Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

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Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines

Yes!, helping others shows a good heart and compassion and kindness.
No, he should continue to be a selfish, self-serving, scrooge.
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by Winston »


Several points about your charity vendetta:

1. First, you and other liberals, leftists and Democrats, falsely assume that all poor people are good innocent people with angelic souls and hearts of gold, like the orphan Annie from the movie Annie (1982). That simply isn't true. Many poor people I've met in the Philippines and Russia are scumbags with no morals and would think nothing of stealing from you or robbing you or scamming you. They have a robin hood mentality where they believe the poor have a right to steal from the rich because society is unequal. There is no virtue, honor, shame, or pride in them. They are not innocent angels with high morals like the family from Little House on the Prairie. No way jose. Hence you make a FALSE assumption about them. Most poor people I've met are poor inside in spirit too, not just outside in terms of money. Hence their outer reflects their inner, meaning that they are poor because their souls are poor in virtue too. They seem to have a collective bad karma that puts them in the position they are in. @Mr S has noticed this too.

Let me ask you this: How come every Western expat in the Philippines has experienced some form of robbery, scam, or pickpocketing? What does that tell you? That all poor people in the Philippines are innocent angels with a heart of gold, like Laura from "Little House on the Prairie"? LOL. Hell no! Of course not! It obviously means that a large percentage of poor people in the Philippines are scumbags and greedy gremlins, because that's what they are, both inside and outside. You can tell when people have gremlin souls, they are always greedy and eager to snatch up any cash you have, and are pure takers. Do you think Laura from "Little House on the Prairie" would resort to scams or theft or pickpocketing? Of course not! Do you see how false your assumptions are?!

If you think all poor people are good people, then try this: Drop your wallet in Angeles City -- where there are scores of greedy gremlins everywhere -- with cash in it and your ID card in it with your contact info. See if anyone returns it. No one will. They will all keep the cash even if they return the wallet with your ID in it. That's what greedy gremlins do. Deep down you know this too. So no, poor people are not all good innocent honest angels like liberals assume.

2. Giving money to the poor or beggars is a zero sum game. Any money you give them results in them losing it the next day and going back to zero. It's as if they are meant to be poor and always at zero cash, so even when they get money, they eventually go back to zero, which is where their karma and destiny has set them to be at. In the Philippines, expats say that giving money to Filipino families is like throwing money into a black hole. It just vanishes and they are back to zero again. So what's the point? I've noticed this with freelancers and whores. Whatever you give them, they are back to zero the next day. So what's the difference if you give them 1500p or 2000p or 5000p? They are always back to zero the next day, as if their destiny and lot in life belonged to zero. Hence it's a zero sum game and net zero. Only you lose your money that you could spend on other things. What's the logic in that?

What I heard is that Filipino families are like Black families in America. When one of them has extra money, the other family members or relatives try to take it from them and bring them down to zero. Because Filipinos always have a family member or relative with bad habits, like gambling addiction or drug addiction, which leads to debts that need to be repaid. Or they always have medical emergencies and hospital bills that require a lot of money to pay off. Hence any money they have is gone because some relative always needs it for some reason or another. My friend @halnovemila (Alex) explained this to me in detail. That's why they are at a zero sum game and always go back to zero in terms of cash.

3. Hindus say that trying to rescue the poor is a bad idea because you are interfering with their karma. Everything happens for a reason, the universe is not random as atheists believe. That is false teaching by the atheist establishment in the western world. Hindus say that you cannot interfere with someone's karma. If their karma is to be poor then the universe has a reason for doing that to them. It may be due to their bad karma from a past life or prior existence. We don't know. It's up to the divine will of the universe. You can't rescue them or interfere with the will of the universe or nature. If you don't believe me, go and try and you will be in for a rude awakening. Hinduism is based on thousands of years of wisdom and predates Christianity, so what they say must have some basis or foundation.

