Is America a Jewish country, not a Western country?

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Post by Rock »

C.J. wrote:Even with the internet, most folks will NEVER piece together history at all. Because that would expose the reasons why there was history in the first place. I've only seen one site on the internet, that even attempts to connect all the dots of history, and the man who dispensed such knowledge is actively being attacked with everything the elite has. THAT is how determined they are, to keep the master secret hidden.

When you learn that your life, at best, was a position in the elite's game of chess and how our wonderful your life could've been without their influence, it is very depressing. Enough to commit suicide, if you felt there was nothing you could do.
Which site is that, pleas share.
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Post by Moretorque »

Rock wrote:
C.J. wrote:Even with the internet, most folks will NEVER piece together history at all. Because that would expose the reasons why there was history in the first place. I've only seen one site on the internet, that even attempts to connect all the dots of history, and the man who dispensed such knowledge is actively being attacked with everything the elite has. THAT is how determined they are, to keep the master secret hidden.

When you learn that your life, at best, was a position in the elite's game of chess and how our wonderful your life could've been without their influence, it is very depressing. Enough to commit suicide, if you felt there was nothing you could do.
Which site is that, pleas share.
Yaa C.J which site, put your crack pipe and joint down and share with us please.

We have the means to figure out the real history with todays technology and information, and yes most people are the dumb herd and cannot figure out they are being programmed by the state the day they are born.

Our rulers are attempting to build a civilization exclusively based on the lie, real history is in no way part of that game plan. They want a break from reality completely so they can cull us to do their bidding.

Their version of Socialism is for idiots, fortunately they figured out long ago most people are complete idiots, I mean come on the average IQ for the world is 79, the Jewish mob is just exploiting this fact for their own benefit in order to rule and bring in a " Return of the Archons with Landru " type society as you would say CJ. That was a old Star trek episode that in alot of ways parrallels with what the elite are attempting to do.
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Re: Is America a Jewish country, not a Western country?

Post by theprimebait »

Winston wrote:Check out this email I received about America being a Jewish country and deep down, as cold as Taiwan. What do you think?

The Fed and banking system, which tries to enslave everyone in debt and wreck the economy, definitely does seem to be run by Jewish usury, a practice which got the Jews kicked out of 79 countries in world history, and one of the reasons why Hitler hated them I guess. (Perhaps he was right about them?) What Hitler feared from the Jews does seem to have come to pass in America, unbeknownst to most Americans.
Dear Mr Wu:

My name is Henry and nice meeting you.

May I say something?

America is not a western country. It is a Jewish country with Greek-Roman system of government administration. However, even the ways administrations are carried out, it is Jewish.

America denounced the British way of things after Independence. The British/Western way are the very thing Americans hate, hate to the bones. They adopted the Jewish ways.

Americans, especially in the silicon valley, are very very superficial, very eastern! Do not ever think The US is a western country.

I truly lived in a western country before, so I know the difference.

Americans are like plastic mannequins with a smile whereas Taiwanese are like plastic mannequins with no facial expression.

I think the two societies are very similar and you mentioned that before. However, I think Taiwan society is not as hypocritical. People are just rude in Taiwan and cold. Americans have a smile but you approach them, you know they are very cold.

Taiwan girls are no doubt the most beautiful in Asia, and are comparable to the most beautiful females in the world, but most of them have several issues make them extremely unattractive.

1)Most of them are very cold, very unapproachable, very stuck-up.
2)Even if you can approach them, you find most of them are very simple, very narrow minded, you can not connect with them intellectually. If you try, they think you are strange and begin to alienate you.
3)Most of them get angry with you easily, for no reason at all, they make something out of nothing to lash out at you.
4)If you say Taiwan girls are simple, you may be in for a rude surprise. They have a lot of hidden messages, meta-messages when they talk, that you have to construe.
most of the ''Jews''in America are Atheists and have no ties to Jewish culture or religion.theya re Gentiles in all but name.if you've ever met Orthodox Jews you'd know they are alot like the amish in their outlooks and values.if you've ever Been to occuppied palestine,youd know the culture is very open,warm and hospitable.alot like Arab culture,because most Israelis grandparents came from Arab countries before fact Israelis are a very passionate people,and friendly people,anyone whos been there can attest to that.

