Is America a Jewish country, not a Western country?

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Post by ladislav »

The Jews have huge influence on the US but what some people say is that they are second in command. Like you have a royal family and then you have all these vassals. The corporate power is still in the hands of the old WASP families in the large percentage.

It must be added that Jews in America, outside of their old ethnic origins and religion are very Americanized, and are just basically WASJs. They are very mainstream Anglo American now. Even in Israel, some people say that American Jews are not Jews at all. Again, this means little as far as this discussion but in their behavior, they are very Western. With some Jewish flavor.
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Post by Rock »

It's easy to answer these types of questions qualitatively based on what things 'feel' like. Why not throw-up some data to better illustrate how much the USA might or might not be controlled by people of Jewish descent?

Imagine there are 2 types of people - Ys and Zs. Now you have a firm with 10,000 employees, 98% of whom are Ys and 2% Zs. However, all decisions are made or must be approved by a 'management committee' comprised of 20 people. Now if 15 of these 20 happened to be Zs, would you say Zs control the company? Most likely yes since they comprise an overwhelming majority of key decision makers. What if the number was 12, 6, 3, or just 1? Would it be possible through superior strategic cooperation that if the number was just 6, they could still manage to make 80% of key decisions by outmaneuvering the other 14 non Zs? There are many considerations even in this grossly oversimplified scenario.

Now consider the USA. What are some of the power centers which often come up in discussions - the media/Hollywood, the big banks/Wall St., Congress, the White House, big business/corporations, etc. How much power do Jewish people and groups effectively exert over each of these institutions or units? Start with some figures. What percentage of key decision makers in largest media organizations are Jewish. Which Hollywood studios are Jewish controlled and which are not? What percentage of Washington lobby money is sourced from Jewish groups? What percentage of key figures on Wall Street are Jewish? To really flesh out a case for claiming Jews effectively control the States, it would be nice to see a logical quantitative argument to explain the detailed mechanics of how this works.

To be honest, when you start getting down to the numbers and percentages, Jews, as less than 2% of US population often seem to stand-out glaringly. Heck, I even read that around 60% of Harvard enrollment is Jewish. Combined with the high percentage of Asians and affirmative action for blacks and Hispanics, that means non-Jew whites are grossly under-represented there. Jews do seem to be a huge force in key areas of US power. Could it all boil down to ashkenazi intelligence? After all, we are all gunning for our own interests so naturally the strongest get to the top. Israel seems to be the tail that wags the dog when it comes to the way their leaders get treated by Washington. But it all needs to be fleshed out much better to make any kind of credible case. Anyone know if this has been done and what the studies are?

Also, along the same lines, does writer of the letter to Winston believe Chinese control certain SE Asian nations? Just curious. At least I agree with his opinion that Taiwanese women are the most beautiful Asians lol.
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Post by mrmillersd »

So what about ethnic anglo saxon jews? many of the top dogs in usa are ethnically european, jewish in culture from the european jewish migration? do you consider them jewish?

Orthodox israeli jews wouldnt

What about Chinese American Jews? Would you have a problem with them working in banks? or Arab-jews?
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Post by ladislav »

mrmillersd wrote:So what about ethnic anglo saxon jews? many of the top dogs in usa are ethnically european, jewish in culture from the european jewish migration? do you consider them jewish?
Orthodox israeli jews wouldnt
What about Chinese American Jews? Would you have a problem with them working in banks? or Arab-jews?
Most Jews are descendants of a Hebrew nation/race/ethnicity in Palestine which was destroyed by the Romans with the Jews being taken into the Roman Empire and strewn all over it. This is how they ended up in Europe to begin with. A middle eastern people similar to Arabs.

This is what a Jew looks like racially:


Similar to Lebanese, Syrian Arabs- basically the same tribes.

Now, we need to come to a definition of " a European". To an American, it is based on the place you were born in so anyone who was born in Europe is a European to an American. (And a politically correct Brit will lip off the same definition while behind everyone's back be talking about bloody Pakis, miserable Wogs, Chinky Chonks and Jewboys while in their face, he will say- "you re British, you are European!")