Poor people who have goodness and virtue usually receive help from the heavens or the universe. For example, when I met Dianne's family in 2007 they were very dirt poor and only ate rice and soy sauce for dinner. But they were good people at heart, I could tell. Eventually they received help from many wealthy people and are now financially independent, especially since her sister lives and works in the US now.

4. Republicans and conservatives and the John Birch Society have explained to you many times, that giving to the poor only results in them asking for more the next day. As the saying goes "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life." The solution is obviously to help the poor establish some kind of business where they can earn a cash flow. But many of them are too stupid to do that or they cannot manage such a business because they always mess it up due to bad habits and bad behavior. Such people cannot be helped.

Try giving money to beggars and you will see that the next day when you see them on the street again, they will come to you and ask for more. It becomes a daily routine. Ok you can do that sometimes, but so what? It's not going to change their life. Do you see poor people buying food with the money you give them? Some might, but many do not. If you want to help them, why not offer to buy them street food at a canteen, if they need food? I've done that with beggar girls in China and they refused, as if they don't care about food, only cash. I wonder why?

5. I've heard of people giving money to beggars in Angeles City, only to be surrounded by a whole group of beggars later, as if they were gonna assault and attack them. That's very creepy and dangerous and makes you regret helping them. Good people don't do that. Again you falsely assume that all poor people are good innocent people with good souls. That's one of the key primary fallacies that liberals and leftists make. Yet you never think about it or consider it. You just continue with your fallacies and false assumptions like liberals do, without thinking about it. Why?

In Angeles City there are many scums and leeches that will gladly take whatever they can from you. Are you going to let them all parasite and leech off of you? If so, why not go outside where there are mosquitos and leeches and let them drain all your blood? lol. You see how foolish and illogical that is? Just so you can be "unselfish"?

6. You liberals also assume that everyone feels good about helping the poor and that it is better to give than receive. But not everyone feels good about doing charity work. That is another false assumption that presumes that everyone is the same or that everyone is like you, which isn't true. Some people do not feel any pleasure or good feeling from doing charity work or giving to the poor. Shaming them and guilt tripping them is useless. Very few people are altruistic. If you think Mark Davis' Ukraine orphanage project is altruistic, then why does he make lots of money from it? Do you think he does things for free? If so, you are gullible.

I also not agree with the black and white notion that selfishness is always bad and unselfishness is always good. Only low IQ people think like that. Read the book "The Virtue of Selfishness" by Ayn Rand or "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World" by Harry Brown. They contain chapters about why the concept of "unselfishness" is a trap designed to manipulate you and control you and guilt trip you into doing what others want, and hence are bad and manipulative.

7. Most people are NPCs, which means they are either background characters in a video game, or organic portals without a divine soul, and only have a local soul that animates them from the matrix, similar to animal souls. Hence those types do NOT suffer deeply or with intensity, as you imagine they do. Look into their eyes and faces and you will notice that they do not have any deep angst in their soul. They are not suffering like someone with a deep sensitive soul does. Such people only have superficial suffering and pain. Their emotions are NOT deep or intense, only superficial. Hence their suffering is superficial too, even if they are sentient and self-aware (which I am not even sure about). Look at a dog chained to a tree or post and you will see that the dog is not suffering intensely with angst in its soul, its suffering is only superficial, because it is only capable of superficial emotions, even if self-aware. That's how most people are unfortunately. Observe them closely and you will see. They run on auto pilot and are instinct driven and not that aware, and their emotions are very superficial. Most people are like this, especially in Asia where everyone is a conformist, similar to ants and bees with a hive mind and group soul. They are not deep intense souls with deep intense feelings and emotions. No way. In a sense that's good news because it means the poor are not suffering as much as you imagine.

In the Philippines, the poor people and beggars that I see do not look like they are suffering with any intensity or angst. They look like they accept their condition and are in natural harmony with their poverty condition, as if they were at one with poverty and do not struggle against it, which would create more suffering. They act as if their poverty was natural and so are in harmony and rhythm with it. They do not act as if they "deserve better or that things ought to be different" as a westerner would. They do not resist reality, in other words, so they are not suffering as much as you imagine. We don't even know if others are self-aware with real souls or not. They may have souls in terms of the matrix that are created by the matrix and only exist within the matrix, like animals do. But they may not have divine souls that can observe things from outside the matrix. That's why I cannot connect with most people perhaps. My friend @Pixel--Dude has noticed the same thing.

