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Re: Would You Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Posted: April 30th, 2022, 5:49 pm
by WilliamSmith
I learned how to use Bitchute: Here's a clip of an English peasant with views on vaccine mandates very similar to my own ("YER' NOT STICKIN' THAT IN ME!!"), along with what proved an effective short-term solution for avoidance:

Re: Would You Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Posted: May 2nd, 2022, 10:30 am
by WilliamSmith
Looks like the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and many other good people from the Nation of Islam are joining us in the "No thank you" camp on the "Would You Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?" question.

Farrakhan warns his community of promising young blacks about the danger of taking the Synagogue of Satan's vaccine here in a recent speech:
"When has this devil ever offered you $1000 or $1500 to take a shot?
They give you free shots: Of toxic waste.
The same lead that's in the water in Flint, is in the water in Detroit, is in the water in Cleveland, you'll watch it's in the water in Chicago. You ain't free. You on a death watch. "

Re: Would You Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Posted: May 24th, 2022, 11:59 am
by chongdaddy

Re: Would You Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Posted: August 22nd, 2022, 3:35 pm
by WilliamSmith
No one in their right mind would take a vaccine produced by a megacorp like Pfizer controlled by deranged world economic forum jews like Bourla who openly exult about global vaccine mandates and stuff like biometric chips to track vaccine and medication users in a centralized database, not to mention they exult openly in depopulation schemes.
However, I have noticed other stories about people dying or being disastrously injured from some of the theoretically less dangerous vaccines, so they sound bad too.

Here's Kirsch again, first on how if you took all the clotshots TPTB say you should, you're likely to have around 10x more medical problems, then the second article mentions Novavax which I think I posted earlier was very theoretically less bad than the others if you were forced to choose one, but he says you shouldn't take that one either (and I think he's right): ... s-the-data
Should you get any vaccines? The data shows the more you vax, the sicker you are.
If you took 100% of the vaccines they want you to take, you're about 10X more likely to have medical issues. That's not a typo: 10X, not 10%!

When I interviewed Andrew Wakefield, he told me that you are roughly 10X more likely to be sick if you are vaccinated with the normal schedule vs. the unvaccinated.

Here is a link to the paper co-authored by my good friend James Lyons-Weiler which shows this very clearly: Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination by James Lyons-Weiler and Paul Thomas.

Here’s a key figure from the paper showing the more vaccinations you accept, the greater your chance of seeing the doctor (relative incidence of office visits). The trends were true for other causes as well (See Fig 4 and 5).

[see the original for chart]

That’s called dose-dependency and it establishes (along with other factors) causality. It’s hard to explain a dose-dependency if there isn’t any causality.

The story on the retraction
From Retraction Watch is a short article on the retraction of the paper by the journal.

Here is the actual retraction notice that shows the authors objected to the unilateral decision to retract the paper by the journal. Notice how they didn’t disclose the reason it was retracted? They just said that they “confirmed that the conclusions were not supported by strong scientific data” without providing a single specific example!!! That’s how science works in the post-vaccine world (this was July 2021). No need to actually support your opinion with any specific facts.

The full story on the retraction from the author.

Evidence to the contrary
Here is a complete list of studies that show that the authors were wrong and that kids who got vaccinated actually had lower rates of disease, i.e., the more you vaccinate, the healthier your kids are:

<this space intentionally left blank>

What about autism?
Here is a clearly pro-vax website attempting to debunk the connection between vaccines and autism. It says:

The Institute of Medicine undertook a comprehensive safety review of the issue. Their preliminary report, published in 2001, stated the committee did not find enough evidence to support or reject a causal relationship between mercury in vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders.[24] However, their final report, published in 2004, concluded that the large body of evidence gathered on the question since 2001 favored rejecting the hypothesis that mercury in vaccines was associated with neurodevelopmental disorders.[6]

New evidence eh? What new evidence? And if the vaccines weren’t the cause, then what was the more likely cause? The silence is deafening here.