To a continental European, it's not. It is based on your bloodline/pedigree and genetics. It's determined as breeds of dogs are determined. You don't classfy dogs by birthplace, do you?

So, while an American would consider Menachem Begin who was born in Poland ( and another 2 million Jews who "came" from Europe) --" a European", the actual Polish people ( and another 400,000,000 Europeans) would consider these Jews as Middle Easterners, Semites, Asiatics and well, Hebrews. "Look at his face!" they will say. It's not European. The same way is ,by the way, how they view Gypsies- as Indian settlers and not Europeans.

Unlike in America, in Europe, a birth in a place does not make you one of them. Same in most countries on Earth except in the New World. Meaning, a Jew born in Poland is still a Hebrew Middle Eastern Semite ( as an Arab would be) to Polish people and a non European-- he looks different physically and is also of a different religion, mannerism, etc. But he is a European to an American.

To Americans, these Jews came from Europe, but to Europeans, they are Middle Easterners, similar to Arabs and Turk who passed through Europe.

There have been some actual European people who converted to Judaism and who joined the Jews but these are a small percentage. Jews do not proselytize but, those who decide that they want to become part of the Jewish people can "get naturalized". But they are still ethnically and blood-wise non Jews but it does not matter because the Jewish laws consider them as Jewish as anyone else. At least legally.

But in social life, they are usually not going to be treated as Jews. The same goes for such people who are Chinese Jews and Ethiopian Jews and Indian Jews- they are by law Jews but ethnically and genetically- not. They are however, of distant Jewish origin albeit mixed now and they must be recognized as Jews. However, their numbers are small--they are on the fringes of the Jewish world and are not representatives of the mainstream. Will they work in banks? They can, but they don't as a rule.

You can incidentally say the same things about Arabs. Somalia with totally black people, and Lebanon with its French looking people and Egypt with lots of Greek looking ones are all Arab countries. Then, in many places in the Middle East, you find Mongoloid looking Arabs- I saw Saudis that looked Japanese. I saw some in gov't offices in Saudi. One, two of them. Maybe three. None in the House of Saud weilding power. None of the princes.

These people are mixed minorities on the fringes who have been accommodated. The bulk, the core of Arabs still looks like this:


So, I guess it would be the same with Jews.

As far as ethnic Anglo Saxon Jews- there are strictly speaking no such people: When I used the made up WASJ acronym, I did so tongue-in-cheek because there's really no such thing. Anglos were a tribe from Denmark ( Jews are a tribe from Palestine) Saxons is another Nordic tribe from Germany. So, there is no such thing as an actual ethnic Anglo Saxon Jew.

It's just that culturally America is Anglo Saxon and the local Jews here now have adopted this culture.

Arab Jews- again, you need to look at definitions and who is doing the classifying about what to call that person. There are two definitions of who is an Arab. Some talk about tribal blood ties and define an Arab as a race/ethnicity and that he/she must descend from such tribes ethnically through sperm. Other people say that any person who speaks Arabic is an Arab. Heck, you and I can be Arabs if we speak Arabic well.

So, based on the first definition, Jews who were exiled to and lived a long time in Arab countries are not Arabs, but by second definition, they are.

But that is not really important

What am I aiming at here? Actually, most Jewish power in the world and the control is in the hands of Jews who are of mostly Ashkenazi stock- that is Jews that settled in Germany in the first centuries of modern era, and then branched out into Eastern Europe and from there-- to the USA (where they "became" Europeans to the American mind).

Btw, they had no last names initially, so German authorities devised names for them that would identify them as Jews even though they sound Germanic to an Anglo Saxon ear: Goldberg, Schwartzman, etc. Feinstein, etc. German people usually don't have such names. Poles then devised names for them such as Horowitz, etc. The Russians made names for them based on the village in which they lived by adding a "ski". No Jews would have names ending in IN or OV.

