Articles written by bitter lonely single expat women in Asia

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Post by BigDug »

AmericanInMexico wrote:
BigDug wrote: I gave up what? I didn't see that point as something that needed debating. I only brought up birthrates to illustrate a point. I'm not personally on a crusade to maintain my race, nor do I feel like anyone else should either. I think people should live their lives the way they want. I don't think people are down on "white women", only women of American and other Western cultures. I personally find asian women more attractive, but I have dated mostly white women throughout my life. I have also dated hispanic (equadorian, mexican, and puerto rican). If I found an American women who would treat me with the level of respect, love, and undying devotion (that whole "till death do us part" thing), then I'm more than open to that possibility. But 50% divorce rate with 70-90% initiated by the woman means I have about a 40% chance of my woman leaving me and taking half my stuff in America. But that's a different discussion.

I agree with you about people throwing the word "racist" around too much. Honestly, every single person on the planet has some racial bias. Whether it's cultural upbringing, media induced stereotypes, personal biases developed through interaction, or subconscious preferences and desires. We all have some sort of "racism" inside us. Some more than others. I don't really think that is the driving force of this website though.

Race is not a concern of mine when it comes to what my child will look like. What you call, "giving up", I call "not allowing race to sway my decisions". I'm not in a race to maintain white peoples' population. And maybe I was wrong to knock your decision based on the fact that our "white population" is eventually going to collapse, because honestly none of that is a motivation of mine.

You can have your bias to only procreate with white people and I can respect it without calling you a racist (as I have not used that word towards you.) I have less bias when it comes to race and what I want my children to look like. Will my child have less opportunity or be more disrespected because of his race? Probably, as no other race on the planet enjoys less racism than pure white people. But I'm also short, which means I carry short person genes, and short people are just as disrespected in the world. So I don't really have much option as I am a short, bald guy who already carries inferior genes. So should I not have children at all?
When I said you gave up, I meant you basically wrote off the entire white race. You made it sound like white people are going to die out no matter what and we should just accept this new reality.

Does white people dying out not bother you? What if it was that the Native Americans were all going to die out? Would you then find that to be horrible?

I would find it horrible that any race were to die out.

I thank you for not using the word racist, since it is the most meaningless word. As for being short, come to Mexico and get a white Mexican woman. I am 5'8 and have no problem meeting white women here. Only in the United States are women obsessed with dating men 6'5 tall.
I probably used too much hyperbole, but it was only in response to what I feel is hyperbole on your part as well. I don't see some mixture of race...a little mocha in your be all that bad of a thing. The hyperbole I mentioned is that that the white race is going to implode due to birth rates. The white race is merely going to mix into the other races. Just like the entirety of the Philippines is a melting pot of the races of their various occupations. I see an incredible diversity that is all considered "one race" but each one looks so much different than the other.

It's also funny what we consider "white". Spaniards are "white", but Mexicans are not? I've seen plenty of Japanese people who are "white" as they stay out of the sun (umbrellas in the daylight). What exactly is "white"? Are you referring to people with an absence of pigment, or people from specific countries?

There's a nice wiki article on white people. Here's an excerpt:

White people as a social category:

A three-part racial schema in color terms was used in seventeenth century Latin America under Spanish rule.[15] Irene Silverblatt traces "race thinking" in South America to the social categories of colonialism and state formation: "White, black, and brown are abridged, abstracted versions of colonizer, slave, and colonized.[16] "The term white came into wide use in the British colonies in America from the 1680s.[8][17]

White people as a social category

The study into race and ethnicity in the 18th and 19th centuries developed into what would later be termed scientific racism. During the period of the mid-19th to mid-20th century,[24] race scientists, including most physical anthropologists classified the world's populations into three, four, or five races, which, depending on the authority consulted, were further divided into various sub-races. During this period the Caucasian race, named after people of the North Caucasus (Caucasus Mountains) but extending to all Europeans, figured as one of these races, and was incorporated as a formal category of both scientific research and, in countries including the United States, social classification.

There was never any scholarly consensus on the delineation between the Caucasian race, including the populations of Europe, and the Mongoloid one, including the populations of East Asia. Thus, Carleton S. Coon (1939) included the populations native to all of Central and Northern Asia under the Caucasian label, while Thomas Henry Huxley (1870) classified the same populations as Mongoloid, and Lothrop Stoddard (1920) excluded the populations of the Middle East and North Africa as well as those of Central Asia, classifying them as "brown", and counted as "white" only the European peoples.