See also
Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMSRI) and this excellent article Has Snopes Been Snoped? Will Retraction Watch Retract? which cites a second paper showing the same results as the James Lyons-Weiler, Paul Thomas paper above. This second paper, Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12- year old U.S. children (see also this link), hasn’t been retracted.

I encourage you to read the papers in each section and decide for yourself.

Why is autism affecting 1 in 30 children, it used be 1 in 2500 pre-1970.

As for me, I’m with Wakefield.

And here is the one on Novavax that I believe mentioned awhile ago as the theoretically least bad, yet why you shouldn't take that one either: ... ax-vaccine
Should you get the Novavax vaccine?
Absolutely not! Here are my top 5 reasons why you shouldn't.

Steve Kirsch
Jul 13
Novavax: FDA gives emergency use authorization to Covid-19 vaccine - CNN
The FDA just approved the Novavax vaccine for COVID under EUA. It won’t be available until the CDC outside committee approves it. The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is scheduled to meet July 19.

I have nothing personally against Novavax. It might turn out to be the safest COVID vaccine to date. But “safest” and “safe” are two different animals: one is relative and the other is absolute.

Here are my top 5 reasons to say “No” to Novavax:

COVID is a disease which is easily treatable. Why would you take a risk on a new product with unknown risks when you don’t need to?

As Andrew Wakefield and others point out, we’ve never had a vaccine where the benefits > outweigh the risk. While this might be the first one, you’ll want to wait for an independent study that proves it.

You can’t trust the FDA, CDC, or drug companies. They have to come clean and admit their issues before we can ever trust them again.

You run the risk of original antigenic sin (OAS) and/or antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). In short, you run the risk of making yourself worse off.

We just don’t know. We don’t know anything about their adjuvant — Matrix M. We don’t know anything about safety. We don’t know if they can manufacture it properly (they are now on their third contract manufacturer).

For further reading, see these 3 excellent articles, all from Substack authors:

Novavax - hope or hype?
I have had more requests to write an article about the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine than about any other topic during the entire manufactured crisis of the past two years. I’ve been holding back until I felt I had enough information to make it worth your while to read. I’ll be adding to this article as more data come in, so check back in on it from time to …
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5 months ago · 41 likes · 46 comments · Robyn Chuter

Some thoughts on the FDA's briefing document for the Novavax EUA application
[Updated June 7, 2022. I’ve re-written the section on the cross-over period. My hunch was correct — it essentially wipes out the control group after 49 days. But they did *not* cross over to Moderna and Pfizer, they crossed over to the opposite of whatever they had in the pre-crossover period — placebo or Novavax. It’s a very strange study design that …
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2 months ago · 178 likes · 87 comments · Toby Rogers

No evidence of effectiveness against Omicron, definitely causes myocarditis, Sounds great! says the FDA's "expert advisory committee"
I. Welcome to the clown show Let’s talk about yesterday’s meeting of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC): They had ten permanent voting members and TWELVE ringers (aka Temporary Voting Members). The cartel does not leave anything to chance…
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2 months ago · 210 likes · 83 comments · Toby Rogers

Re: Would You Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Posted: December 17th, 2023, 9:29 am
by maryglo
i am already did that, and dont regred

Re: Would You Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Posted: December 17th, 2023, 9:29 am
by maryglo
i have already did that, and dont regred

Re: Would You Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Posted: December 18th, 2023, 12:58 am
by Yohan ... L1N2QP18K/
September 28, 2021 12:51 AM GMT+9 Updated 2 years ago
COVID-19 vaccines do not kill more people than they save; FDA experts did not make this false claim

An article shared more than 7,500 times online has claimed “FDA experts” revealed in a recorded meeting that COVID-19 vaccines kill more people than they save. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told Reuters these claims were false – and that the individual who made them was not a member of the agency.

According to the article, which was published on a website known for spreading misinformation (here and here), an agency expert said COVID-19 vaccines “kill twice as many as they save” during the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) on Sept. 17.

Social media users have since shared the article along with audio clips of the man making this assertion.

