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The Arab
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Post by The Arab »

Seriously ...

How can you be over 25 and have only $400 ?

I'd think an average U.S. citizen at that age would have at least 50 K.

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Post by gsjackson »

The reserves may be a good way to make some extra money and get health insurance, but typically it's not a way to get abroad for any length of time. Unless your unit gets called up, you go to weekend drills once a month at the unit in the States you join, and then do a two-week camp, usually in the summer. Maybe with the Air Force you could hop a free flight abroad now and then, but you'd still have to cover your expenses while you're there. Be very skeptical of anything a recruiter is telling you.

I do think China and South Korea are your best bets for landing an ESL teaching job without experience or the credential. The one-month courses providing the credential cost more in the $1,200 to $1,500 range, last I checked. Or you could take an online course for much cheaper, which probably would also give you much more employability in Asia than Europe.
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Post by odbo »

The Arab wrote:Seriously ...

How can you be over 25 and have only $400 ?

I'd think an average U.S. citizen at that age would have at least 50 K.
You must be joking. Computer-science majors who graduated at 21 or 22 and got a job at Google off the bat might have 50k by then, if they're good with their money and live with their parents.
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Post by All_That_Is_Man »

E_Irizarry: From your experience, it sounds like you live in an institution run by lazy ghetto folk, all of whom intend to keep everyone in the shelter down. Get the hell out of there now. Living on the street and taking temporary shelter in public places sounds like a much better deal than what you are getting. Why would anyone accept or recommend your lifestyle situation??
As for your quote: "Leave Black people alone if you have a choice. In America, they are put in a position where it's their duty to keep people down or to box them out of opportunities... most people don't want to be bothered with them whom aren't ghetto nor Black", I too am black and I agree with this quote to a certain extent. But to better phrase it, I leave black WOMEN alone and found that my life is more positive if I don't even acknowledge black WOMEN to any degree. You weren't lying when you said that black women dislike black men (or men in general) and view them as deployable. Black women are the loudest, most ghetto, most violent, and most miserable of all Americans by far, and you can bet that they hate everyone except other black women. Ignore black women. They're a bad joke at best.
Most black men in America, however, actually have a decent head on their shoulders. The problem is that there are "ghetto" type and then there are "good" type (as opposed to black WOMEN who are, trust me, essentially all ghetto), and many good type of black men get bunched into that ghetto type that you see in the shelter apparantly. From experience of BEING a good black man myself, I can promise you that we have options and networks just off the bat. Good/nice people in general (whether they be black or non-black) WANT to be around good black men because there is a genuine strength in being strong, friendly, positive and yet black when even OUR WOMEN who most run OUR COMMUNITIES have become vendictive, ghetto, materialistic, skin-bleaching, man-hating pigs - and to some extent some of our men choose to be disheveled, weak-willed, thug-wannabe, drug-dealing, gangsta rappin' jailbirds. The idea of being good educated BLACK MEN to come from such negative foundations is just refreshing. In short, leave the black women to bring down their communities, their ghetto men, and their out-of-wedlock youth even lower (because that's what they're good at doing) and don't stop being the good, strong black man that they hate. You'll make plenty of non-black women very happy all through life. When it comes to black women, ignore their very presence. But back on topic...

odbo: That's true. Where does this "The Arab" guy get 50K from?? Did he miss the part where I said I've been unemployed for [7] months all while still paying student loans [$215] every month which greatly reduces my $68 every week compensation of Unemployment Insurance? Add in a monthly phone bill of $60 every month, how does one get $50,000 from that situation?
"Manginas grovel. Men travel." - me (04/17/2012)

"I used to be one of those men who believed that men are better than women at everything. Then I stood corrected!
Women are better than men at... getting fat." - me (02/24/2013)

Black women suck at life.
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Post by All_That_Is_Man »

