as shown here below:
"The feminist double whammy of the elevation of woman without men (and children without fathers) and the dismissal of men as unnecessary or even dangeroushas certainly not contributed to the kind of positive disposition that woman need in order to function well within a monogamous, heterosexual committed relationship." (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 54)
"Gloria Steinem wrote that “woman need men like fish need bicycles,” more than a generation of woman have foolishly bought that destructive nonsense and have denigrated men, marriage, familial obligation, and motherhood –all to their own detriment." (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg xxii)

***Not as feminine*** -

Not sayin this is bad ok? just sayin the facts as per the science/studies , well, and personal observation after extensive dating abroad.
As studies now show, men and women in America score equally on masculinity tests. Social psychologist Jean Twenge ( head of social psychology at San Diego state) says in her book....
"by the early 1990's men and women's scores on the scale of so called masculine traits were indistinguishable. The generational change in masculinity had turned the very definition of the scale on its head: clearly these traits were no longer masculine, but simply human" (Generation Me, pg 12)
*** Difficult to connect with*** - ( *Admittedly this issue is mostly with the under 35 crowd)
And a need to be entertained (aka: gamed) to gain their interest or attention. This is non existent abroad.
A man needs to be an entertainer, (or kind of like a clown) to get many American women's interest in the singles scene especially at the bars (being a normal decent nice guy usually gets you nowhere unless you happen to be in a country bar), hence the unhealthy attraction to the cocky bad boy types cause they come across as more exciting (many "younger" <35 women in America can't stand normal cause it's too boring for them)- hence the need to be entertained which doesn't exist abroad in the non western cultures. (Dr Laura Schlessinger even talks about this bad boy addiction among American women in her book). As accepting as Filipinas are, even they can't stand the cocky bad boy types. As a whole, non western foreign women don't like them. Western women are the only women I know of in the world who need to be "gamed" or clowned just to impress them enough to get a date with. (Disclaimer - as stated at the top of this article, not sayin "all" women in US are this way but it is a definite trend that is often talked about in hundreds of web blogs and discussion forums on the net by tons of western men and even dr Laura Schlessinger manages to touch upon this phenomenon). The existence of the pickup artist industry is solid proof of this fact. It's the sole reason why the pickup artist industry was born in the western countries in the first place and doesn't exist at all in non western countries. Ya see, western women are so difficult to impress/connect with that an entire industry was born out of a "need" for guys to learn how to connect and get dates with women here. (that's how the market place works, there must be a need in the first place for an industry to exist). Abroad, meeting and connecting with women occurs so easily and naturally that the pickup artist industry doesn't exist abroad in non western countries as there is no need or demand for it. Does that make sense? If women were as easy to meet and connect with here in the US as they are abroad, the industry wouldn't exist here as there would be no demand for it. Its pretty simple to figure.

***Narcissism*** - (To be fair, experts say that much of this narcissism exists among American men too but since I don't date men, I don't talk about it as much in regards to it's affect on dating American men - make sense? lol)