These are the bulk and the majority of the world Jewry and naturally, most rich among the Jews are from that stock, too.

Everyone else, mainstream Jewish or not has little power.

Now, Orthodox Jews are a recent phenomenon- it was a group of Jews living in Ukraine in the 18th century who became united by a fanatical rabbi- Baal Shem Tov, and who created something of a Jewish version of Wahabbism and a very strict definition of who is a Jew based on mainly religious criteria. So , to them, anyone who is not a fanatical Orthodox is not even a Jew in any sense and the ethnicity does not even matter. However, their definition is arbitrary and most Jews do not agree with them.

Please go to about 0.47 and peer into the faces of the youth. This is what 90+% of Jews look like. Kind of of like a lighter version of Arabs. Or Italian, Greek look. You don't see darker Semitic features, nor do you see Chinese faces there. There are very few blonds. These are what we call the " actual ethnic Jews". They are not really different from people like Bernanke, Greenspan, Koch, etc. Same ethnic stock. And the DNA testing proves this.

Jews are an ethnicity with blood ties among them all,and that has its own religion. A unique phenomenon. Religion, ethnicity, nationality, nation, people-hood, all wrapped into one. Been like this for thousands of years.
Last edited by ladislav on June 28th, 2013, 12:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by S_Parc »

Rock wrote: Heck, I even read that around 60% of Harvard enrollment is Jewish. Combined with the high percentage of Asians and affirmative action for blacks and Hispanics, that means non-Jew whites are grossly under-represented there.
What's underrepresented at Harvard, as well as many other Ivy colleges, are whites whose parents are not alumni of those unis. Almost every WASP-y person I knew at Harvard, had a parent who'd attended or was working as a faculty member. Yes, it helps to be related to Al Gore. Other not so connected persons should take classes at the continuing ed and then, get oneself a degree out of the Extension program.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

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Post by fschmidt »

ladislav, thank you for being a voice of sanity here. Just one minor correction.
ladislav wrote:Now, Orthodox Jews are a recent phenomenon- it was a group of Jews living in Ukraine in the 18th century who became united by a fanatical rabbi- Baal Shem Tov, and who created something of a Jewish version of Wahabbism and a very strict definition of who is a Jew based on mainly religious criteria. So , to them, anyone who is not a fanatical Orthodox is not even a Jew in any sense and the ethnicity does not even matter. However, their definition is arbitrary and most Jews do not agree with them.
What you are describing here is Hasidic Judaism which is a subset of Orthodox Judaism.
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Post by mrmillersd »

what really helps into HYP is being a athlete from prep school....

no, H does not have 60% non white jews. that is propaganda
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Post by S_Parc »

mrmillersd wrote:what really helps into HYP is being a athlete from prep school....
One of the private HSs, right in Cambridge MA, places a huge number of kids into Harvard College. What they never tell the prospective applicants is that many of the students there, are offsprings of Harvard faulty members living nearby. Thus, even if a person plays competitive LaCrosse, at let's say Horace Mann, he better have something else on his resume (like starting a new school newspaper/radio station) if he's not of alumni background. This is what's never told to the common person out there.
Many years ago, the Best Picture of 1999, "American Beauty", telegraphed the message of Happier Abroad to the world.

Beware of long term engagements with AWs, you may find yourself in a coffin.

AB discussion thread

BTW, despite settling down with an AW, myself, the warning is still in effect.
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Post by Repatriate »