While I agree american''Jewry''has a disproportionate influence on western culture,I disagree that they are fact most american Jews couldn't give a rats ass about Israel.most of them intermarry with Gentiles etc

if youve met the average Sabra,youd see they are very low IQ and could never hold a fact american Jews are disliked in Israel.

I'm palestinian,I know the culture pretty well.Most Jews aren't really bad people or cold at all.the religious oen shun materialism and the Sabras in israel are usually poor.

the negative associations with Jewry coem from the european and american ashkenazic populations wich are either long dead,too old ,intermarried and have no ties with the New sepahrdic/mizrahic Judeo-Arabic culture of israel.

pretty much the only thing these days that seperates israel from arabs is religion,they have the same culture and physichal appearance.
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Re: Is America a Jewish country, not a Western country?

Post by theprimebait »

Winston wrote:Check out this email I received about America being a Jewish country and deep down, as cold as Taiwan. What do you think?

The Fed and banking system, which tries to enslave everyone in debt and wreck the economy, definitely does seem to be run by Jewish usury, a practice which got the Jews kicked out of 79 countries in world history, and one of the reasons why Hitler hated them I guess. (Perhaps he was right about them?) What Hitler feared from the Jews does seem to have come to pass in America, unbeknownst to most Americans.
Dear Mr Wu:

My name is Henry and nice meeting you.

May I say something?

America is not a western country. It is a Jewish country with Greek-Roman system of government administration. However, even the ways administrations are carried out, it is Jewish.

America denounced the British way of things after Independence. The British/Western way are the very thing Americans hate, hate to the bones. They adopted the Jewish ways.

Americans, especially in the silicon valley, are very very superficial, very eastern! Do not ever think The US is a western country.

I truly lived in a western country before, so I know the difference.

Americans are like plastic mannequins with a smile whereas Taiwanese are like plastic mannequins with no facial expression.

I think the two societies are very similar and you mentioned that before. However, I think Taiwan society is not as hypocritical. People are just rude in Taiwan and cold. Americans have a smile but you approach them, you know they are very cold.

Taiwan girls are no doubt the most beautiful in Asia, and are comparable to the most beautiful females in the world, but most of them have several issues make them extremely unattractive.

1)Most of them are very cold, very unapproachable, very stuck-up.
2)Even if you can approach them, you find most of them are very simple, very narrow minded, you can not connect with them intellectually. If you try, they think you are strange and begin to alienate you.
3)Most of them get angry with you easily, for no reason at all, they make something out of nothing to lash out at you.
4)If you say Taiwan girls are simple, you may be in for a rude surprise. They have a lot of hidden messages, meta-messages when they talk, that you have to construe.
its true that the secular jews in Germany ,who were known to shun jewish culture(the first rhinopalsty was done by a Jewish doctor for Jews whow anted to look German)by any means,corrupted German culture and thus were rightfully hated.however I don't see what that ahs to do with Todays average israeli,whos parents parent from Germany but usually Arabic countries and or lithuania.their ancestors werent involved in Banking,most were silversmiths or illiteratte sheperds.the Jews involved in banking almost all live in America,and dont identify as jews.Im not defending Jewry here.I am not a fan of Jews.I just think alot of stuff is exxagerated.especially the Idea that american culture today has anything to do with warm,passionatte Sabra culture.fact is the coldness,superficiality of america is a result of european protestant influence.
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Post by Moretorque »

The real superficiality of America has to do with the fact it should have collapsed along time ago and a group with unlimited fake made up money has bets going back over a hundred years ago that they could take a wild west civilization and turn it into a socially engineered society by manipulating all the power centers with unlimited credit.

You are looking at the most successful socially engineered experiment ever, but what you see is a total cluster fu ck because the civilization is totally unnatural to the environment and the spirit of humans as well.