For all those who ever said I'm just negative with my posts , perhaps based on the expert quotes and article shown below, perhpas I write as I do because I am actually "right" and you aren't in my shoes experiencing how women in America are like these days in the dating scene because you arn't dating them (women) unless you are lesbian. I mean, how can you deny the evidence as shown below? Interesting enough I never hear from men that I'm negative (I think that's because they "get it" cause they experience these things too).
Secondly, before anyone gets offended by this, first read this article ok? Then it's ok to get upset at me. But READ the article first please . This article is exactly what I experience in the US dating scene but never encounter abroad. Until a guy dates abroad, he just gets used to this stuff as this article describes. Once he dates abroad, he gets a total mind blow when he FEELS whats its like to experience such a difference where narcissism as described in this expert article not only doesn't exist but is replaced by humblness in the dating scene. Thats why I write as I do because dating outside the matrix has been a total mind blow.
- ... sness.html
What Dr Jean Twenge says in these quotes here below is very very noticeable to me especially in the American singles and bar scene (lots of rude and stuck up women except in country bars where women are nice like foreign women are) and especially more noticeable after dating abroad . Social Psychologist Jean Twenge says :
“In data from 37,000 college students, narcissistic personality traits rose just as fast as obesity from the 1980’s to the present, with the shift especially pronounced for woman.” (The Narcissism Epidemic, pg 1-4)
"The upswing in narcissism appears to be accelerating: the increase between 2000 and 2006 was especially steep. The changes were especially large for women" (The Narcissism Epidemic, pg 31)
"One pattern of relationship behaviors is the “fear of settling” or “fear of missing out on the magic.” In the old days this would have been considered simple immaturity. You would have been told to “take the good with the bad” or relationships are not all about you.” Today there is a different cultural message. Our individualistic culture narcissistically teaches people not to compromise "(The Narcissism Epidemic, pg 221)
"Narcissism has corroded interpersonal relationships. There has been a switch from deep to shallow relationships, a destruction of social trust, and an increase in entitlement and selfishness." (Dr Jean Twenge - The Narcissism Epidemic, pg 27)
"There is a “what have you done for me lately?” attitude in relationships. And if the answer is “not enough”, then it’s on to the next partner –after all, goes our narcissistic culture patter, “you deserve better!” It’s difficult to focus on someone else when you’ve been taught your whole life to focus on yourself." (The Narcissism Epidemic, pg 221)
"Americans are being persuaded that becoming more vain, materialistic, and self-centered is actually a good thing." (The Narcissism Epidemic pg 38).
"In America, a corrosion of close relationships and a substitution of fantasy for reality - pain a bleak image of the world. It looks like an upside down bird's nest; a hollow vessel with an empty interior and a rotting structure" (Jean Twenge, Generation me pg 288)


*** Subconscious undercurrent of Man hate and a disdain for men ***
that affects their relationships with men without their realizing it -
As these experts point out here below which leads to the inability to have a healthy relationship with men, hence a world leading divorce rate and a record number of single people in America since men and women arnt connecting anymore (again, not among all women in America but a general trend as these "American female" experts point out)
"Feminists are women who are angry, starting with fairness and employment. Every human being should have that, but the movement was co-opted by women who didn't love either men or femininity. They rant about all this patriarchal nonsense. Women don't realize how angry they are."(Dr Laura Schlessinger –Proper care and feeding of husbands)
"How is it that so many woman are angry with men in general yet expect to have a happy life married to one of them?" (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 53)
“young women have been raised in a culture that is hostile to men.Feminism isn’t all about hating men, its largely about disdaining and dimissing them. Women don't realize how angry they are”. And The feminist double whammy of the elevation of woman without men and (and children without fathers and the dismissal of men as unnecssary or even dangerous has certainly not contributed to the kind of disposition that woman need in order to function well within a monogamous heterosexual committed relationship.” (Dr Laura –proper care and feeding of husbands pg 54)
"This grandiose self-centeredness about the value of women, paired with a virtual disdain for men, leads woman to treat men badly. Too many woman look at men with a sense of entitlement versus an opportunity for selflessness. "(Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 54)
"My experiences in private practice (as a marriage and family Therapist), on air, and with the emails, faxes, and letters I’ve gotten from my listeners draw an alarmingly clear picture of, in my opinion, gender abuse. That abuse consists of an amazingly crass disdain of wives for husbands’ feelings. And it causes husbands deep pain." (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 66)
"The destructive anti-male subtext of the modern feminist agenda argues that catering to or deferring to a husband is a slave like submission to the male". (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 149)
"Male sexuality is another subject that seems to elicit hostility in many woman. A lot is said by one spouse to another by the willingness to fulfill each other’s needs.Yet wives expect husbands to ignore their own neglected needs and hurt feelings and do for them whatever they want…..or else! I can remember one female caller in particular who complained that her husband wasn’t understanding about how tired, burdened, and overwhelmed she was. He still wanted sex. I asked her what was wrong with that since most people expect monogamy in marriages not celibacy. That seemed to startle her, but only for a moment. She hit back with the challenge, “should I be expected to have sex when I don’t want to just because he wants to?” I took a deep breath and answered , “most of the time, yes.” She was horrified and likened my response to a call for some form of slavery. I reminded her that she expected him to go to work and earn money to support the family even on days he didn’t feel like it. I reminded her it’s called “loving obligation.” (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 126-134)
"The denigration of male sexual needs (They are just animals) and the use of sex to punish or control (You didn't do what I wanted) and inappropriate prioritizing (My work and children take all my energy) are self-centered and self-defeating." (Dr Laura Schlessinger –Proper care and feeding of husbands)