Rock wrote: Could it all boil down to ashkenazi intelligence? After all, we are all gunning for our own interests so naturally the strongest get to the top. Israel seems to be the tail that wags the dog when it comes to the way their leaders get treated by Washington. But it all needs to be fleshed out much better to make any kind of credible case. Anyone know if this has been done and what the studies are?
Ashkenazi Jews are smart there's no doubt about that but so are a lot of other ethnic groups. I think what sets them apart is that the shared identity of Jews is a pretty strong one. I knew quite a few Jews growing up and you couldn't put two of them in the same room together without bickering and arguments. :lol: But when it was time to talk business or get something done they would make it happen. Plus Jews are even more clannish than Chinese. Chinese sub ethnic groups will excel because they share a very intimate cultural identity but the Chinese diaspora in general will ruthlessly backstab each other and engage in crab mentality. The difference here is that Jews seem to raise each other up more often than not in difficult situations. I think the Holocaust more than anything reinforced the necessity to band together. Plus the avenues of power and influence in the U.S. are heavily weighted towards finance, politics, and media. In other countries old world politics and family connections act more as a buffer against the "noveau" rich from gaining too much influence. The U.S. is relatively young and the playing field is still open since generational "aristocratic" blue blood types are comparatively rare. Thus Jews have been able to establish themselves as the new aristocrats in the U.S.
Also, along the same lines, does writer of the letter to Winston believe Chinese control certain SE Asian nations? Just curious. At least I agree with his opinion that Taiwanese women are the most beautiful Asians lol.
Ethnic Chinese definitely dominate commerce in SE Asia though. If you look at all the prosperous SE Asian nations the richest and most influential tycoons are ethnic Chinese.
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Post by zboy1 »

Even South Africans are smarter than the average, dumb-down American:



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Post by Repatriate »

One interesting thing about America's perception of world affairs is that the christian fundamentalist demographic loves Israel. Your average man on the street thinks Israel = good and Palestinian = terrorist. Half of America's fundamentalist right believes the end times are nigh and Jerusaleum as the Holy land, etc.. Jews play a fundamental part in Christian mythology so American protestants and baptists love Israel. This creates a weird burden on U.S. foreign policy to keep financing a small aggressive nation-state which supports apartheid and creates foreign policy blowback from numerous other countries.

To be honest I don't see any benefits in supporting Israel at all.
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Post by ladislav »

Protestant American and other Anglo ( be extension) countries' Protestants support Israel. Catholic nations do not, and less so when it comes to Orthodox ones.
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Post by ladislav »

fschmidt wrote:ladislav, thank you for being a voice of sanity here. Just one minor correction.
ladislav wrote:Now, Orthodox Jews are a recent phenomenon- it was a group of Jews living in Ukraine in the 18th century who became united by a fanatical rabbi- Baal Shem Tov, and who created something of a Jewish version of Wahabbism and a very strict definition of who is a Jew based on mainly religious criteria. So , to them, anyone who is not a fanatical Orthodox is not even a Jew in any sense and the ethnicity does not even matter. However, their definition is arbitrary and most Jews do not agree with them.
What you are describing here is Hasidic Judaism which is a subset of Orthodox Judaism.
You are right actually but most Orthodox ones in Israel are still of a similar way of thinking and follow the same strict religion based policies of Jewishness. Most still originated in E. Europe. They are a minority.
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Post by Adama »

Repatriate wrote:One interesting thing about America's perception of world affairs is that the christian fundamentalist demographic loves Israel. Your average man on the street thinks Israel = good and Palestinian = terrorist. Half of America's fundamentalist right believes the end times are nigh and Jerusaleum as the Holy land, etc.. Jews play a fundamental part in Christian mythology so American protestants and baptists love Israel. This creates a weird burden on U.S. foreign policy to keep financing a small aggressive nation-state which supports apartheid and creates foreign policy blowback from numerous other countries.

To be honest I don't see any benefits in supporting Israel at all.
That's because the seminaries have also been subverted by those in control to get people to believe that first Jews must regain Israel.

Jews are not the "elect" or the "chosen." Hence Jews dont need to regain Israel for the second coming of Christ. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is a member of the elect. Those who do not believe in Jesus will submit to the antichrist.
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Post by Adama »

"Who Are God's Elect?" Baptist Preaching Against Zionism

Jews Do NOT Really Believe The Old Testament

"The Commonwealth of Israel"
Last edited by Adama on June 28th, 2013, 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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