The kicker is most people are to stupid to figure out what has happened and that was the bet from the beginning.
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Re: Is America a Jewish country, not a Western country?

Post by fschmidt »

theprimebait wrote:its true that the secular jews in Germany ,who were known to shun jewish culture(the first rhinopalsty was done by a Jewish doctor for Jews whow anted to look German)by any means,corrupted German culture and thus were rightfully hated.however I don't see what that ahs to do with Todays average israeli,whos parents parent from Germany but usually Arabic countries and or lithuania.their ancestors werent involved in Banking,most were silversmiths or illiteratte sheperds.the Jews involved in banking almost all live in America,and dont identify as jews.Im not defending Jewry here.I am not a fan of Jews.I just think alot of stuff is exxagerated.especially the Idea that american culture today has anything to do with warm,passionatte Sabra culture.fact is the coldness,superficiality of america is a result of european protestant influence.
Thank you for injecting some sanity into this thread. I am Jewish and I agree with everything you say, including that the assimilated German Jews deserved to be hated. Jews are very diverse, but most here won't let the facts interfere with their conspiratorial fantasies.
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Re: Is America a Jewish country, not a Western country?

Post by Moretorque »

fschmidt wrote:
theprimebait wrote:its true that the secular jews in Germany ,who were known to shun jewish culture(the first rhinopalsty was done by a Jewish doctor for Jews whow anted to look German)by any means,corrupted German culture and thus were rightfully hated.however I don't see what that ahs to do with Todays average israeli,whos parents parent from Germany but usually Arabic countries and or lithuania.their ancestors werent involved in Banking,most were silversmiths or illiteratte sheperds.the Jews involved in banking almost all live in America,and dont identify as jews.Im not defending Jewry here.I am not a fan of Jews.I just think alot of stuff is exxagerated.especially the Idea that american culture today has anything to do with warm,passionatte Sabra culture.fact is the coldness,superficiality of america is a result of european protestant influence.
Thank you for injecting some sanity into this thread. I am Jewish and I agree with everything you say, including that the assimilated German Jews deserved to be hated. Jews are very diverse, but most here won't let the facts interfere with their conspiratorial fantasies.
This is no fantasy about the financial system that has been built and is being built world wide to control all wealth and all things that reside on planet earth. Like I posted, I do not care what people want to believe but religions have been hijacked throughout history for world conquest and I believe this is just more of the same shit.

Christianity is pretty simple, pass the word of God through Jesus's teachings. I do not know alot about other religions but it's a sure sign when something is confusing and baffeling it was designed that way on purpose because there is something to be hidden and Judaism is confusing to say the least.

You have the Torah Jew's which states in the first testament it is OK for the tribe of God to practice usury on none tribal members. How convenient, what a great way to earn a living in the name of God! Then you have the Talmudic Jew's and according to Hoffman's dissecting of the Talmud it has some very interesting racial slurs in it to say the least.

I have verified some of this myself, then there are all the other sects of the bible including all the other religions to make one hell of alot of phony teachings and fake deities and the cunning can use all this for political gain and financial profit.

The financial system that seems to run our lives and is used to control most of the modern world just happens to be mostly run by the Jewish. I would have never paid any attention to the Jewish faith until I learned how I made my daily bread and who was my keeper for payment in this bread.

I will still hold to my research and say at it's inner most core Judaism is a front for world domination through usury on made up digits.
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Re: Is America a Jewish country, not a Western country?

Post by theprimebait »

