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Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) Forums

Posted: May 6th, 2011, 11:21 pm
by The_Hero_of_Men
What do you guys think of the MGTOW forums? I just signed up for their boards under the name liquid_ocelot1987.

EDIT: The general consensus on that board seems to be that marriage, to ANY woman, Western or not, is a bad idea.

Posted: May 7th, 2011, 12:57 am
by fschmidt
Do you mean ? I hate those guys. They have a pro-Game viewpoint and are totally intolerant to anyone who doesn't conform to their view. The only reasonable MGTOW forum is .

Posted: May 7th, 2011, 2:33 am
by keius
I honestly have no issues with commitment or even marriage itself. It's just the fact that marriage is more of a state institution that skews itself to favor women and fk men over. Your essentially signing a contract that says "If we split, you are legally entitled to FK me over".

Occasionally, women do have a real legitimate complaint about men. It's the bad boys who think nothing of using women as nothing more than pieces of meat. ie. pro-game w/o commitment. These women become bitter and man-haters. These guys really don't help our cause. It's something of a vicious cycle. There are alot of these kinds of women. And there are alot of women that are witnesses to this, and with our society enabling these women, we end up with more and more femnazis. And that helps us guys even less. And then some of us become bitter and women-haters. Or at least American women-haters. :)
Sort of overly simplified but whatever. I'm tired.

Posted: May 7th, 2011, 6:24 am
by Enishi
Almost every thread in the MGTOW forum revolves around how evil women are and how the male members want to stay either celibate or just pump-and-dump for the rest of their lives.

Honestly speaking it's like a mirror image of a feminist forum where the women spend all day bitching about those evil men.

There's the occasional nugget of wisdom there but not anything you couldn't find here or on other men's sites.

Posted: May 7th, 2011, 12:11 pm
by The_Hero_of_Men
Enishi wrote:Almost every thread in the MGTOW forum revolves around how evil women are and how the male members want to stay either celibate or just pump-and-dump for the rest of their lives.

Honestly speaking it's like a mirror image of a feminist forum where the women spend all day bitching about those evil men.

There's the occasional nugget of wisdom there but not anything you couldn't find here or on other men's sites.
So, in your opinion, was it a bad idea to join this forum?

Posted: May 8th, 2011, 7:45 am
by Enishi
Not necessarily, depends on what you need I guess. Sometimes after a hard day of working at my job with difficult woman, reading that website is sort of a guilty pleasure for me, lol. The problem is that their attitude in regards to women and dating is so incredibly negative that it seeps in over time and I find myself just wanting to stay at home and play video games while gloating over AWs rotting away in a cesspit of loneliness. I don't like thinking that way and it's not a constructive way of dealing with the problems of the US.

Posted: May 8th, 2011, 10:19 am
by Grunt
Back in the 60's feminism had finally become entrenched. Then "phase 2" was implemented. A policy of "radicalization" within the feminist community began. Thus feminism mutated from employment equality, voting rights, property ownership, and other valid issues to what we all now see as flag-waving man-hater mob mentality. It was no longer about freedom for females, it was about slavery for males. Within this emerging cult of feminism were the "mystics" and "spiritual leaders" espousing their "transcendence" and "superiority".

This is the exact same scam with the mgotw crowd. With all the celtic druids and magical wizards and hokus pokus physchobabble. And most of all...just as with the feminism cult...a burning hatred for the opposite sex. Not just a certain segment, but ALL of them. And within that mindset...again just as with the cult of the borderline homo-erotic undertones of the mgtow nitwits.

These mgtow clowns have been douchebags from day one. It would seem men are less liable to falling for the same trap as the feminists did, as the mgtow "movements" is essentially stillborn. Couldnt happen to a nicer pack of dipshits.

Posted: May 8th, 2011, 4:35 pm
by The_Hero_of_Men
Grunt wrote:Back in the 60's feminism had finally become entrenched. Then "phase 2" was implemented. A policy of "radicalization" within the feminist community began. Thus feminism mutated from employment equality, voting rights, property ownership, and other valid issues to what we all now see as flag-waving man-hater mob mentality. It was no longer about freedom for females, it was about slavery for males. Within this emerging cult of feminism were the "mystics" and "spiritual leaders" espousing their "transcendence" and "superiority".

This is the exact same scam with the mgotw crowd. With all the celtic druids and magical wizards and hokus pokus physchobabble. And most of all...just as with the feminism cult...a burning hatred for the opposite sex. Not just a certain segment, but ALL of them. And within that mindset...again just as with the cult of the borderline homo-erotic undertones of the mgtow nitwits.

These mgtow clowns have been douchebags from day one. It would seem men are less liable to falling for the same trap as the feminists did, as the mgtow "movements" is essentially stillborn. Couldnt happen to a nicer pack of dipshits.
You are correct. However, some of the stuff they discuss is legitimante, some if not all.