Some authorities, following Huxley (1870), distinguished the Xanthochroi or "light whites" of Northern Europe with the Melanochroi or "dark whites" of the Mediterranean.

So...are you referring to countries alone, or as a whole? There has already been a huge mixture in the US between all of the European countries who immigrated. As an English/French/Scottish mixed man (which I am), is it ok to mate with a Spaniard or Portuguese woman who is also considered "white"? and not ok to mate with a Chinese woman? Is it ok to mate with a Russian woman who looks "white" but not ok with a Russian woman who looks like she might be from Korea or China?

Where do we draw the line when we have had so much mixture already? Where are you going to find this pure white woman you speak of? Or is it only based on pigmentation amount? How much tanning does a woman from Spain (who is considered white) have to do before she loses her "white card"?

Honestly, the discussions on this forum has inspired a renewed interest in Sociology and Anthropology that I never had before!

(Edit) Here's the US Census definition:

"The current U.S. Census definition includes white "people having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa.[139]"

***So by that reasoning, marrying someone from Iran would be considered marrying another "white" person.***

"The cultural boundaries separating white Americans from other racial or ethnic categories are contested and always changing. According to John Tehranian, among those not considered white at some points in American history have been: the Irish, Germans, Jews, Italians, Spaniards, Hispanics, Slavs, and Greeks.[142] Studies have found that while current parameters officially encompassed Arabs as part of the White American racial category, many Arab Americans from places other than the Levant feel they are not white and are not perceived as white by American society.""

***Essentially it boils down to this: I am a mixture of 3 different European races already. So my blood is already mixed and impure. So what would I be "saving" by avoiding asian women?***

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Post by boycottamericanwomen »

Thanks for your posts, guys, but let's stay on subject, and POST LINKS to articles about expat women pissed at western men dating local asian girls!

Italian women are pissed their men are going to east European girls:

Western man defends his right to date asian girls ... -women/158

More angry bitches who think western men dating asian girls in China are the root of all evil: ... gners.html

Bogus propaganda about European men abusing their "foreign wives", which will be used to introduce laws which will make it harder to marry foreign women (this article is written by bitchy feminist media reporters):

A western woman bragging about how she married a Chinese man, and about how wonderful, special, and unique she is: ... e-husband/
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Post by green1976 »

Coming to Thailand and being a western woman there :D ... nt-page-1/

Selected passage,having a wank about that.:D

It is not always easy being a Western woman in Thailand, I know:
Hahaha hard life isn'it it?

It is a fact that very few Western couples can survive several years in the Land of Smiles.
Yes,very dangerous when western couple come to Thailand.
The guy can realize how he is in a cage and do the runner. :D

In brief, Thai women receive a very different education than that of your average modern Western woman.
Two different planets,two different cultures,and a new definition of what is to be a woman(and a ladyboy for some lol)

In Thailand, a Western woman will be made to feel worthless and small.
Oh yes...obvious and a reality check of what is to be a western female in Thailand who lost all the privilege because she has a p***y.

Farang men will constantly denigrate us as arrogant, bitchy, ugly, worthless human beings
That's life...:D now they can open their mouth because they know they can get laid,have a partner or f**k around where they want, without any western lady.

Such Farang men clearly have major issues: a sense of entitlement
Remind me of something but on the opposite side. :wink:
The tables are turning.

Times are changing: increasingly, Asian women are joining in the quest for gender equality
Keep dreaming.
You could influence them(the height class westernized) in the major city like Bangkok but it's a lost cause on the countryside.

In Thailand, a Western woman may lose her husband
It's a serious mistake if a western woman come with her husband in Thailand.
She made the mistake..she has to assume the consequence.
The same regarding western man who marry in western countries.
They deserve everything they get from that.
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Post by boycottamericanwomen »

green1976 wrote:Coming to Thailand and being a western woman there :D ... nt-page-1/

Selected passage,having a wank about that.:D

It is not always easy being a Western woman in Thailand, I know:
Hahaha hard life isn'it it?

It is a fact that very few Western couples can survive several years in the Land of Smiles.
Yes,very dangerous when western couple come to Thailand.
The guy can realize how he is in a cage and do the runner. :D

In brief, Thai women receive a very different education than that of your average modern Western woman.
Two different planets,two different cultures,and a new definition of what is to be a woman(and a ladyboy for some lol)

In Thailand, a Western woman will be made to feel worthless and small.
Oh yes...obvious and a reality check of what is to be a western female in Thailand who lost all the privilege because she has a p***y.