fschmidt wrote:
theprimebait wrote:its true that the secular jews in Germany ,who were known to shun jewish culture(the first rhinopalsty was done by a Jewish doctor for Jews whow anted to look German)by any means,corrupted German culture and thus were rightfully hated.however I don't see what that ahs to do with Todays average israeli,whos parents parent from Germany but usually Arabic countries and or lithuania.their ancestors werent involved in Banking,most were silversmiths or illiteratte sheperds.the Jews involved in banking almost all live in America,and dont identify as jews.Im not defending Jewry here.I am not a fan of Jews.I just think alot of stuff is exxagerated.especially the Idea that american culture today has anything to do with warm,passionatte Sabra culture.fact is the coldness,superficiality of america is a result of european protestant influence.
Thank you for injecting some sanity into this thread. I am Jewish and I agree with everything you say, including that the assimilated German Jews deserved to be hated. Jews are very diverse, but most here won't let the facts interfere with their conspiratorial fantasies.
Politics aside,Israelis are good people,the most close to Us in culture,outlooks and also appearance.the average Israeli isnt involved in some worlwide conspiracy.most of them cant even speak proper english,stay away from drugs or hold a decent Job.I laugh whenever I hear that israelis are all knowing and have the world in their hands is ridiculous.the Demographics of israel are majority judeoArabs,and the New generation of israel consisted of ashkenazi-sephardic and fully sephardic arabs dont identify with america or the western culture at all.

most of those German 'Jews' that corrupted Germany and the Soviet union are long dead,old,or assimilated and are ashamed of being''Jewish''whatever that means since Jewry consists of tons of differing cultures and I dont see how I would judge some gentile pork eating american jew who only celebrates hannukkah(despite the fact that hannukkah is a celebration about killing Assimilationist Jews,oh the irony)over decent moral orthodox jews and mizrahim in israel as a overall represenation of Jewry as a whole.

that said I am no philo-semite but also not a Judeophobe.I consider judeophobia a sign of ignorance,someone who probabely doesnt know any Jews or speak hebrew(like I do)but just follows anything that sounds like a conspiracy.
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Re: Is America a Jewish country, not a Western country?

Post by theprimebait »

Moretorque wrote:
fschmidt wrote:
theprimebait wrote:its true that the secular jews in Germany ,who were known to shun jewish culture(the first rhinopalsty was done by a Jewish doctor for Jews whow anted to look German)by any means,corrupted German culture and thus were rightfully hated.however I don't see what that ahs to do with Todays average israeli,whos parents parent from Germany but usually Arabic countries and or lithuania.their ancestors werent involved in Banking,most were silversmiths or illiteratte sheperds.the Jews involved in banking almost all live in America,and dont identify as jews.Im not defending Jewry here.I am not a fan of Jews.I just think alot of stuff is exxagerated.especially the Idea that american culture today has anything to do with warm,passionatte Sabra culture.fact is the coldness,superficiality of america is a result of european protestant influence.
Thank you for injecting some sanity into this thread. I am Jewish and I agree with everything you say, including that the assimilated German Jews deserved to be hated. Jews are very diverse, but most here won't let the facts interfere with their conspiratorial fantasies.
This is no fantasy about the financial system that has been built and is being built world wide to control all wealth and all things that reside on planet earth. Like I posted, I do not care what people want to believe but religions have been hijacked throughout history for world conquest and I believe this is just more of the same shit.

Christianity is pretty simple, pass the word of God through Jesus's teachings. I do not know alot about other religions but it's a sure sign when something is confusing and baffeling it was designed that way on purpose because there is something to be hidden and Judaism is confusing to say the least.

You have the Torah Jew's which states in the first testament it is OK for the tribe of God to practice usury on none tribal members. How convenient, what a great way to earn a living in the name of God! Then you have the Talmudic Jew's and according to Hoffman's dissecting of the Talmud it has some very interesting racial slurs in it to say the least.

I have verified some of this myself, then there are all the other sects of the bible including all the other religions to make one hell of alot of phony teachings and fake deities and the cunning can use all this for political gain and financial profit.

The financial system that seems to run our lives and is used to control most of the modern world just happens to be mostly run by the Jewish. I would have never paid any attention to the Jewish faith until I learned how I made my daily bread and who was my keeper for payment in this bread.

