Americans are born and raised to be Narrow Minded

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Re: Americans are born and raised to be Narrow Minded

Post by rainbanx »

I cannot wait to start a new life somewhere, all it takes is to finish school, earn/save more money and find a country that fits my budget and lifestyle. I do not want to deal with AW at all! (even for a business related stuff) and they can kiss my Filipino ass.
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Re: Americans are born and raised to be Narrow Minded

Post by rainbanx »

kangarunner wrote:
December 30th, 2022, 10:10 pm
All the nasty people (well mainly older men) who have maliciously done shitty things to me in my 20s when I was young and dumb. I wonder how they look at their faces in the mirror every morning at their nasty, evil eyes. This is an evil country that is about money and power only. There is nothing else such as all the good things we found in more sane, cheerful countries. Winston sent me an audio from another guy and he said that in America everyone is pretending. They're pretending to be happy. Pretending to be happy going to some shitty bar. Pretending to be happy going to some stupid ass football game cheering with all the drunk, fat asses watching the game.
I just read an article from Winston called "Propaganda vs. Real Life in America", and I felt like I do not want to live like a typical American male after reading this article:

The life of the typical married American man:

“He has a wife, some kids, a mortgaged house, two cars or SUV’s, many bills to pay, and a stable job to support all of it. Each morning, he and his wife get up, get the kids ready for school, make coffee, and then they both go to work (or at least he does). After a 8-9 hour workday, he comes home and tries to relax in front of the TV, but often has very little time to do so, because he might have to help make dinner, talk to his wife and kids (which usually consists of clicheish pep talk around the dinner table), help do household chores, help the kids with their homework, get the kids ready for bed, and then go to bed himself, often still exhausted. The next day, the same routine simply starts all over again.

On weekends, he gets a little more freedom, but not by much. Instead, he has to spend a large part of the weekend catching up on household chores, cleaning the house, or doing yard work. If he can manage to do a family outing, it is often too stressful to enjoy. Not only does he have to constantly watch and discipline the kids from getting out of hand, but he has to think about his budget for the family outing, driving and planning where to go, humoring the kids, lecturing them and giving them clicheish pep talk, making sure his wife is pleased with the outing too, and making sure they get back home in time before the kids’ bedtime. That’s why these family outings are usually exhausting and more stressful than fun.

Sometimes, he and his wife also go out to social events sponsored by schools, companies, churches or the community. But even then, these events tend to be rigid, routine, dull and clicheish. In addition, around the people at these events, he puts on a contrived pleasant face to be polite, regardless of whether he likes them or not, and others at the events do the same to him as well. People at these events don’t deeply enjoy them. Instead, they simply pretend to. Deep down, they know it is just a light distraction from the routine monotony of their daily lives.

In the background of all this are the constant pressures and demands of the bills he has to keep up with as well as the savings he has to allocate. He has to deal with the big house mortgage payments, utility bills, taxes, car insurance payments, medical insurance bills (unless his company pays all or most of it), food and gas expenditures, credit card bills, entertainment/luxury item expenditures, the needs and wants of his kids and wife, etc. In addition to all this, he has to also try to save up some money for his retirement or his kids’ college fund.

Each day that goes by, each week, each month, each year, etc. is pretty much like the above. That’s life for him. Eventually, he may start asking himself “Is this what life is all about? Is this all there is?” Then he may start feeling like a robot leadin chanized life with no freedom. Not only is he a slave to his company, but he is a slave to his wife, kids, house, cars and bills as well. Sadly he learns that there is no true freedom in all this. Not only is this life routine and stressful, but mind-numbing as well. Eventually, he may start to long for the life he had before when he was single and could do whatever he wanted without his current stresses that enslave him. He may long for the time when he was young and single and could choose from many paths in life without anyone tying him down, as well as his freedom to pursue or love conquests with new and exciting women. He may still love his wife and have affection for her, but the romance and passion may be long gone, and they stay together simply for financial commitments and for the sake of the kids. In fact, he may even start to envy the life of the traveling backpackers to overseas countries who, although are poor and on a budget, nevertheless live a life of adventure and mind-expanding freedom.

To cope with this mind numbing routine and stress, he may find ways to distract himself. He may seek acceptable forms of escape such as becoming a sports fan and watching football, baseball, or basketball. These spectator sports provide a temporary distraction from his inner emptiness. Or he may develop other hobbies such as reading, or becoming a handyman on cars and houses (like Tim Allen does on the sitcom Home Improvement). And of course, he must constantly convince himself that his life has meaning because he is doing what God and his country told him he is supposed to do by raising a family, and that it is all for the good of his kids and wife who are depending on him. No matter how dull, stressful, or mind numbing his life is, that’s what he has got to tell himself every day in order to tolerate and endure his conditions.”
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Re: Americans are born and raised to be Narrow Minded

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Yohan wrote:
December 30th, 2022, 9:36 pm
rainbanx wrote:
December 30th, 2022, 5:41 am
Why most people (but not all) in America are so narrow minded or stuck up?

Even when I travel, I noticed when they travel to other countries they either: Only go 1 country at a time and/or go to other countries that are more familiar and easy (U.K, Ireland, France, Italy, Thailand).

Is it because Americans aren't accustomed to think outside the box? or Is it because comfort/luxury is more important?

Please tell me your opinion.
Is it because Americans aren't accustomed to think outside the box? I think so. Many US-citizens have no idea what is going out outside of their own country, even no idea what is going on beyond the borders of their own state in another state.