I want to comment on this sexual disdain towards men's sex drive (given to us by mother nature ladies so chill about it). Women abroad do NOT have these hang ups about me's sex drive and NEVER denegrade it or use sex as a weapon like is so common in America. It's anti biblical to do so as the bible says not to withold sex from each other. Furthermore, American women have stalker fantasies. Let me provide proof for you. Just try finding any Foreign woman dating profile that uses the word "stalker" or "creep". You wont be able to find a single one! Yet browse American women dating profiles and it wont be long at all before you come across profiles that say something like "Tired of dating creepers" or "No stalkers please". I mean the commonality of this in our culture is really sick! Doesn't exist abroad, never heard it and never seen in on a single foreign woman dating profile in 10 years of doing this! Abroad women consciously and especially "SUBCONSCIOUSLY" love, admire and respect men and I totally feel it while dating there. And more proof of this disdain towards men is how men in America are portrayed as bumbling fools. When you watch a Hollywood movie, carefully observe how the men are treated. They are portrayed like whimps or children that require that the women take control. For example, Dirk Benedict the star of the 1970's hit series Battlestar Galactica commented the following of the new series remake "One thing is certain in the new un-imagined world of battlestar Galactica, everything is female driven. The male figures from commander Adama on down, are confused, weak, and wracked with indecision while the female characters are decisive, bold, angry as hell, puffing cigars (gasp) and arn't about to take it anymore". Or look at the movie "Grown ups" where men are made to be like children. Some may say "Steve, chill, don't take a simple movie so seriously " and I say true, but you don't get it, its more than just one movie, it's throughout the entire culture. Winston WU put it best when he said this "Now, I have no problem with theoretical feminism that says that women should be equal (in rights) to men. But the feminism that is applied in America is mostly a front for male bashing, female domination, and an excuse for women getting away with anything they want. This type of modern feminism is rife with double standards, exemplified in the bulk of US mass media. Anyone who’s not brainwashed can see that US feminism is NOT about equality, but about DOMINANCE of hateful females. One example is the TV sitcom Home Improvement. In it, Tim Allen is always set straight by his wife Jill in each episode and every episode ends with him admitting that Jill was right and that men ought to listen and obey their wives, which is the moral of the sitcom series. It’s as if the whole sitcom TV series is preaching some twisted form of new morality of right and wrong principles that men need to be emasculated and submit to female dominance. It’s a very one-sided principle that teaches that men are ALWAYS wrong when they argue with women". As far as what the experts say? They say this....

"By and large, men tend to get a sense of approval from their success at work and from their wives’ happiness. So talking to a grown man, the father of your children and the major financial supporter of your family, in that “mother tone,” as though he were a very naughty or irresponsible child , is in direct opposition to his wanting to have a wife and family who are in awe of him for who he is and what he does for them." (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 78)
Here are more quotes from experts about the cultural and subconcious disdain and contempt women in America have towards men - as the experts say - without even realizing it(That's the hard part for you ladies to understand cause it's not at a conscious level....
"The ugly part about the feminist movement is that it supports personal success, acquisition, accomplishment, power, and the feminist political agenda over love, marriage, and family. Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg 10)

"These calls are not aberrant. They reflect typical attitudes of a preponderance of woman in today’s America." (Dr. Laura, Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands, pg xxi)
See Suzanne Venker's WAR ON MEN that also discusses the disdain and man hate in American culture at ... izens.html
*** Obesity is rampant *** -
>75% are either obese or overweight due to a cultural habit of large portions and poisonous food full of GMO's and processed foods filled with unhealthy salts and flavor preservatives and additives that the body cannot process properly, and due to a heavy reliance on cars instead of biking and walking to get around.