8. I do help people sometimes, if I feel that they deserve it and are a good friend or good people. But I have to see evidence that they are a good friend or good people. I'm not just gonna assume that every poor person is a good person and an angel as you liberals do. Again that's a FALLACY and FALSE assumption. Only low IQ lemmings and NPCs buy into that without critical thought.

FYI, I've donated to close friends and to YouTubers that I follow and have gotten a lot of knowledge and wisdom from. If I feel they deserve it or that I've gotten something from them or believe in their cause, then yes I donate to them. Do you?

I am not stingy btw. I have treated countless Filipinos to free dinners and been scammed and deceived by many. I always pay what I owe. That is not stinginess. I am a logical and efficient person who spends wisely and has a nose for good bargains, it's in my Chinese genes to find good bargains and deals. I am not some stupid person who throws away all his money and loses it all. If I was then I would not have any money to be generous to anyone too. I have never refused to pay what I owe or to reward people for good behavior. Hence I am not stingy. Frugal yes, but not stingy. To be stingy means I refuse to pay what I owe, and I don't do that. Furthermore, only gold diggers, whores, users, bad people, and scammers call me stingy because I am too smart and logical for them to scam. Or I refuse to be the Santa Claus that they hope I will be. But they are wrong to expect something for nothing, hence I cannot be called stingy just for resisting the wishes of bad people who want to take advantage of me. A lot of bad people want something for nothing, and if I say no, then they call me stingy. But that is because they are bad people, not because I am actually stingy. There are tons of bad people all over Angeles City and Manila. But you liberals don't seem to take that into consideration. Hence you liberals are delusional and out of touch with reality and make false assumptions.

If you really want to help poor people then why don't you volunteer in a soup kitchen to help feed them or help them learn to read, etc. Or find a poor boy or girl with a lot of potential and who is very bright, and become a tutor or mentor to them. But only if you see that they have potential and are bright and can make something of the help you give them. Or volunteer in a charity organization that helps sick and elderly people who cannot perform basic living functions. I knew an Indian guy long ago who was very kind and every weekend would drive around and deliver supplies to those who were disabled or poor. He didn't simply throw money at charities or beggars. Why not do something like that if you really want to help others? That's true altruism. It's better than simply giving money to charities or beggars, for the reasons I outlined above.


Anyway I've had enough of this topic. I've wasted my time a lot to explain all the above already, when it should be common sense. Please consider all the points above @kangarunner. If you don't, then I will simply copy and paste the above again or send you the link to this post. I do not like having to repeat things to people who won't listen. But I just wanted to point out all the false assumptions and fallacies that you liberals have about the poor and how to help them.
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by galii »

If people would help and Philippines became wealthy then there would be no cheap p***y. In that case whoremongers would cut their own flesh. If the Ph became like Taiwan that would be the end. Keep them hungry is the logic. Sounds a bit like slavery but it is what it is. Apparently it is just because of Karma some say.
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by Winston »

galii wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 6:07 am
If people would help and Philippines became wealthy then there would be no cheap p***y. In that case whoremongers would cut their own flesh. If the Ph became like Taiwan that would be the end. Keep them hungry is the logic. Sounds a bit like slavery but it is what it is. Apparently it is just because of Karma some say.
Well not exactly. Like I mentioned before, if you give them money they are broke again the next day and just ask for more money the next day. They don't become wealthy or financially independent from donations. Also there are wealthy middle class people in the PH who don't need to scam or ask for money. But there will always be poor people as long as we are under the monetary system. There will always be haves and have nots. That's the nature of the monetary system. Also they are not hungry. I don't see any Filipinos starving to death like in Ethiopia or an Auschwitz concentration camp. They have ways of getting food if they need it.
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by Winston »