Okay, I thought I shoud update with my progress so far. I'm selling everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! I tried to hold on to mundane things, hoping it woud greatly contribute to the life that I think I might lead once I am free and away from Mommy and Daddy's nest, but I was only hurting myself by weighing myself down with too much luggage and too many objectives! I sold about 80% of my CD collection so that I can fit my CDs into a suitcase now. Plus I made copies of each CD on my external harddrive just in case I decide to sell all of my CDs. My bass amp (which weights 40+ lbs. and would need it's own transport bag in itself) is getting sold this weekend - if not at the local musical instrument shop, then on Craigslist/eBay for pick-up. Hell, I can still play my bass audibly without an amplifier, and I'm not forming a rock band anytime soon living at home. Along with the amp goes my huge, portable keyboard. It's huge, I don't have the proper space to learn at my leisure, and it reeks of cigarette smoke from the previous owner. It was free, and now I will take damn near any offer to get rid of this thing. I may, however keep the soft carrying case for it, as I can actually use that as an enormous duffel bag to carry my completed art prototypes if I see fit. My DVD collection is down to about 15 DVDs over the years, so I will be keeping at least 75% of those with no hassel of transportation.

Art supplies and tool kit will be rather tough. I just may end up selling my tools kit because I only used that when I used to own a car back in 2007. Clearly I expect no possibility to get a car anytime soon unless GM or Ford actually responds to my applications/portfolio/resumes. The tools are going on eBay this Sunday. My art supplies consist of several aresol cans of acrylic finish, oil paints, adhesive, deodorizer and primer - stuff I want to keep if possible. My art is the main source of my income and/or customer networks right now, so while ditching my entire PlayStation 2 library or gaming systems, for instance, was effortless, doing the same for my art supplies could actually damage my survival rate in a sense.

Any furniture is being kept here, or trashed without hesitation. Even electronics appliances such as my heater, my fan, my air ionizer, my heating pad, and my old alarm clock has been nixed for a little income on the side. My nights are could now, but I still have a humidifier every night and the notion that the less I have, the better. Any wall art such as my posters, my rare Tony Hawk skateboard deck, art pieces that I've made have all been sold. Hell, I'm no longer holding on to my old bedsheets/blankets because I am currently selling those now, too! Again, holding on to things that won't immediately aid my health and wellbeing, educate me, or prosper my profession has to get dropped like bad habits (speaking of dropping bad habits, I've even stopped biting my nails since!).

As far as my money situation, I'm still at home, yet I've earned about a good $100 since I last made this thread 20 days ago, maybe more. I haven't counted all of my money together to be exact. I still have no job either, but I tend to be a little stubborn and will only accept jobs where A) I am my own boss, B) the job in question actually helps you financially in order to work for them (i.e. every teaching abroad job), C) I am using my skill/talent of art (i.e. music, photography, writing, drafting, Photoshop, modeling, etc.), or D) working a high-paying, male-dominated job (I think we've all had enough women telling us what to do). My parents are pissing me off, of course - deliberately being filthy on days I agreed to wash dishes, throwing away or moving ANYTHING that I don't stuff in my cluttered bedroom, questioning my money situation in general, interrogating me (it seems) whenever I leave the house for exercise or fresh air, nagging me about these alledged "job openings" for mundane jobs like Wal-Mart, T-Mobile, K-Mart, and several other bullshit jobs that I've already wasted the last three years of my life on, etc.

I've looked into teaching abroad more thoroughly, and it turns out that I will need more money and preparation to do so. (right now I just don't have the time to run around and get a background check, pay out of pocket for a passport/visa, get a medical exam/required shots, get documents notarized, etc. all under my parents' nose right now, ESPECIALLY without my bike to get me anywhere). Some other time, overseas. Right now, my biggest goal is growing my business to where I can make REAL money, and selling everything, and I mean EVERYTHING to where I can literally walk down the street with everything I will need in one single trip. Progress is slow, but I guess this is better than being immediately homeless in the freezing Chicagoland area. Still, I'm 25, and I need to get the f**k out and start living my life!
"Manginas grovel. Men travel." - me (04/17/2012)

"I used to be one of those men who believed that men are better than women at everything. Then I stood corrected!
Women are better than men at... getting fat." - me (02/24/2013)

Black women suck at life.
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Post by chileanueva »

Questions: 1.) Why didn't you finish college? 2.) Why are you still paying your student loans?

I feel for you brother. It's frustrating to be living at your 'rents house and not being able to support yourself.