The problem I have seen with unexperienced US-citizens when travelling abroad is to critizise and even complain about the life-style of local people - at least here in Asia - and want to teach them that all and everything is better in the States.

I have seen US-citizens who are telling people in Thailand, Cambodia and also in Japan that Buddhism is a bad religion and the only true religion is somewhat related to Jesus... You better should not say this in countries with a local population of more than 80 % Buddhists.
How do you expect people will react? You appear to be intolerant and will face intolerance in return.

US-citizens always claim their 'rights' in USA as 'international rights' - regardless if this is about feminism and otherwise women rights, or father's rights after divorce regarding their children, or rights for criminals be assisted by lawyers to get away with a lenient sentence, or about gender issues - so-called woke-demands and me-too or race related issues like BLM etc. etc. etc.

They do not understand that way of life is different outside the States.
The knowledge about other countries, even their location, is appalling in the States among its ordinary population.

I have seen an American man, who was getting rude against a young sales woman in Japan berating her what an idiot she is because she could not understand him what he said in English. - So I interferred and asked him 'how many languages do you speak?' - He was looking at me like if I am the man coming straight from the moon.

I also have seen an American man, who deliberately entered the Walking Street in Pattaya complaining loudly about prostitution and I asked him, why do you go exactly there to this entertainment area if you do not agree with it? He could not answer my question...

Another American, preaching Jesus, I remember he was standing in front of the Boy's Town street in Pattaya and telling everybody, to be gay is a sin - but all these boys, elderly Western foreigners and young Thai boys were just laughing at him....

I also remember an US-citizen in Cebu, Philippines in a restaurant in a shopping mall, complaining about food quality and taste. I could only tell him next time choose another destination, Philippines is not famous to gourmets....LOL

I noticed only US-citizens are doing that. I have never seen some behavior like that against locals from other citizens, Europeans usually will not quarrel it out if they don't like this or that and walk away... Russians will just walk around with their families including young children and enjoy what they see....
Lol it's funny how Americans are literally blind about where other countries are located. Are they dumb or permanently stoned or something?
American education system has failed them. Americans think the world is America or should be America.

There is this show called "are you smarter than a fifth grader" it's quiz show adult vs kids, but it's scary that some of these adults managed to
hold down a job because they are so f*cking stupid and can't even beat a fifth grader in quiz game. It seems that America buys foreign talent and "Brains" via "American Dream Marketing" and make the smart foreigners to run the American machine and subsidizing all the worthless degenerate morons just like the book "March of the morons" and movie ""idiocracy". ... Dideriksen
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Re: Americans are born and raised to be Narrow Minded

Post by Outcast9428 »

rainbanx wrote:
December 30th, 2022, 10:07 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 30th, 2022, 9:38 pm
rainbanx wrote:
December 30th, 2022, 11:08 am
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
December 30th, 2022, 6:56 am
Yes it seems that way.
For me it takes HALF as much effort to make friends with non Americans than Americans. Foreigners don't have that ice wall at all..
I am a Korean American who lived in America for 25 years. This my experience.
Americans also have a "thick ice wall" that you have to break through. Once broken through, your good for 2 to 3 years, but after that.. a new ice wall forms on their mind. And And even if you befriend an American, they have very little to offer anyway. They don't have the deep, intellectual, open and philosophical mind that Winston and others are looking for in a person. Most of them are really shallow and stupid anyway. Even ethnic Americans are the same. There isn't any noteworthy Korean Americans with similar mind like Winston Wu. They all been molded into a soulless automatons.
Yes, for the most part the only people that I really get along with are people with color (Blacks, Hispanics, Middle Eastern, Asians). In fact, I had a good experience with my boss at work (She's Korean). I just cannot wait to save up as much money as I can and go to another country where I can have a better social life.
I am White myself and I also find that the people I get along with the easiest seem to be non-White people. Not with Black people though. I get along pretty well with Hispanics, Asians, and Arabs... But not really with Blacks. There's too much cultural difference with them.

I went to a college that was about 80% White people yet for some reason I didn't get along with any of the White people at my college. The people I got along with were exclusively non-White people. I do think the White people in my hometown in Virginia are a lot easier to get along with then the people at my college were, but even here I find the non-White people a bit easier to get along with then the White people are.

As a side note though, dear God, please don't ever use the term "people of color." That term is unfathomably retarded. Its literally calling them colored people, just switching the order of the words. But Democrats like to say it so they can be like "haha we can say colored people and act like its not racist but you can't!"
Yeah, it seem pretty outdated to say people of color lol. What's even funny is regardless of where you go (school, work, churches, etc.) to build social connections (especially for women), they will say things like "I have a Boyfriend" "My 4 or 7 kids", "My husband", blah blah blah. But even at work and if I only discussed work related stuff, you will always get these responses from them no matter what. You see how sick and retard this American culture is? How can you established a healthy long term connections with people if you have these triple whammy ahead of you? lol
I suppose it does present an interesting dilemma in that a conservative environment is a good one if you are young. If you are older though it gets more difficult as most of the prettiest girls get married at quite a young age.

You may be able to find a more traditional girl in Eastern Europe though. As much as I dislike this fact, the average age of marriage in Eastern Europe is not all that young yet. Its obviously much younger then in Western or Northern Europe, but most women still marry in their mid-late 20s there. Probably won't meet nearly so many women who already got married in their early 20s.
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