Also @kangarunner, if you think Democrats care about the poor, think again. Do you think Hillary Clinton donates to charity or does anything for the poor? No she just takes their votes. She doesn't give them squat. She even scammed the people in Haiti remember? There was a huge scandal about that. Do you think super rich liberals like Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates do anything for the poor? Not really. There may be websites that claim they do, but you cannot find any real SOLID PROOF at the grass roots level, which can be verified by real everyday people you meet in real life, that they've done anything to help the poor. There many be websites or official newsletters or mainstream media that say they help the poor by giving them vaccines or whatever, but none of that can be verified. They don't build shelters or do anything to help the poor become financially independent.

Go to any homeless shelter or talk to any poor people and ask them what Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk or Warren Buffet have done for them. They will tell you NOTHING! Sure the media can LIE and tell you that they do charity stuff, but you can't find any real proof or verification from real people at the grass roots level. What does that tell you? That liberals are all talk and no action. Their goal is to instate communism and socialism. Not to help anyone. They want to destroy the middle class and bring everyone down to the poverty level so that there is only rich and poor, like it was under the feudal system, only this time all the poor will be slaves to the state to provide for all their needs, like in Orwell's 1984. You need to wake up and stop believing in all the liberal lies. You are so gullible man.
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by galii »

Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 8:21 am
galii wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 6:07 am
If people would help and Philippines became wealthy then there would be no cheap p***y. In that case whoremongers would cut their own flesh. If the Ph became like Taiwan that would be the end. Keep them hungry is the logic. Sounds a bit like slavery but it is what it is. Apparently it is just because of Karma some say.
Well not exactly. Like I mentioned before, if you give them money they are broke again the next day and just ask for more money the next day. They don't become wealthy or financially independent from donations. Also there are wealthy middle class people in the PH who don't need to scam or ask for money. But there will always be poor people as long as we are under the monetary system. There will always be haves and have nots. That's the nature of the monetary system. Also they are not hungry. I don't see any Filipinos starving to death like in Ethiopia or an Auschwitz concentration camp. They have ways of getting food if they need it.
I know I wrote a bit sarcastically in hyperbole but the bottom line is if Philippines became another wealthy Taiwan it would not be interesting for guys like us. True?
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by Winston »


Did you read the 8 point essay I wrote above about helping the poor in the Philippines? I spent a lot of time on it, so you should read it.

Regardless, from now on you are to keep all discussions of charity here in your two charity threads. DO NOT go into other unrelated threads and post "Winston why aren't you helping the poor in the Philippines?" again! That's totally off topic in other threads and is badgering too! If you wanna discuss charity, keep it in the charity threads that you started, like this one. You can start by addressing the 8 points I elaborated on above. Otherwise, if you can't discuss the topic intelligently, then don't bother. And stop posting garbage and trash posts. If you don't have something of value to say, then don't say anything at all please. Thanks.
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by Winston »


Btw, if you think all poor people are good people, then try this: Drop your wallet in Angeles City -- where there are scores of greedy gremlins everywhere -- with cash in it and your ID card in it with your contact info. See if anyone returns it. No one will. They will all keep the cash even if they return the wallet with your ID in it. That's what greedy gremlins do. Deep down you know this too. So no, poor people are not all good innocent honest angels like you and liberals assume.

In my book, for a poor person to prove that they are good, they would have to do something like return a lost wallet. I remember long ago one homeless family did just that, they returned a lost wallet and got on the news for it. The public was so touched that they started sending in donations to the homeless family. Most poor people would not have passed that test btw. Did you know that?

One time when I was in 2nd grade in 1981 I also found a lost wallet on the playground with 30 dollars in it. I turned it in to the teacher and the principle came out and wrote down my name. I thought I was gonna get a reward for it, but I never did. Maybe I was rewarded karmically. I don't know. But I could have kept the 30 dollars because at the time, I was a kid and had zero money in my pocket. But I didn't. I still did the right thing. Maybe I got good karma credits or rewards from heaven for it. Who knows. But I did the right thing. Most people in the Philippines, especially in Angeles City, would not have done that.
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by kangarunner »

@Winston Jesus would help the poor in his life. Haven't you read the Bible? Jesus tells us to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Do you not have any compassion for others in your heart?