Farang men will constantly denigrate us as arrogant, bitchy, ugly, worthless human beings
That's life...:D now they can open their mouth because they know they can get laid,have a partner or f**k around where they want, without any western lady.

Such Farang men clearly have major issues: a sense of entitlement
Remind me of something but on the opposite side. :wink:
The tables are turning.

Times are changing: increasingly, Asian women are joining in the quest for gender equality
Keep dreaming.
You could influence them(the height class westernized) in the major city like Bangkok but it's a lost cause on the countryside.

In Thailand, a Western woman may lose her husband
It's a serious mistake if a western woman come with her husband in Thailand.
She made the mistake..she has to assume the consequence.
The same regarding western man who marry in western countries.
They deserve everything they get from that.
I really enjoy reading your comments, man. It seems that you and I have a pretty similar understanding of these things.

Sounds like poor wittle baby western woman is just pissed off because she is being forced to face the reality of what a disgusting and horrible piece of shit she is, but is STILL so arrogant and delusional that she will never accept the full reality- that asian women are REAL women, that feminism is the most destructive social policy that has ever existed, and that the solution is to castrate the western men and brainwash the asian women into becoming evil feminists also.

Luckily, this bitch and her sick man-hating feminism will never spread so well in Asia or in the Middle East. Women there are not stupid enough to burn the bridges like these spoiled little children American women have. So she's projecting her own complete stupidity onto everyone else, and assuming that others are also equally as retarded as she is.

To sum it up- f**k off you worthless cunt, I wouldn't touch a western woman if you paid me a million bucks. I'll take a hot, nice, humble asian girl ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!

Thanks for posting the link.
Attn: Please read "The TRUTH Be Told", a free eBook that can help save you from feminism and your guvment.

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Post by green1976 »

Thanks Boycottamericanwomen.

I think that we will agree about the problem regarding american women or american women wanabee, is not about getting laid or a secondary matter to play the ostrich,but this problematic is one of the most essential in our lifetime:"What kind of women i have to interact everyday,what type of women could be the mother of my child,what kind of society i want to live and a lot a lot more".

I just put what Mort have to say of what is to be a western female in Thailand and how most of them doesn't understand their reality.
He is very accurate.

Many western women don’t seem to understand that back home your husband had very limited choices so it was better for him to stay in a marriage he wasn’t totally happy with but could get sex semi-regularly than going out into the unknown. In Thailand, sex is guaranteed. You can’t avoid it. So now that the guy sees his expanded options he rids himself of the relationship he wasn’t really happy in and moves on to another.

A guy who is happily married might play around but he would never leave his wife. I have friends of mine who live here and will go with a girl here and there but when I’ve asked them how they can do that if they have their wife waiting at home and they all pretty much give the same answer. Their wife is the person they love. The person they trust. The person that is the mother of their children. They would never give that up for some sex.

Unfortunately, western women who lose their husbands here simply don’t get the fact that they already lost him a long time ago. The only difference is that he didn’t have other options.

That is the thing about Thailand. It’s not like a kid in the candy store. It’s like a kid who’s been fed turd sandwiches his whole life being shown a menu in a restaurant. When you have choice, it’s empowering. And that’s what makes farang women so angry here. Men have a choice. And the choice they make is to dump their farang gf or wife.

Farang women don’t want to accept that responsibility for the failure of their relationships. They blame those Thai bitches or try to make every guy into a pathetic loser who couldn’t get laid back home. That’s far more soothing to the ego than acknowledging that if her man was happy in the relationship he would never even think of leaving his wife/gf.

Back home, guys have very limited choices. If you’re married, 30-something years old, etc. what are your options? You can bang your secretary but that’s about it. Your wife tells you when to come home, wants to know where you’re going, and seldom lets you go out and play with your single friends. That’s her way of controlling the p***y available to you. If you aren’t being exposed to a lot of available p***y then the value of her p***y skyrockets.

And if you have the p***y monopoly you can use it as a carrot and a stick. If your hubby does something you like you reward him with access to the p***y. If he does something you dislike you withhold access.

And that is basically keeps most western relationships together. The fear of losing the p***y. Most men fear going out into the dating pool and having to deal with all of the rejection and frustration. But in Thailand, you’re all but guaranteed to get laid if you so choose.

And that, my dear, is what you farang women don’t like. When presented a viable option a guy who is not happy in his relationship will dump you. If he was still in love with you he might fool around but he would never leave you.

