Most Beautiful Face?

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Re: Most Beautiful Face?

Post by MrMan »

Cornfed wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 8:52 am
MrMan wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 8:37 am
Cornfed wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 5:34 am
This is another obvious case of AI being corrupted by the Jews.
Why would the Jews want the world to think a Palestinian Jordanian is so pretty?
They don't think she is pretty. They just hate and want to exterminate whites, so they pick someone who doesn't look white.
You'll figure out a way to blame just about anything on the Jews.

If you clog your toilet, do you blame that on the Jews, too? Heart burn from eating greasy food---- the Jews?
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Re: Most Beautiful Face?

Post by WilliamSmith »

gsjackson wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 4:22 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 2:58 pm

They had a pic of Elizabeth Hurley at the bottom of that article, and she was really hot for a skinny chick (and doesn't look like my Mom, which is also good).
Too bad Hugh Grant embarrassed her by taking a page out of my book and going for black American girls when they were still married though. :o
Are you sure you'd call a monetarily compensated front-seat-of-the-car blow job "going for black American girls?"
LOL, thanks for the correction, I was a bit hazy on the details about what actually happened.

"Going for black American girls" is what I do.

Hugh Grant, well... it's not like he couldn't have been scoring without making it "transactional," but thanks for refreshing my memory.

Hmmm, this turned into a more enjoyable topic to read about than I thought:

I see Divine Brown apparently made over $1 million USD in public appearances after the Grant incident, and she had a lot to say on the subject of Hugh Grant being caught womanizing, cheating, and fathering numerous children, LOL:

FYI @Lucas88 (from one "lady's man" to another).

Oh, and here's a more flattering picture than the mug shot in the wiki link:
Image ... 9a0945b0d3
Hugh Grant’s ex-hooker Divine Brown: ‘He can’t control himself’
DIVINE Brown, the former prostitute caught in a compromising position with Hugh Grant 18 years ago, has some advice for the mothers of his illegitimate children.

She said: “I was shocked by the news. He can’t control himself at all. That little devil — he’s moving around like a hot potato. Hugh will not be the guy who will sit down and be faithful to one woman. He made love to these [two] women he was with but trust me he’s not going to be a one-woman man.”
Divine — who made more than $1 million in media deals and public appearances after her and Grant’s tryst — unsurprisingly advises Tinglan and Anna to get as much money as possible from him. She said: “My advice to them is to play it cool, be the mum you are to your children, get all the money, and don’t become an enemy.”

Divine Brown now lives in Atlanta and has three daughters.
The 44-year-old, who goes by her birth name Stella Thompson these days, has no sympathy for the two women but thinks it’s unfair Grant is getting a hard time.

She said: “These women knew that were dealing with Hugh Grant, they knew what kind of man he is. He is a player. They are older women, they knew his past and that he dealt with a lady of leisure in me and they know how he parties.

“Why are people always trying to slander him and make him seem like such a bad guy? Evidently a lot of women don’t care about his behaviour.”

Divine, a veteran single mum — who has two grown up daughters Cheyenne, 24, and Brianna, 23, as well as her five-year-old Derionna — gave Grant some parenting tips.

She said: “He needs to be there unconditionally, it’s about the quality time, it’s about reading books and being there for them, picking them up from school, tucking them into bed and just being there when you can — it’s not about the money (he gives in maintenance). It’s about the security he provides.

“You have to grow up at some stage in life and now he has that responsibility. Children will make you grow, I can vouch for that.”
Divine doesn’t think Hugh has learned anything since that infamous night 18 years ago, when he “aggressively” pursued her up Los Angeles’s seedy Sunset Strip and paid her $50 for oral sex. The pair got stopped by cops who noticed the BMW because the break lights kept flashing. Grant was dating Liz Hurley at the time and she dumped him afterwards.

Asked why she thinks a 53-year-old man cannot control himself, Divine sighed: “I don’t think he goes out looking for it, he’s just a bad boy. That’s something that’s going to follow him, that’s something he can never get rid of.

“He loves beautiful women. He could be faithful but unfortunately he gets bored with one woman. He has to have a different kind of woman, I experienced that with him, and he’s the type that gets bored with his relationship.

“He sees another women in a fantasy he would love to have and he’s the type of man that goes out and gets it like he did with me.

“He loves to play and now he’s conceiving children while he’s playing. Maybe now he’s getting older he wants somebody to carry on his legacy.”

Ever since their dangerous liaison Divine has wondered what drives Grant’s recklessness.

She said: “He finished his private school and his colleges and stuff like that, he had that real person inside of him that couldn’t wait to come out and be the man that he is today. That’s what I saw in him, it was natural to him. I was scared that night and he was normal.

“I’m sure he kept that part (of his personality) hidden from his whole family, but when he gets out and really allows his real ways to come out there’s nothing he can do about that. It’s just him, he’s born with that. No one can take that from Hugh Grant.

“He definitely has a thirst for living on the edge.”

@Outcast9428 is probably still upset with me for giving contrary opinions vs his belief "Asians" are genetically all supposedly wired for monogamous sexual conservatism, but maybe this will cheer him up to learn Divine Brown is now a Christian, Mom, and Grandmother:
In contrast to her past, church and gardening take up most of her time these days, she said: “I am a Christian and go to church and I like gardening.