This creates a serious imbalance in the dating game because you have 100% of the men chasing after 20% (who are thin) of the women. Naturally, this causes many to be too picky and have big heads instead of being appreciative and less picky whenever a man shows interest. Thats how this obesity epidemic destroys my chances to date a thin attractive and especially HUMBLE women in America! But its easy to do so abroad because most of the women are thin abroad hence the male attention is thinly spread among them all which keeps them humble and appreciative and less picky when a guy asks them out. And the man shortages in these other countries helps the equation out also. Dating thin attractive women abroad is easy money, man, so easy! But here in the US is near impossible. Every decent looking girl is either already taken or not interested. Never fails! The USA is a nightmare for dating women, a nightmare of epic porportions, and THANK GOD for abroad where model looking quality women remain humble and appreciative when a guy asks them out. It's like heaven in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe (russia and former soviet Republics).
***Nice Guys do not win and are not valued like they are in other cultures (There are exceptions of course, this is just the general trend) ***

***Age matters - a GREAT deal! Over 4 months I sent about 100 messages on 3 or 4 American dating sites and not a single f'n reply. Absolutley hidious! But guess what? When I changed my age to 35, suddenly things started happening . But because I'm a moral and decent guy, and I don't want to hurt women's feelings, I didn't go down that dishonest misleading path though I could as I get guessed in age anywhere from 28 to 34. I'm really 48 and a half. No joke, I got guessed 28 and 29 several times on my recent trip abroad and was forced to show my ID. lol. Furthermore, go to match dot com and observe what American women list as their desired age range flex for their match. It's 3-5 years only. American women are EXTREMELY age sensitive. I'm only age sensitive myself because I want children, if not for that i wouldn't be at all.
*** On a more personal note*** -
One thing that really woke me up when I traveled abroad due to seeing such drastic differences in the dating scene .....American women are the only women I know of who when in bars, can be totally rude and snobby and act like stuck up bitches. Sorry, I have to say it, it is true. (I mean, even the fatties are stuck up!) Never have I once encountered this abroad. When I approach American women just to say hi at a bar (and I'm not drunk or cocky when I do!!) their body language often says "why the hell are you trying to pick up on me, I wish you would just leave me the hell alone!" So ya see, there seems to be an narcissistic and egotistical assumption that if a guy tries to say hello, he must be "hitting on them" (even if so, oh the horridness of it right?pffft! ) or something like that when often a guy is just looking for a little friendly conversation. When you go to a club or bar, you should expect some degree of socialization with others so why get so pissed? One girl last month rudely turned to me and said "just keep on walking!" . One girl was so distressed that I sat down next to her and said "hello" that she tipped over her champaign glass and it broke in pieces on the ground due to the physically violent nature of her trying to escape me. I mean "seriously?"!! I can give tons of examples very similar to this. Only in America! I don't know what's happened to American women but it's not very nice and I don't appreciate being treated like a criminal or predator. And American women are the only women in the world that cock block!! For those of you who don't know what that is, let me explain. Cock block is when a friend of a woman assumes you to be a criminal or predator and tells you not to talk to her friend by literally pulling her friend away from you. When I extensively traveled abroad (Hitting tons of bars in many countries), never , it even once did this happen to me, (oh and for you green card theorists , never did I ever one time see it happen to local men abroad either nor did they say cock block happened to them when I would ask them about it - so stop guessing! ) Feminism has poisoned womens' minds in this country. I've consistently noticed how recently immigrated US immigrant women have never behaved these ways and are always polite and nice to me too. (To be fair, I've never experienced these issues at American country bars, country women are just as awesome as foreign women!). If you wanna see some of the worst broken women in the world, just go to a typical American bar in any American city. Seriously, sorry but it's the truth. I've been around bars of the world and seen these differences! I post what I see and have to vent and hopefully I can give some guys who experience the same some hope. There is hope abroad for kind and humble women, it exists.

Oh, and lastly, don't feel sorry for me, feel HAPPY for me that I've found my Oasis abroad :) I'm good. I just count my days and weeks to when I can get abroad again and I know some day I will find her. And to be honest, yes, I could find her here. Throughout this post I've repeatedly said these descriptions don't apply to ALL women in the US. There are some wonderful women here (almost always already taken though) Again, country women, foreign born or foreign influenced immigrant Americans and Christian women are just as awesome as foreign women, as yes, there are foreign women who are not as good as I described here. There are variations in each country to what I've described here in this post. These are just the tendencies and generalities, and experts back me on this stuff so you cant just so easily chalk this up to being negative. If all it was is me being negative, then there wouldn't be so many experts agreeing with my assertions right? :) Ok, cool!