I will still hold to my research and say at it's inner most core Judaism is a front for world domination through usury on made up digits.
now youre sounding like a Yokel.the Talmud isnt followed by most israelis,as most israelis are secular or outright atheists.and the Talmud isnt ''racist''its Tribalist.many talmudic rabbis were of non jewish descent. Refuting various claims about the Talmud
Written by Gil Student

the Talmud also isnt can be changed if a sanhedrin tried to do so.its basiclly a collection of stupid debates between babylonian Rabbis in the 5th century,each opinion in there is just that,a opinion quoted by a Rabbi.its a book of debates.if you want to read a comprehensive book on Jewish law then Id start with mishneh torah by maimonides. ... prehensive rulings on non jews: ... chavim.htm

again the Talmud is a collection of various contradicting opinions,debating for the sake of debating etc etcetera only the mishneh torah and to a lesser extent the Shulkhan aruch are a represenation of codified rabbinical law.

btw,the Idea of gentiles being slaves to the Jews is found in fact in the old testament(accepted by Christianity,right?) in the book of fact it says the jews will inherit the wealth of the nations and enlsave them, etc

Isaiah 61:5-6
English Standard Version (ESV)
5 Strangers shall stand and tend your flocks;
foreigners shall be your plowmen and vinedressers;
6 but you shall be called the priests of the Lord;
they shall speak of you as the ministers of our God;
you shall eat the wealth of the nations,
and in their glory you shall boast.

Isaiah 14:2
New International Version (©2011)
Nations will take them and bring them to their own place. And Israel will take possession of the nations and make them male and female servants in the LORD's land. They will make captives of their captors and rule over their oppressors.

so your bible says the same thing you accuse the''evil Jooz''of saying in their Id like to see your reply to this.
Last edited by theprimebait on July 2nd, 2013, 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is America a Jewish country, not a Western country?

Post by theprimebait »

Moretorque wrote:
fschmidt wrote:
theprimebait wrote:its true that the secular jews in Germany ,who were known to shun jewish culture(the first rhinopalsty was done by a Jewish doctor for Jews whow anted to look German)by any means,corrupted German culture and thus were rightfully hated.however I don't see what that ahs to do with Todays average israeli,whos parents parent from Germany but usually Arabic countries and or lithuania.their ancestors werent involved in Banking,most were silversmiths or illiteratte sheperds.the Jews involved in banking almost all live in America,and dont identify as jews.Im not defending Jewry here.I am not a fan of Jews.I just think alot of stuff is exxagerated.especially the Idea that american culture today has anything to do with warm,passionatte Sabra culture.fact is the coldness,superficiality of america is a result of european protestant influence.
Thank you for injecting some sanity into this thread. I am Jewish and I agree with everything you say, including that the assimilated German Jews deserved to be hated. Jews are very diverse, but most here won't let the facts interfere with their conspiratorial fantasies.
This is no fantasy about the financial system that has been built and is being built world wide to control all wealth and all things that reside on planet earth. Like I posted, I do not care what people want to believe but religions have been hijacked throughout history for world conquest and I believe this is just more of the same shit.

Christianity is pretty simple, pass the word of God through Jesus's teachings. I do not know alot about other religions but it's a sure sign when something is confusing and baffeling it was designed that way on purpose because there is something to be hidden and Judaism is confusing to say the least.

You have the Torah Jew's which states in the first testament it is OK for the tribe of God to practice usury on none tribal members. How convenient, what a great way to earn a living in the name of God! Then you have the Talmudic Jew's and according to Hoffman's dissecting of the Talmud it has some very interesting racial slurs in it to say the least.

I have verified some of this myself, then there are all the other sects of the bible including all the other religions to make one hell of alot of phony teachings and fake deities and the cunning can use all this for political gain and financial profit.

The financial system that seems to run our lives and is used to control most of the modern world just happens to be mostly run by the Jewish. I would have never paid any attention to the Jewish faith until I learned how I made my daily bread and who was my keeper for payment in this bread.

I will still hold to my research and say at it's inner most core Judaism is a front for world domination through usury on made up digits.
Im not gonna write an essay refuting that.see this video: Islam & Jewish Interest (Un-edited but Better Quality)

He explains ''usury''etc before hating people try to ask them.have you ever asked a learned Jewish rabbi about these questions?try and do so sometime,you know see things from other peoples perspective.