@Winston Why are you such a selfish person? Why do you not want to help others?
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

And now Behold!! Kangarunner has gone "WOKE" everyone. Hurray! :D
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by Yohan »

kangarunner wrote:
July 28th, 2023, 1:08 pm
@Winston Jesus would help the poor in his life. Haven't you read the Bible? Jesus tells us to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Do you not have any compassion for others in your heart?

@Winston Why are you such a selfish person? Why do you not want to help others?
Growing up in a true Catholic country in Europe I did not notice that Jesus and his followers are willing to help anybody else except themselves and every Catholic priest I met personally was only supporting himself with a big salary and blessing the rich businessmen and politicians etc., surely no consideration at all for the ordinary people who had nothing to say (like I myself, even when I was still a small child).

About helping others in general, if it makes any sense why not to help? But helping should result in improvement. Many people are not willing to work hard to improve their own situation and are even ungrateful for help? Why to help them? Why to give something to aggressive beggars? To drug junkies who will use your money to buy drugs again...etc.

As I said before in another thread there is even the same situation with poor children, like in Philippines, many are just a hopeless case (called the 'dumb ones') and only a few are willing to change if you give them a chance (called the 'bright ones').

Don't waste your time and money to help people who do not deserve it!
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by Yohan »

galii wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 8:59 am
I know I wrote a bit sarcastically in hyperbole but the bottom line is if Philippines became another wealthy Taiwan it would not be interesting for guys like us. True?
I don't think, this is true, because where is rich there is always poor existing too.

Wealthy Taiwan? Income is still considerably lower than in nearby South Korea and Japan and Taiwan is politically unstable, its future is unclear.

Your question if a rich Philippines would be or not be interesting for guys like us, it is relative, depending on various issues, like your own citizenship and living standard, job possibilities, visa/working permits, available housing etc.

You see yourself, Winston has the chance to move over to Taiwan or to Philippines, and still prefers for what reason ever to continue to keep his permanent residence in USA. He remains to be just a visitor to these both countries.

I had the chance to move over to Asia, and left Austria (EU) forever, but I preferred finally to move over to live in Japan and not in Malaysia.
It's not only about rich and poor, it is about many other issues you have to consider...

I could now move over to cheaper Thailand wih a pensioner visa, as I own a second home in Thailand, but I prefer still to keep my permanent home in Japan. I am just a regular visitor several times a year in Thailand.

I really would say it depends on the individual, what country he or she prefers for a living. There is no clear answer to it.

Maybe we can say as a general guideline, if you have a lot of money you can live everywhere and if you are a nothing and own nothing you are not welcome wherever you go...
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by galii »

Yohan wrote:
July 28th, 2023, 8:12 pm
galii wrote:
July 23rd, 2023, 8:59 am
I know I wrote a bit sarcastically in hyperbole but the bottom line is if Philippines became another wealthy Taiwan it would not be interesting for guys like us. True?
I don't think, this is true, because where is rich there is always poor existing too.

Wealthy Taiwan? Income is still considerably lower than in nearby South Korea and Japan and Taiwan is politically unstable, its future is unclear.

Your question if a rich Philippines would be or not be interesting for guys like us, it is relative, depending on various issues, like your own citizenship and living standard, job possibilities, visa/working permits, available housing etc.

You see yourself, Winston has the chance to move over to Taiwan or to Philippines, and still prefers for what reason ever to continue to keep his permanent residence in USA. He remains to be just a visitor to these both countries.

I had the chance to move over to Asia, and left Austria (EU) forever, but I preferred finally to move over to live in Japan and not in Malaysia.
It's not only about rich and poor, it is about many other issues you have to consider...