Peace out brothas ans sistas!
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Re: My female cultural comparison chart and new you tube cha

Post by WorldTraveler »

I'd like to thank Steve for spending the time to gather all this data and make such an extensive comparison of 3 cultures. HA needs more posters like Steve! If you haven't watched his channel do. I started watching it and found all of videos very informative. I have to agree with all of them. I especially like the one about dating profiles in Latin America where he proved the girls weren't looking for a green card. He created an average Latino man looking for a girl and he got as many hits as the gringo.

I will take on part of this Email here and the rest later. I've been to all the 3 cultures that Steve compares. I hope others will give their opinions too. I've only spent a couple of weeks in Latin America, but have lived in Ukraine and Philippines. I agree with 99% of what Steve says about the 3 cultures, so I'm going to address the differences I saw. Please note, culture changes at lightning speed and things may be very different than when I was there. I’ve seen things get tougher each year in the Philippines as the girls play on the internet more and there are more local jobs.


From my limited experience with Latinas, I’d say less than 15% speak good English. I’d say it is around 5% in Columbia. When I was there I used Google translate on my phone or had friends do the translating. I don’t think Columbia is that poor. I had a local guide, tell me girls were in no hurry to marry non-Spanish speaking foreign men. He did say they prefer a good man to a young man their age. Youth and good looks can be trumped by a nice fun good older man.

steve55 wrote:In a way, it's like they give new birth to your heart, for if your heart had lost faith in love, they renew and awaken it with their child-like hope and belief in love, making it a reality for you, and make you a believer as well"
Your quote is very nice and they do make me feel young. It is very common to see them specifically state in their dating profiles that they are “seeking a man for marriage and family” I believe this is true for many, but Pinays will always say what they think you want to hear. Don’t be surprised if your marriage minded Pinay is telling several other men they are her only true love. Pinays don’t make the best choices in men and will be with a lazy Pinoy that doesn’t work while she gathers sponsors from foreigners who want to marry her and believe they are her only one. I’ve lived in Phil and there are many girls doing this. One girl in the village had 3 sponsors. The prettiest girls probably have more.

Russian/Former soviet Republics/ Eastern Europe

FSU girls are the toughest of the three. They can be big scammers. They are materialistic and will spend their last hryvnia on clothes. Ukraine and Russia have some of the highest divorcee rates in the world, maybe as high as 90%. I disagree that they have the strongest need for a man of any of the 3 countries (good fakers while times are tough in Ukraine). I’d put them third. They are the least trusting, because they grew up under a totalitarian regime. These girls are tough as nails, under any soft facade you may see. Yes, they are the most intelligent of the three groups.

I believe all three could make good wives. You need to not be in a hurry and know your future wife well before getting married. I meet many girls from all 3 backgrounds at International socials in the USA. Many came over married and are now divorced. They are here for the money… make money. 90% of the people that immigrate to America come for one reason: to make money.
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Re: My female cultural comparison chart and new you tube cha

Post by steve55 »

I stole the Philippine quote from Winston so he gets credit for that.

Interesting remarks world traveler regarding the degree to which Ukraine/FSU women need men (lack thereof I guess in your observation). Mark Davis documents a lot of stories where it comes across that they greatly Long and dream (hence need)for a man in their life like shown here (not suggesting your observation is wrong , just sayin it's interesting is all :)

For example, just look at this cover photo , man, sure looks like she needs her man?
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Re: My female cultural comparison chart and new you tube cha

Post by MattHanson1990 »

Regarding the obesity epidemic messing up the dating scene, not only it caused a bunch of men to hit on a small percentage of attractive women. Over time, the dating scene in this country got so bad for men that even undesirable women, including single mothers, are hard to get and have a shit load of options; many men have gotten increasingly desperate that they lowered their standards to rock bottom. And I think there is a shortage of women overall in the USA, caused by both the baby bust and a large influx of male immigrants. Notice that in almost every city in America, single men outnumber single women by at least 10 to 20 percent.
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Re: My female cultural comparison chart and new you tube cha

Post by WorldTraveler »

steve55 wrote:I stole the Philippine quote from Winston so he gets credit for that.