The Arab thinks in Gulf Oil money mentality - WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A PALACE IN THE DESERT WITH A HAREM OF WHORES? *sighs* Mr. Arab

My cousin Anthony lives in Berwyn, he is 34 years old, unemployed for 2 years, his major was graphic web design. He is 300 lbs overweight, smells like shit, he is still a virgin, spends his whole day/night on the PC, coughs everyday because of the mold growing in his basement. He spent a week in the hospital because his coughing got so bad. His only allowance is from his mother who is a R.N. who supports this lazy bum.

Bro, your life may seem to suck, but others have it FAR WORSE than you do.
"Stop talking. Just Do It." - ME

"Treat women like shit because they are lying, manipulating, cheating whores." - ME
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Post by onezero4u »

congrats on making up your mind in 2012 to take charge of your life...there is power in conviction and action.

my 2 cents:

since you dont have a solid plan yet & have unemployment til july-august there is NO need to spend extra money to expediate your it regular processing....

without knowing details of your advise against doing welfare, foodstamps, homeless shelters... you sound like an able bodied intelligent young man who needs a hand up...not a hand out.

forget being a parasite if you can help will f**k with your confidence.

id suggest finding cash only job(s) and save the hell out of it and even though you hate your parents house etc, suck it up just to enjoy the free room, board etc....your $68 weekly wont get you far on your own.

id keep a cheap bracelet etc on your wrist that you associate with your commitment to get out of dodge. Then glance at the bracelet whenever your folks bust your balls or your facing an obstacle so your reminded of your goal & stay true to your decision to go abroad

keep your plans a secret til youre walking out the door but you should leave some vague fwd addy in case of emergency...just so your folks do worry like crazy.

sell your offense but if you only got $400, most of your other shit aint that valuable. downsize young man!! sell it or donate! and accumulate some nest egg b4 you travel...if you cant get a job in the states, think about how challenging it might be overseas as a foreignor and as a possible illiterate!

FYI many countries require a rountrip ticket proof and proof of X amount of money when entering...just so young unemployed dudes with barely $400 dont enter their country and become SAVE up and choose the cheapest country you can stand.

id suggest going for teaching english....generally easy to get and fairly decent pay - bennies.

good luck to you....

pm if you want specifics
marriage is a 3 ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring and then suffering.
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Post by All_That_Is_Man »

chileanueva wrote:Questions: 1.) Why didn't you finish college? 2.) Why are you still paying your student loans?
1.) I graduated college in 2008. Frankly, however, a BA degree in Game Design hasn't done shit for a guy who A) gave up playing video games back in 2005, B) recently sold every single video game and gaming console he owned, which were what initially inspired him to pursue a career in such a field in the first place, C. loves p***y more than programming, and D) lives three hours from the NEAREST gaming studio.

2.) Student loans are mandatory after you graduate college, and after the "grace period" of a few months. Unless I enroll back in school, I'm expected to pay these student loans every month or else my fees will be held in deferment and my credit score will become royally f***ed.
chileanueva wrote:The Arab thinks in Gulf Oil money mentality - WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A PALACE IN THE DESERT WITH A HAREM OF WHORES? *sighs* Mr. Arab
I didn't wanna sound racist, but that is PRECISELY what I wanted to say to Mr. Arab after reading his ignorant f***ing response! I mean geez, not all of us are hood-rich Muslims who get their first Lincoln SUV at 12, their first BMW sedan at 16, and an expendable Lexus sports car before they turn 21.
onezero4u wrote:congrats on making up your mind in 2012 to take charge of your life...there is power in conviction and action.

my 2 cents:

since you dont have a solid plan yet & have unemployment til july-august there is NO need to spend extra money to expediate your it regular processing....

without knowing details of your advise against doing welfare, foodstamps, homeless shelters... you sound like an able bodied intelligent young man who needs a hand up...not a hand out.

forget being a parasite if you can help will f**k with your confidence.

id suggest finding cash only job(s) and save the hell out of it and even though you hate your parents house etc, suck it up just to enjoy the free room, board etc....your $68 weekly wont get you far on your own.

id keep a cheap bracelet etc on your wrist that you associate with your commitment to get out of dodge. Then glance at the bracelet whenever your folks bust your balls or your facing an obstacle so your reminded of your goal & stay true to your decision to go abroad

keep your plans a secret til youre walking out the door but you should leave some vague fwd addy in case of emergency...just so your folks do worry like crazy.

sell your offense but if you only got $400, most of your other shit aint that valuable. downsize young man!! sell it or donate! and accumulate some nest egg b4 you travel...if you cant get a job in the states, think about how challenging it might be overseas as a foreignor and as a possible illiterate!