“I came here for a normal life, it’s beautiful out here, the greenery, the hospitality. “Derionna is in private school, I’m in the PTA, we make cupcakes and lemonade together, and we do cheerleading. I have always been a hands-on mum.

“I don’t regret meeting Hugh Grant that night. I did what I did, I got out (of prostitution) when I did. I made a lot of money, and also I spent a lot of money in the past.

ROFLMAO, I was never trying to get a bunch of other guys off their own "preference" and chasing black American girls, but see why I like black American women the best:
Divine does occasionally wonder what life would have been like if she had ended up with a Hugh Grant love child.

Chuckling, she said: “Those should have been my mansions! I had him first. “Yes I can imagine that lifestyle, yes sir. If we had got together I bet that he wouldn’t have been cheating and wouldn’t have had different babies everywhere, because I would have fulfilled all his fantasies, I would have did it all. He wouldn’t be around trying to find this woman here, and thinking ‘she doesn’t do this’.”

In fact Divine, who recently split with her fiancee Richie, would love a second go at satisfying Grant. She laughed: “Of course I still fancy him, Hugh Grant is a fine looking white boy. Even 15 years later he looks really good for his age. I would love to see him again ... I can be his next baby mamma.”

Whether their paths cross again, Divine sends her congratulations to the man who changed her life forever.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Most Beautiful Face?

Post by WilliamSmith »

MrMan wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 4:42 pm
Cornfed wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 8:52 am
MrMan wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 8:37 am
Cornfed wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 5:34 am
This is another obvious case of AI being corrupted by the Jews.
Why would the Jews want the world to think a Palestinian Jordanian is so pretty?
They don't think she is pretty. They just hate and want to exterminate whites, so they pick someone who doesn't look white.
You'll figure out a way to blame just about anything on the Jews.
I don't know about that pic, but Cornfed's right about jews promoting racemixing + being pathologically obsessed with eliminating the white race:

It's an objective fact that the jews promote race-mixing as an overtly stated goal, and the jews were the #1 participating ethnic group (not the only one, but the single highest participating ethnic group) in inundating the Caribbean (later North America) with black slaves, after which they've used pretty much identical tactics in both Europe / Weimar and here to try to exploit blacks (and other outside racial groups, eg refugees from the Middle East) to subvert and overthrow what was once "America" via the civil rights act and promoting racemixing.

Examples of jews admitting all that and a lot more:

Israel Cohen quoted in there, for just one example:
"We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon
is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the
dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by
the Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. The terms colonialism and imperialism must be
featured in our propaganda. In America, we will aim for a
subtle victory. While inflaming the negro minority against
the Whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt
complex for their exploitation of the Negroes.
"We will aid the negroes to rise to prominence in every walk
of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
The dim bulbs around here who can't fathom that jews are a problem no matter how many mountains of objective irrefutable proof you put in their face directly quoting jews will probably just ignore all of it anyway and do something like make random references to QAnon even when none of us have ever been into that, but for what it's worth, here's more: ... cy-theory/

LOL, this is all perfect timing though, because I just posted yet another big love-fest in this very thread about how I think black American women are the best (in a post about Divine Brown viewtopic.php?f=1&t=47626&p=390045#p390045) , but nonetheless, whether jew-worshipper MrMan likes it or not, Cornfed is objectively right about the jews promoting forced racemixing and white genocide / great replacement. And they aren't doing this to help everyone get along, because they advocate for the exact opposite for themselves: It's part of their sociopathic plans to try to create global governance under their control. A lot of that's part of judaism, as well. I'm out of time for tonight, but think that PDF has quite a bit more quoting jews saying this stuff, since it really isn't a secret.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Most Beautiful Face?

Post by gsjackson »

WilliamSmith wrote:
February 8th, 2023, 5:39 pm

It's an objective fact that the jews promote race-mixing as an overtly stated goal,
The apartment complex I live in gave me a TV several months ago and I've been watching a lot of it -- cop shows, as is my wont. Totally indefensible activity, I know, unless getting up to speed on the conventions our Jewish masters are currently locking into place in our brains qualifies as worthwhile. Among those conventions -- every coupling is bi-racial. I'm quite certain I haven't seen a single couple who were of the same ethnicity, except for a couple of black lesbians in one show. (And of course, rubbing the audience nose in a homosexual relationship is now obligatory in almost every episode.)

These conventions augur a scary future. Among them: If you are a person of interest in a criminal case -- rousing just the slightest suspicion -- your residence will be invaded by a SWAT team who batter open the door and come at you with automatic weapons. The militarization of American police has been a contribution of Israel, where many police units from all over the U.S. are sent for training. And apparently it's put into practice here now. You recall Roger Stone's residence being invaded at 6 in the morning with CNN summoned to be on hand to film, for the crime of being a Trump ally. And the parents of this guy accused of killing those college kids in Idaho had their residence invaded and partially destroyed in the wee hours of the morning. So standard procedure now for high profile cases, and no doubt coming soon to precincts near you.

Another convention -- The U.S. now apparently has video cameras on every street corner, just like the UK. Big Brother is always watching you, and you will not escape.

I've mentioned before the convention that chicks are the muscle -- stronger and faster than men and easily besting them in hand-to-hand or even hand-to-weapon combat. All tech geniuses are black, as, of course, are the generals and admirals, CEO's. doctors and presidents.

O brave new world.
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