Posted: May 8th, 2011, 5:26 pm
by keius
Enishi wrote:Not necessarily, depends on what you need I guess. Sometimes after a hard day of working at my job with difficult woman, reading that website is sort of a guilty pleasure for me, lol. The problem is that their attitude in regards to women and dating is so incredibly negative that it seeps in over time and I find myself just wanting to stay at home and play video games while gloating over AWs rotting away in a cesspit of loneliness. I don't like thinking that way and it's not a constructive way of dealing with the problems of the US.
I think alot of their day to day testimonials about their own lives, helps to keep yours in perspective.
It should keep you motivated to follow your path to salvation and avoid the temptation of falling into their evil, sinister clutches. MUAHAHAHAHAHA :roll:

Posted: May 8th, 2011, 6:49 pm
by S_Parc
Enishi wrote:The problem is that their attitude in regards to women and dating is so incredibly negative that it seeps in over time and I find myself just wanting to stay at home and play video games while gloating over AWs rotting away in a cesspit of loneliness. I don't like thinking that way and it's not a constructive way of dealing with the problems of the US.
Dude, here's the problem ... albeit, you feel that your 'off time' is now downtime, look at the alternative, you could be dating a single mom who's bilking you of your savings. I don't think you want that story to share with us.

Use that time away from the mandatory job to either one, start your own business or develop some new skills to enhance your money earning potential.

Then, at least every 6-8 weeks, plan a 3 day getaway to a gentlemen's club in Montreal & have some fun with some French-Canadian hotties. Yes, you might feel that those Quebecois are cute but don't offer 'real love' but let's get real, neither to the ones in our neighborhoods. At least there's some fun to be had over there.

Posted: May 14th, 2011, 5:48 pm
by Grunt
Every theory or philosophy must be based on a functional model.

For the "mens rights movement", for lack of a better word, it is to reestablish time tested family and cultural structures. Marriage, fidelity, honesty, know, the stuff that made America great.

The mgtow crowd is little more than a defective and defeatist cult of washouts and closet queers. So ask the mgtow guys about their plan to deal with the problem? Mumble some hokus pokus druid mumbo jumbo and spew hate. If that plan sounds very much like what the feminists do, thats because it is.

You wanna hide in moms basement and wank to porn, hey knock yourself out, more power to you. But virtual suicide is not a particularly productive game plan. Besides, I despise defeatist trolls. If someone wants to be that way, go for it, but dont try to browbeat others into being a washout.

Posted: May 14th, 2011, 8:30 pm
by The_Hero_of_Men
Grunt wrote:Every theory or philosophy must be based on a functional model.

For the "mens rights movement", for lack of a better word, it is to reestablish time tested family and cultural structures. Marriage, fidelity, honesty, know, the stuff that made America great.

The mgtow crowd is little more than a defective and defeatist cult of washouts and closet queers. So ask the mgtow guys about their plan to deal with the problem? Mumble some hokus pokus druid mumbo jumbo and spew hate. If that plan sounds very much like what the feminists do, thats because it is.

You wanna hide in moms basement and wank to porn, hey knock yourself out, more power to you. But virtual suicide is not a particularly productive game plan. Besides, I despise defeatist trolls. If someone wants to be that way, go for it, but dont try to browbeat others into being a washout.
Why do you call them "closet queers"?

Posted: May 14th, 2011, 10:26 pm
by odbo
a large portion of the American public already are closet homos. That is one of the purposes of pornography you see. Porn is inherently homosexual. And a big reason the internet was released to the people was to spread pornography. Mission accomplished.

Posted: May 15th, 2011, 12:05 am
by well-informed
Linux how is porn homosexual when you're seeing a hot ass girl getting ******

Posted: May 16th, 2011, 5:36 am
by Grunt
The whole concept of mgtow is vaguely homo-erotic. This webpage, and thus forum, deals with broader concepts of freedom and independence for all like minded individuals. To me, the mgtow crowd advocates locking yourself in the basement, hating any and all women anywhere in the world, singing to the heavens the praises of men and all things male, and surfing the net for gay porn. Why don't they just come out and admit they are queers? I would honestly have more respect for them if they did.

What someone does in their own home is their own business. Yet as far as I can tell, and from my experience, the only people that ask a question but DO NOT WANT TO HEAR THE ANSWER are people that have a hidden agenda, or have a serious axe to grind. I ran into this very same problem on the forums 10 years ago. Swarms of douchebags flooded the forum with negativity and hate. I ran with it so as the gather as much information as I could, and eventually I was able to backtrack two members to a militant homosexual internet group.

In the end there is a reason why feminism failed completely and utterly. Because feminism is a philosophy primarily based on hate and self-delusion. Very much like the mgtow crowd. Like I said, let the mgtow washouts come out of the closet already.