FYI many countries require a rountrip ticket proof and proof of X amount of money when entering...just so young unemployed dudes with barely $400 dont enter their country and become SAVE up and choose the cheapest country you can stand.

id suggest going for teaching english....generally easy to get and fairly decent pay - bennies.

good luck to you....

pm if you want specifics
Great advice, onezero4u!
"Manginas grovel. Men travel." - me (04/17/2012)

"I used to be one of those men who believed that men are better than women at everything. Then I stood corrected!
Women are better than men at... getting fat." - me (02/24/2013)

Black women suck at life.
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Post by have2fly »

2.) Student loans are mandatory after you graduate college, and after the "grace period" of a few months.
There is an "unemployment deferment" for student loans. They give you a total of up to 3 years of deferment due to unemployment.

Generally speaking, immigrants that come to America with $1,000 in their pocket (if even) somehow make money and live a decent life. I don't understand - how can an American be broke? I know guys that have no education and no English knowledge, but some are truck drivers, some work in construction, some work in car repair. All of those guys make great money, $60 to $140K per year. If I have to, I'll go drive a semi-truck, I don't care really. I know a guy who is a cab driver, barely speaks any English, he brings $150-$200 CASH per day!
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Post by chileanueva »

have2fly wrote:
Generally speaking, immigrants that come to America with $1,000 in their pocket (if even) somehow make money and live a decent life. I don't understand - how can an American be broke?
Americans suffer from "Keeping up with Joneses" syndrome. Even if their income is high, but they're charging every purchase on credit cards. Their CC debt will accumulate exponentially towards unsustainable proportions. The idea to use the credit card is very addicting because the whole concept of borrowing and paying it back later allows the consumer to get their hands on the product immediately, and delay paying for their merchandise in full.

Most Americans are leveraging loans and debts to fund a lifestyle they can't afford. They are just keeping appearances with big home and nice cars, but the reality is that they are drowning in debt and close to foreclosure.

REAL WEALTH = HUGE SAVINGS + CASH FLOW. Cash is King. Borrowing other peoples' money doesn't prove you are rich. Debt = slavery.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

All_That_Is_Man wrote: I leave black WOMEN alone and found that my life is more positive if I don't even acknowledge black WOMEN to any degree. You weren't lying when you said that black women dislike black men (or men in general) and view them as deployable. Black women are the loudest, most ghetto, most violent, and most miserable of all Americans by far, and you can bet that they hate everyone except other black women. Ignore black women. They're a bad joke at best.
Most black men in America, however, actually have a decent head on their shoulders. The problem is that there are "ghetto" type and then there are "good" type (as opposed to black WOMEN who are, trust me, essentially all ghetto), and many good type of black men get bunched into that ghetto type that you see in the shelter apparantly. From experience of BEING a good black man myself, I can promise you that we have options and networks just off the bat. Good/nice people in general (whether they be black or non-black) WANT to be around good black men because there is a genuine strength in being strong, friendly, positive and yet black when even OUR WOMEN who most run OUR COMMUNITIES have become vendictive, ghetto, materialistic, skin-bleaching, man-hating pigs - and to some extent some of our men choose to be disheveled, weak-willed, thug-wannabe, drug-dealing, gangsta rappin' jailbirds. The idea of being good educated BLACK MEN to come from such negative foundations is just refreshing. In short, leave the black women to bring down their communities, their ghetto men, and their out-of-wedlock youth even lower (because that's what they're good at doing) and don't stop being the good, strong black man that they hate. You'll make plenty of non-black women very happy all through life. When it comes to black women, ignore their very presence. But back on topic...

African Amercian women are the WORSE people in America right now and if you're a black man and you want to succeed in life you need to remain single or date outside your race.
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Post by djfourmoney »

chileanueva wrote:
have2fly wrote:
Generally speaking, immigrants that come to America with $1,000 in their pocket (if even) somehow make money and live a decent life. I don't understand - how can an American be broke?
Americans suffer from "Keeping up with Joneses" syndrome. Even if their income is high, but they're charging every purchase on credit cards. Their CC debt will accumulate exponentially towards unsustainable proportions. The idea to use the credit card is very addicting because the whole concept of borrowing and paying it back later allows the consumer to get their hands on the product immediately, and delay paying for their merchandise in full.