That’s why feminist farang women are so upset about us losers who could never get laid back home and our Thai bitch girlfriends. It forces them to come to the realization that all of this female empowerment and assertiveness isn’t really working. Back home you have men trapped so in order to get laid they have no other option. When they have options they almost universally choose, not you.

That’s why people like the author want to empower all women. They want to bring everyone down to their level (yes, “down to their level� is intentional). If Thai women would only act like farang women, farang women would be competing on a level playing field.

It’s like the economist Thomas Sowell once said, if the wage gap between men and women was only attributable to sex then all you would have to do is create a company comprised of only women and they would dominate in their field due to the free 3% – 5% profit margin they would be getting. The reason that has never happened is because the wage gap is a factor of things other than sex.

That may seem off point but I think it illustrates how out of touch the average farang feminist views are. Don’t blame your broken marriage on yourself, blame the Thai bitches who stole your husband. Don’t blame the wage gap on higher costs to the employer (maternity leave, women live longer so collect more in pension, etc), blame it on sexism.

I’ll just sum this up by saying that it’s very telling that a Thai woman would have written an article on how hard it is to find a good man in Thailand. A farang woman writes an article about how hard it is to find a man who deserves her.
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Post by boycottamericanwomen »

I went to that bitches website and told her "Oh, poor wittle baby is upset because men are boycotting her! BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Then I told her "I bet it just drives you crazy to see white men with hot young asian wives, when you fat bitchy American women can't even get a date anymore". Then I sent her a link to my Boycott American Women website.

So, I probably inflamed her stupid ego even more, but who cares. She is a complete f***ing bitch, as the majority of western/American women are, and she deserve to get slapped in the face with the truth.

STOP BEING A NICE GUY to western women/American women. They DO NOT DESERVE to be treated nicely, and in fact, deserve the opposite. So, every chance you get, treat western women like the shit that they truly are, because that is all that they deserve anyway. And if enough men start treating them like shit, maybe they will stop their f***ing bullshit feminist crap and f***ing grow up.
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Post by frontier »

Ameriican, British, German, Swedish, well really any woman that is Anglo, German or Nordic is quite inferior to women from Eastern Europe/Russia, parts of South America, and parts of Asia. Southern Europe like Italy and Greece is a gamble but still an upgrade from the Anglo regions. Younger women in those regions are better. You get a better pool of women. It isn't like the U.S where you most women are fat, and the media tells you to settle down with them. Or wait until you are 35 and marry the 35 year old has been used upformer sorority American woman that would not have cared about your life back in college.
As long as a man has a good job, making good money, and isn't grotesque, he is entitled to a hot woman. Radical femnists don't see it that way and insist on pushing their agenda in forcing fat women and hags onto the male population that doesn't look like an abercrombie homosexual.
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Post by boycottamericanwomen »

frontier wrote:Ameriican, British, German, Swedish, well really any woman that is Anglo, German or Nordic is quite inferior to women from Eastern Europe/Russia, parts of South America, and parts of Asia. Southern Europe like Italy and Greece is a gamble but still an upgrade from the Anglo regions. Younger women in those regions are better. You get a better pool of women. It isn't like the U.S where you most women are fat, and the media tells you to settle down with them. Or wait until you are 35 and marry the 35 year old has been used upformer sorority American woman that would not have cared about your life back in college.
As long as a man has a good job, making good money, and isn't grotesque, he is entitled to a hot woman. Radical femnists don't see it that way and insist on pushing their agenda in forcing fat women and hags onto the male population that doesn't look like an abercrombie homosexual.
Yes, western women are mostly garbage, and American women are the WORST of them all.

Yes, American women are VERY PISSED OFF that so many American men are marrying hot young asian girls. Believe me, that is the best way to slap American women on the face, is to just boycott them and marry an asian girl. Over 50 percent of American women are single, without a boyfriend or husband. So whenever an American man marries a foreign woman, that is just one more American woman who will never get married now. American women are BITTER AS HELL because so many men have rejected them and are going for the hot young asian girls instead.

American women burned the bridge, they did this to themselves, and they have no one to blame but themselves! BOYCOTT THEM!
Attn: Please read "The TRUTH Be Told", a free eBook that can help save you from feminism and your guvment.