Again,Im arab,and Im not a philosemite.But your mindset only continues the problem on both sides.its sad to see most people cant think for themselves and do simple things like researching claims about an entire people.if you have an objection about Jews,why not ask a jew about these things?to see their defence?

''The financial system that seems to run our lives and is used to control most of the modern world just happens to be mostly run by the Jewish. I would have never paid any attention to the Jewish faith until I learned how I made my daily bread and who was my keeper for payment in this bread. '''wich ''jewish''banker follows orthodox judaism?you think those Jewish owners of MTV,the banks,and the Televisions practice Judaism and arent atheists?

C'mon now.orthodox jews consider those people apikorsim,rejects.fake jews.gentiles etc

to them its because they didnt excommunicate these types,that people equate all jews with these people.

I speak pretty oke hebrew and have read jewish literature from their own sources(I read alot on Oriental religions and neoplatonism too)and have to say these conspiracy claims are based on misquotations and false sources wich many times arent translating the original hebrew.
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Post by fschmidt »

theprimebait wrote:btw,the Idea of gentiles being slaves to the Jews is found in fact in the old testament(accepted by Christianity,right?) in the book of fact it says the jews will inherit the wealth of the nations and enlsave them, etc
I do my best to follow the Hebrew Bible but I have to admit that Isaiah was a bit scatterbrained. Isaiah 42 and 56 give a totally different view, that Jews are supposed to help lead gentiles to God.

While I like the Hebrew Bible, I think the Talmud is an annoying mess. I am sympathetic to the Karaites.
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Post by theprimebait »

fschmidt wrote:
theprimebait wrote:btw,the Idea of gentiles being slaves to the Jews is found in fact in the old testament(accepted by Christianity,right?) in the book of fact it says the jews will inherit the wealth of the nations and enlsave them, etc
I do my best to follow the Hebrew Bible but I have to admit that Isaiah was a bit scatterbrained. Isaiah 42 and 56 give a totally different view, that Jews are supposed to help lead gentiles to God.

While I like the Hebrew Bible, I think the Talmud is an annoying mess. I am sympathetic to the Karaites.
Im a Atheist so I thnk its all contradictorary.however Isaiah 46 is talking about bnei noach while the latter of course about nations that have opressed Jewry.

btw,my comment was directed at that Christian guy.I wonder what his opinion is on how his god,decreed that most gentiles were to be slaves to the Jews.its clearly in his holy book.

it reminds me of those WN that are bible fanatics at the same time,even though all the biblical characters were Semites and not Aryans.
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Post by Moretorque »

As Nathaniel put it on Real Jew News, the Zionist have hijacked Judaism to meet their needs for world domination. Forget about all the crap, all it does is make things more confusing which our rulers like, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance then baffle them with bullshit but fortunately I see through the crap and there are other author's who do as well and some of them are Jewish by the way and doing good writings on the subject of lifting the corporate veil put up by our rulers.

I do not care about the religious part or what some interpretation of that stupid dasturdly book the bible say's. These guy's have hijacked most of the publishing companies and most everybody else with their unlimited supply of funny money and make up whatever they want for history.

Israel goes back to the Balfour Declaration Plain and simple, the state of Israel is an extension of the British empire plain and simple. The state of Israel is just the home base that was established to take over the rich oil region of the middle east and make it just another part of the up and coming super states for the one world dictatorship. The people are just pawns to be used to make the fruitration of this one world system possible.

The power structure of this system is the financial aspect of it backed by the military complex and all roads go back to England.

Religion is a great front for world domination and Judaism is proving that weather these people are of true Jewish faith or not it has still become clear that the Orthodox Jews or which ever Jews who claim we have it all wrong have lost control of the religion to outside forces.

These outside forces will play any card to get the job done, so if people are not talking about how the power structure of the world operates through this financial empire and how it can pretty much twist most all reality we see and hear because of unlimited access to make believe funding they are not talking about any real aspect of all our lives here on planet earth.

Everything is completely subject to this including all religions so unless people are talking about how all ties to money as far as politics and religion goes I have a hard time listening to anything they are saying because it does not equate to real life here on earth.