I could now move over to cheaper Thailand wih a pensioner visa, as I own a second home in Thailand, but I prefer still to keep my permanent home in Japan. I am just a regular visitor several times a year in Thailand.

I really would say it depends on the individual, what country he or she prefers for a living. There is no clear answer to it.

Maybe we can say as a general guideline, if you have a lot of money you can live everywhere and if you are a nothing and own nothing you are not welcome wherever you go...
I think you did not understand what I meant. I wrote 'us'. In that you were not included. I guess with us I mean guys who are single and don't want to invest much money and energy to have action with girls but also want some GFE. I am not talking about living in these countries I said what makes them interesting.
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Yohan wrote:
July 28th, 2023, 7:51 pm
kangarunner wrote:
July 28th, 2023, 1:08 pm
@Winston Jesus would help the poor in his life. Haven't you read the Bible? Jesus tells us to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Do you not have any compassion for others in your heart?

@Winston Why are you such a selfish person? Why do you not want to help others?
Growing up in a true Catholic country in Europe I did not notice that Jesus and his followers are willing to help anybody else except themselves and every Catholic priest I met personally was only supporting himself with a big salary and blessing the rich businessmen and politicians etc., surely no consideration at all for the ordinary people who had nothing to say (like I myself, even when I was still a small child).

About helping others in general, if it makes any sense why not to help? But helping should result in improvement. Many people are not willing to work hard to improve their own situation and are even ungrateful for help? Why to help them? Why to give something to aggressive beggars? To drug junkies who will use your money to buy drugs again...etc.

As I said before in another thread there is even the same situation with poor children, like in Philippines, many are just a hopeless case (called the 'dumb ones') and only a few are willing to change if you give them a chance (called the 'bright ones').

Don't waste your time and money to help people who do not deserve it!
I sometimes give money to homeless people. Because I have compassion and empathy for others. That's not to say it should be an obligation though and @Winston or anyone else don't have to give anything if they don't want to. I don't know why @kangarunner is pursuing this so aggressively like it even matters.

There are people in the world who have so much money that they could pretty much put a stop to homelessness, but they choose not to because they would rather parasite everyone's resources for themselves and drive everyone else deeper into poverty.

I think your comment about how some people are not willing to work hard is an ignorant one. Some people DO work hard and then all it takes is an unlucky day where they lose their job and suffer from mounting debt and lose their home, then they become homeless.

I know if I was homeless I would spend my money on alcohol and drugs as well because trying to sleep on the streets sober would be a f***ing nightmare.
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by My life is garbage »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
June 28th, 2023, 11:24 am
Actually @kangarunner if you look at it this way... @Winston got with Dianne, his ex-gf and baby mama, when she was just some simple waitress in a bar. A
Marcos has confirmed that Dianne is a bar girl. :lol: I'm not sure if I'm more surprised that Winston would stoop so low to actually procreate with a bar girl or if an actual human woman was willing to procreate with him!
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Re: Should Winston Help/Donate/Give to Those Less Fortunate in the Philippines?

Post by Yohan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 29th, 2023, 1:58 am
Yohan wrote:
July 28th, 2023, 7:51 pm
About helping others in general, if it makes any sense why not to help? But helping should result in improvement. Many people are not willing to work hard to improve their own situation and are even ungrateful for help? Why to help them? Why to give something to aggressive beggars? To drug junkies who will use your money to buy drugs again...etc.
.....I think your comment about how some people are not willing to work hard is an ignorant one. Some people DO work hard and then all it takes is an unlucky day where they lose their job and suffer from mounting debt and lose their home, then they become homeless.
I don't think, my comment is 'ignorant'. Try to change such people who prefer to live in the streets - most of them will not even listen to you.

Such people are totally unwilling to do anything productive, living from garbage, are into drugs and alcohol etc.

There are only a few 'bright ones' willing to work, willing to do something to get out of their difficult situation - this guy for example...
but he does not ask anybody for help. He is confident to be able to improve his life, in future not to become homeless again and to have jobs and earn enough money....

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