In the clips, the man is heard identifying himself as Steve Kirsch, the executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, which promotes antiviral medicines.

He makes a number of claims, including that COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe and that they kill more people than they save, before estimating the number of deaths to be around 150,000

Firstly, Kirsch is not and has never been an FDA employee or member of the VRBPAC, the FDA told Reuters in an email. The U.S. entrepreneur had submitted a request to speak at the open public hearing section of the meeting, which is open to anyone, as detailed in the agency’s announcement
The spokesperson added: “FDA does not screen remarks from speakers during the open public hearing portion of the meeting in advance.

“Furthermore, the statements made by Mr. Kirsch during the open public hearing portion of the meeting were not based in science and go against FDA’s public health mission.”

Kirsch’s presentation appears to cite research from a paper he co-authored. The analysis relies heavily on data from the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which documents suspected reactions to COVID-19 shots to detect possible safety issues. It is managed by the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Of more than 380 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines administered in the U.S. up to Sept. 13, VAERS received 7,653 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who were vaccinated. Healthcare providers are required to report any death after vaccination to VAERS even if there is no indication it was caused by the vaccine and reported incidents are not evidence of a causal link, according to CDC guidance. It says reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare.

In Kirsch’s paper and committee meeting presentation, Kirsch calculates a so-called “underreporting factor” of adverse reactions by comparing the number of VAERS reports of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) after vaccination with estimates of people vaccinated in the United States. He subsequently applies this number to reported deaths, claiming that more than 150,000 people have died in the United States as a result of COVID-19 vaccines.

Reuters presented these calculations to the FDA, who said: “FDA strongly disagrees with the analysis Mr. Kirsch put forth during the VRBPAC meeting, as we believe the data from VAERS that he referenced were not properly interpreted.”

They added: “Although under reporting is a limitation in VAERS with regard to COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring, there currently is not evidence to suggest it would underestimate the amount of COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths to such a large degree."

As well as VAERS, there are multiple systems the FDA and CDC use to monitor vaccine safety. Given the COVID-19 vaccine is operated under “Emergency Use Authorization” in the United States, vaccine administrators and manufacturers are mandated to report all adverse reactions. This would likely result in increased recording of suspected deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccine, the FDA spokesperson said.

An analysis of safety surveillance data from Vaccine Safety Datalink that monitored more than 10 million people, including 6.2 million vaccinated, found no vaccine-outcome association met the requirement to signal serious adverse effects, including death. Vaccine Safety Datalink is a vaccine-monitoring effort by the CDC and nine healthcare organisations.

The FDA said: “A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines.”

There is, however, a plausible causal relationship, as the CDC documents, between Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine and blood clots with low platelets — a rare and serious adverse event that has caused three deaths, according to the CDC.

A CDC spokesperson told Reuters in an email: “To date, CDC has not detected any unusual or unexpected patterns for deaths following immunization that would indicate that COVID vaccines are causing or contributing to deaths, outside of the 3 confirmed deaths following the Janssen vaccine.”

False. COVID-19 vaccines are safe and not causing more deaths than they prevent. The claim is based on misinterpreted data.
What this Steve Kirsch claims makes no sense.

I am 7x vaccinated against covid-19 (vaccination started around Juli 2021 - with Pfizer and Moderna) and I am still alive and healthy and was never infected with covid-19, not in Japan, not in Philippines and not in Thailand.

It should noticed however that we have only Pfizer and Moderna vaccine in Japan, other vaccines failed the mandatory testing in Japan and were not approved.

Johnson/Janssen failed, AstraZeneca was recalled, and other vaccines failed because required information from the producer was withhold or not complete.

Re: Would You Get the Covid-19 Vaccine?

Posted: December 23rd, 2023, 1:11 pm
by jeniferbet
I also know that it can affect the reproductive and male intimate system, we refused the vaccine, because we have problems with it anyway we buy eroxon gel online hope this helps, we love each other very much and that is the most important thing