All real indicators are we live and we die and nobody gets out of here alive!
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Post by theprimebait »

Moretorque wrote:As Nathaniel put it on Real Jew News, the Zionist have hijacked Judaism to meet their needs for world domination. Forget about all the crap, all it does is make things more confusing which our rulers like, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance then baffle them with bullshit but fortunately I see through the crap and there are other author's who do as well and some of them are Jewish by the way and doing good writings on the subject of lifting the corporate veil put up by our rulers.

I do not care about the religious part or what some interpretation of that stupid dasturdly book the bible say's. These guy's have hijacked most of the publishing companies and most everybody else with their unlimited supply of funny money and make up whatever they want for history.

Israel goes back to the Balfour Declaration Plain and simple, the state of Israel is an extension of the British empire plain and simple. The state of Israel is just the home base that was established to take over the rich oil region of the middle east and make it just another part of the up and coming super states for the one world dictatorship. The people are just pawns to be used to make the fruitration of this one world system possible.

The power structure of this system is the financial aspect of it backed by the military complex and all roads go back to England.

Religion is a great front for world domination and Judaism is proving that weather these people are of true Jewish faith or not it has still become clear that the Orthodox Jews or which ever Jews who claim we have it all wrong have lost control of the religion to outside forces.

These outside forces will play any card to get the job done, so if people are not talking about how the power structure of the world operates through this financial empire and how it can pretty much twist most all reality we see and hear because of unlimited access to make believe funding they are not talking about any real aspect of all our lives here on planet earth.

Everything is completely subject to this including all religions so unless people are talking about how all ties to money as far as politics and religion goes I have a hard time listening to anything they are saying because it does not equate to real life here on earth.

All real indicators are we live and we die and nobody gets out of here alive!
I agree totally.Israel should be abolished.However,the Good Jews that remained neutral should definately be allowed to stay and worship provided they respect our rights too.

that has nothing to do with Jews controlling the world though.Im not denying that the main people behind most evil things are of Jewish descent.I am denying that most Jews are part of such a conspiracy.or that its a conscience conspiracy on the part of jew-daism.

and I agree,religion is bullshit.
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Joined: March 8th, 2013, 11:02 pm

Post by theprimebait »

Moretorque wrote:As Nathaniel put it on Real Jew News, the Zionist have hijacked Judaism to meet their needs for world domination. Forget about all the crap, all it does is make things more confusing which our rulers like, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance then baffle them with bullshit but fortunately I see through the crap and there are other author's who do as well and some of them are Jewish by the way and doing good writings on the subject of lifting the corporate veil put up by our rulers.

I do not care about the religious part or what some interpretation of that stupid dasturdly book the bible say's. These guy's have hijacked most of the publishing companies and most everybody else with their unlimited supply of funny money and make up whatever they want for history.

Israel goes back to the Balfour Declaration Plain and simple, the state of Israel is an extension of the British empire plain and simple. The state of Israel is just the home base that was established to take over the rich oil region of the middle east and make it just another part of the up and coming super states for the one world dictatorship. The people are just pawns to be used to make the fruitration of this one world system possible.

The power structure of this system is the financial aspect of it backed by the military complex and all roads go back to England.

Religion is a great front for world domination and Judaism is proving that weather these people are of true Jewish faith or not it has still become clear that the Orthodox Jews or which ever Jews who claim we have it all wrong have lost control of the religion to outside forces.

These outside forces will play any card to get the job done, so if people are not talking about how the power structure of the world operates through this financial empire and how it can pretty much twist most all reality we see and hear because of unlimited access to make believe funding they are not talking about any real aspect of all our lives here on planet earth.

Everything is completely subject to this including all religions so unless people are talking about how all ties to money as far as politics and religion goes I have a hard time listening to anything they are saying because it does not equate to real life here on earth.

All real indicators are we live and we die and nobody gets out of here alive!
I''ll say it in this manner:

the 1 % are 99 % Jewish.but 99% of Jewish persons are not part of the 1 %.
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