Interesting remarks world traveler regarding the degree to which Ukraine/FSU women need men (lack thereof I guess in your observation). Mark Davis documents a lot of stories where it comes across that they greatly Long and dream (hence need)for a man in their life like shown here (not suggesting your observation is wrong , just sayin it's interesting is all :)

For example, just look at this cover photo , man, sure looks like she needs her man?
I'm sure Mark is a great guy and has set up many of happy couples. Mark is also selling the dream! Did you ever see that documentary on Netflix, "Love Me"? I think that's a pretty accurate depiction of the percentage of men that find good wives in Ukraine. Good smart guys will find wives. Dumb guys will get used.

I think any good SMART American man can find a good wife in any of the 3 cultures you named. In Ukraine, I dated very pretty girls that were much younger than me. I don't think this would have been a problem if I was dating less beautiful girls. My girlfriend from my first trip to Ukraine was stunning. She is now married to a rich guy in Spain. She is on my Skype and we're still friends. My girlfriend for 7 months while I lived there was one of the two best looking girls out of 100 at the party. We got along fine for a half the time we lived together. She could be very sweet when she wanted to be, but turned into a super bitch toward the end. This isn't any different than what a beautiful American girl with options would do. She got married in a year after us breaking up. Another girl I dated, who was very pretty, turned out to be a con artist. I left her. A year later I contacted her and she told me she was married and pregnant and living in the West. I'd say when girls want to get married they want to get married. You just have to be there and be smart and chose a good girl. If I would have wanted to get married to a Ukrainian girl or Pinay, I could have easily found one to marry. It will happen in the future.

Steve, I have 100% confidence you will find a wife as soon as you are ready. Why have you not married before?
Last edited by WorldTraveler on December 13th, 2015, 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My female cultural comparison chart and new you tube cha

Post by WorldTraveler »

MattHanson1990 wrote:
Regarding the obesity epidemic messing up the dating scene, not only it caused a bunch of men to hit on a small percentage of attractive women. Over time, the dating scene in this country got so bad for men that even undesirable women, including single mothers, are hard to get and have a shit load of options; many men have gotten increasingly desperate that they lowered their standards to rock bottom. And I think there is a shortage of women overall in the USA, caused by both the baby bust and a large influx of male immigrants. Notice that in almost every city in America, single men outnumber single women by at least 10 to 20 percent.
I 100% agree with the obesity epidemic in the USA there a very few attractive girls to day. As long ago as 10 years ago, I'd notice at socials that only 20% of the guys were over weight, where 50% of the women were fat. I'm sure it's even higher now. Any thin good looking girl in America has 100 guys that want to date or marry her.
Last edited by WorldTraveler on December 13th, 2015, 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My female cultural comparison chart and new you tube cha

Post by droid »

WorldTraveler wrote:I 100% agree with the obesity epidemic in the USA there a very few attractive girls to day. As long ago as 10 years ago, I'd notice at socials that only 20% of the guys were over weight, where 50% of the women were fat. I'm sure it's even higher now. In thin good looking girl in America has 100 guys that want to date or marry her.
In addition, obesity is not the same concept on both genders, in the sense that many women like the "bear" look and feel of some guys if they have muscle as well, whereas most men won't go for a "bear" woman.
This seems a counter intuitive statement, but point here is too, more suitable men than women.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: My female cultural comparison chart and new you tube cha

Post by MattHanson1990 »

WorldTraveler wrote:
MattHanson1990 wrote:
Regarding the obesity epidemic messing up the dating scene, not only it caused a bunch of men to hit on a small percentage of attractive women. Over time, the dating scene in this country got so bad for men that even undesirable women, including single mothers, are hard to get and have a shit load of options; many men have gotten increasingly desperate that they lowered their standards to rock bottom. And I think there is a shortage of women overall in the USA, caused by both the baby bust and a large influx of male immigrants. Notice that in almost every city in America, single men outnumber single women by at least 10 to 20 percent.
I 100% agree with the obesity epidemic in the USA there a very few attractive girls to day. As long ago as 10 years ago, I'd notice at socials that only 20% of the guys were over weight, where 50% of the women were fat. I'm sure it's even higher now. In thin good looking girl in America has 100 guys that want to date or marry her.
It really gets bad once we reach our 30's and 40's. Whenever I've gone out in America, I noticed most women over 30 are either fat or obese, and a decent looking one is rare. In addition things really got bad where even women in their 50s have too many options.
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