Most Americans are leveraging loans and debts to fund a lifestyle they can't afford. They are just keeping appearances with big home and nice cars, but the reality is that they are drowning in debt and close to foreclosure.

REAL WEALTH = HUGE SAVINGS + CASH FLOW. Cash is King. Borrowing other peoples' money doesn't prove you are rich. Debt = slavery.
Cash is not king, the Fiat Currency train is coming to a halt and unless you want your money to worth 20-40% less. On top of that, savers are being punished by the Fed (low interest rates), you only get about 2% from either Savings or a CD, how is that wealth creation? Its not, unless you have Millions of dollars.

My advice -

Keep only enough cash on-hand to fund near term purchases. Invest the rest in Silver (coins are about $35 each) as we get closer to the bottom of the Euro Crisis (possibly by March when Greece is likely to default), the ECB will prop up Italy who is the key domino here, not Greece. While Greece defaulting will have an impact, not nearly as bad as Italy going down in flames.

The Euro Zone will be together without a few of the PIIGS countries possibly, but Italy will be saved at all cost and that will stabilize the Euro. Once that happens, focus will then turn on the over-leveraged UK Pound and the debt ridden US dollar. The Dollar is already worth less than the paper its not printed on, I wouldn't have as many more than needed.

I have seen stories of US citizens living in Mexico on US Unemployment benefits. You might wanna see that as possible option. Much of South America, Central America and Eastern Europe is dirt cheap.
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Post by S_Parc »

All_That_Is_Man wrote:
chileanueva wrote:The Arab thinks in Gulf Oil money mentality - WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A PALACE IN THE DESERT WITH A HAREM OF WHORES? *sighs* Mr. Arab
I didn't wanna sound racist, but that is PRECISELY what I wanted to say to Mr. Arab after reading his ignorant f***ing response! I mean geez, not all of us are hood-rich Muslims who get their first Lincoln SUV at 12, their first BMW sedan at 16, and an expendable Lexus sports car before they turn 21.
Though I have to admit, it is a nice dream, of being King Abdullah's heir :wink:. Granted I'd choose a beach over the desert :)
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Post by tom »

You could consider moving to Silicon Valley. You don't have to do gaming necessarily. You could do a lot of different things.
Being in an oppressive environment is probably dragging you down more than you know. You could do a lot with far less without all the baggage. You can never be successful being dragged down by selfish people who oppose your every attempt to succeeded.
It wont be easy of coarse, most people are basically selfish and will do nothing to help you.

I am guessing you are not a natural smooth manipulator. Like that that Roosh V guy, you may have seen people like that. They are naturally good at using other people and adapting to all kinds of new social situations, they are terrible with routine.

You need to get into a position that takes advantage of your strengths.
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Post by All_That_Is_Man »

tom wrote:You could consider moving to Silicon Valley. You don't have to do gaming necessarily. You could do a lot of different things.
Being in an oppressive environment is probably dragging you down more than you know. You could do a lot with far less without all the baggage. You can never be successful being dragged down by selfish people who oppose your every attempt to succeeded.
It wont be easy of coarse, most people are basically selfish and will do nothing to help you.

I am guessing you are not a natural smooth manipulator. Like that that Roosh V guy, you may have seen people like that. They are naturally good at using other people and adapting to all kinds of new social situations, they are terrible with routine.

You need to get into a position that takes advantage of your strengths.
Silicon Valley would be very appropriate for me! I have recently read the book The Accidental Billionaires which tells the story of the 4 college students responsible for starting Facebook dot com. In short, the book explains how Silicon Valley is virtually (no pun intended) the starting line for every major American entrepreneur involved in technology or computers in someway, whether they started Facebook, or founded eBay, pioneered Apple, or invented Microsoft!
"Manginas grovel. Men travel." - me (04/17/2012)

"I used to be one of those men who believed that men are better than women at everything. Then I stood corrected!
Women are better than men at... getting fat." - me (02/24/2013)

Black women suck at life.
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