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Post by frontier »

boycottamericanwomen wrote:
frontier wrote:Ameriican, British, German, Swedish, well really any woman that is Anglo, German or Nordic is quite inferior to women from Eastern Europe/Russia, parts of South America, and parts of Asia. Southern Europe like Italy and Greece is a gamble but still an upgrade from the Anglo regions. Younger women in those regions are better. You get a better pool of women. It isn't like the U.S where you most women are fat, and the media tells you to settle down with them. Or wait until you are 35 and marry the 35 year old has been used upformer sorority American woman that would not have cared about your life back in college.
As long as a man has a good job, making good money, and isn't grotesque, he is entitled to a hot woman. Radical femnists don't see it that way and insist on pushing their agenda in forcing fat women and hags onto the male population that doesn't look like an abercrombie homosexual.
Yes, western women are mostly garbage, and American women are the WORST of them all.

Yes, American women are VERY PISSED OFF that so many American men are marrying hot young asian girls. Believe me, that is the best way to slap American women on the face, is to just boycott them and marry an asian girl. Over 50 percent of American women are single, without a boyfriend or husband. So whenever an American man marries a foreign woman, that is just one more American woman who will never get married now. American women are BITTER AS HELL because so many men have rejected them and are going for the hot young asian girls instead.

American women burned the bridge, they did this to themselves, and they have no one to blame but themselves! BOYCOTT THEM!
Well there are more options than just Asian. There is a big pool of foreign women where they will get half the attitude. Just stay away form any place that has Anglo, German, or Nordic culture. Stick to Latin, Slavic, Asian, or Greco culture.
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Post by boycottamericanwomen »

frontier wrote:
boycottamericanwomen wrote:
frontier wrote:Ameriican, British, German, Swedish, well really any woman that is Anglo, German or Nordic is quite inferior to women from Eastern Europe/Russia, parts of South America, and parts of Asia. Southern Europe like Italy and Greece is a gamble but still an upgrade from the Anglo regions. Younger women in those regions are better. You get a better pool of women. It isn't like the U.S where you most women are fat, and the media tells you to settle down with them. Or wait until you are 35 and marry the 35 year old has been used upformer sorority American woman that would not have cared about your life back in college.
As long as a man has a good job, making good money, and isn't grotesque, he is entitled to a hot woman. Radical femnists don't see it that way and insist on pushing their agenda in forcing fat women and hags onto the male population that doesn't look like an abercrombie homosexual.
Yes, western women are mostly garbage, and American women are the WORST of them all.

Yes, American women are VERY PISSED OFF that so many American men are marrying hot young asian girls. Believe me, that is the best way to slap American women on the face, is to just boycott them and marry an asian girl. Over 50 percent of American women are single, without a boyfriend or husband. So whenever an American man marries a foreign woman, that is just one more American woman who will never get married now. American women are BITTER AS HELL because so many men have rejected them and are going for the hot young asian girls instead.

American women burned the bridge, they did this to themselves, and they have no one to blame but themselves! BOYCOTT THEM!
Well there are more options than just Asian. There is a big pool of foreign women where they will get half the attitude. Just stay away form any place that has Anglo, German, or Nordic culture. Stick to Latin, Slavic, Asian, or Greco culture.
Yea, I agree that Asian is not the only option- Latin or South American are good also, as are Russian women, I heard.

Stay far away from women from America, Canada, England, West Europe, and Australia. Those are the worst.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

green1976 wrote:Thanks Boycottamericanwomen.

I think that we will agree about the problem regarding american women or american women wanabee, is not about getting laid or a secondary matter to play the ostrich,but this problematic is one of the most essential in our lifetime:"What kind of women i have to interact everyday,what type of women could be the mother of my child,what kind of society i want to live and a lot a lot more".

I just put what Mort have to say of what is to be a western female in Thailand and how most of them doesn't understand their reality.
He is very accurate.

Many western women don’t seem to understand that back home your husband had very limited choices so it was better for him to stay in a marriage he wasn’t totally happy with but could get sex semi-regularly than going out into the unknown. In Thailand, sex is guaranteed. You can’t avoid it. So now that the guy sees his expanded options he rids himself of the relationship he wasn’t really happy in and moves on to another.

A guy who is happily married might play around but he would never leave his wife. I have friends of mine who live here and will go with a girl here and there but when I’ve asked them how they can do that if they have their wife waiting at home and they all pretty much give the same answer. Their wife is the person they love. The person they trust. The person that is the mother of their children. They would never give that up for some sex.

Unfortunately, western women who lose their husbands here simply don’t get the fact that they already lost him a long time ago. The only difference is that he didn’t have other options.

That is the thing about Thailand. It’s not like a kid in the candy store. It’s like a kid who’s been fed turd sandwiches his whole life being shown a menu in a restaurant. When you have choice, it’s empowering. And that’s what makes farang women so angry here. Men have a choice. And the choice they make is to dump their farang gf or wife.

Farang women don’t want to accept that responsibility for the failure of their relationships. They blame those Thai bitches or try to make every guy into a pathetic loser who couldn’t get laid back home. That’s far more soothing to the ego than acknowledging that if her man was happy in the relationship he would never even think of leaving his wife/gf.

Back home, guys have very limited choices. If you’re married, 30-something years old, etc. what are your options? You can bang your secretary but that’s about it. Your wife tells you when to come home, wants to know where you’re going, and seldom lets you go out and play with your single friends. That’s her way of controlling the p***y available to you. If you aren’t being exposed to a lot of available p***y then the value of her p***y skyrockets.

And if you have the p***y monopoly you can use it as a carrot and a stick. If your hubby does something you like you reward him with access to the p***y. If he does something you dislike you withhold access.

And that is basically keeps most western relationships together. The fear of losing the p***y. Most men fear going out into the dating pool and having to deal with all of the rejection and frustration. But in Thailand, you’re all but guaranteed to get laid if you so choose.

And that, my dear, is what you farang women don’t like. When presented a viable option a guy who is not happy in his relationship will dump you. If he was still in love with you he might fool around but he would never leave you.

That’s why feminist farang women are so upset about us losers who could never get laid back home and our Thai bitch girlfriends. It forces them to come to the realization that all of this female empowerment and assertiveness isn’t really working. Back home you have men trapped so in order to get laid they have no other option. When they have options they almost universally choose, not you.

That’s why people like the author want to empower all women. They want to bring everyone down to their level (yes, “down to their level� is intentional). If Thai women would only act like farang women, farang women would be competing on a level playing field.

It’s like the economist Thomas Sowell once said, if the wage gap between men and women was only attributable to sex then all you would have to do is create a company comprised of only women and they would dominate in their field due to the free 3% – 5% profit margin they would be getting. The reason that has never happened is because the wage gap is a factor of things other than sex.

That may seem off point but I think it illustrates how out of touch the average farang feminist views are. Don’t blame your broken marriage on yourself, blame the Thai bitches who stole your husband. Don’t blame the wage gap on higher costs to the employer (maternity leave, women live longer so collect more in pension, etc), blame it on sexism.

I’ll just sum this up by saying that it’s very telling that a Thai woman would have written an article on how hard it is to find a good man in Thailand. A farang woman writes an article about how hard it is to find a man who deserves her.

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Post by Taco »

Here's a blog entry by an expat woman in Taiwan entitled, " Why are there so few expat women in Asia?". ... women.html

Single "western" women don't have a very good chance of dating here. Single foreign men tend to date local women and there aren't many chances to date the local men either. If you're a single woman in your late 20's or older and want to date, then you may be disappointed while in Taipei. This is the case for every single foreign woman I have met in Taiwan.
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Post by frontier »

I remember reading a while back at how expat women cannot handle their men falling in love with so many Russian girls. It may have been a few years back but it is the same story today.
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Post by boycottamericanwomen »

Taco wrote:Here's a blog entry by an expat woman in Taiwan entitled, " Why are there so few expat women in Asia?". ... women.html

Single "western" women don't have a very good chance of dating here. Single foreign men tend to date local women and there aren't many chances to date the local men either. If you're a single woman in your late 20's or older and want to date, then you may be disappointed while in Taipei. This is the case for every single foreign woman I have met in Taiwan.
WOW dude. A picture is worth a 1000 words. Did you see the picture of that girl on the blog? She's f***ing ugly and fat. What sane man would choose HER over a hot, young, submissive local asian girl?

Goddamn, these f***ing American cunts are so delusional.
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Post by boycottamericanwomen »

frontier wrote:I remember reading a while back at how expat women cannot handle their men falling in love with so many Russian girls. It may have been a few years back but it is the same story today.
Yea, they are all bitchy because they can't compete with foreign women. And rather than change themselves to be worthy of competing with foreign women, they arrogantly blame everyone else but themselves. Such women deserve to grow old alone with their 10 cats.

In another couple of years, this trend will have escalated to such a degree, that probably 70 to 80 percent of American women will be single. At present, the official number (probably much higher, as the mainstream media always tries to downplay and lie about things) is that slightly over 50 percent of American women are single, without a husband or boyfriend.

Poor wittle babies better get used to the companionship of their dogs and cats, cause no men want them anymore!
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