If you had absolute sexual attraction potency,what and who would you do?

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Re: If you had absolute sexual attraction potency,what and who would you do?

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
February 6th, 2023, 4:30 pm
The kicker is that in exclusive relationships, the mutual attraction normally doesn't stay as strong as the cyclone of love chemicals and hormones subsides (even if attraction sometimes is still there after years, but in the studies I've read it tends to deflate significantly anywhere between 6 months to a year into the relationship, which is one of many reasons why most relationships and marriages end).
This is a good point. With most marriages the initial love eventually fizzles out and those marriages become nothing more than an empty shell kept up either for practical mutual interests or social expectations or, in some cases, they were purely transactional to begin with. Any traditional notion of marriage seems like an extremely bad idea to me.

I'm not naïve. I know just how fickle the heart of a woman can be, how people change so suddenly and just how illusory most claims of "love" turn out to be. I've seen this happen to various people around me. I've even experienced it myself with my second long-term relationship. I'm an honest person. I'd rather not live a lie for the sake of appearances. Ending up trapped in an empty and loveless marriage would possibly be the worst situation for me.

I don't see many convincing reasons to get married. The only one I can think of is if you encounter your soulmate and form a deep spiritual bond with that person and therefore desire to become "one" with her in a permanent union. But I think that is quite rare. In many cases marriages are simply for practical reasons like child rearing. However, given the emptiness and illusory nature of so many marriages, I think that there are much better ways of doing things for men like us who are not convinced of the supposed necessity or desirability of the monogamy hodler lifestyle (i.e., those of us who'd rather not live a lie).

If you want kiddies, you could come to an agreement with a woman who wants kids of her own but who isn't interested in marriage either. You would negotiate the terms and shared responsibilities and decide how you would raise the kid together but without any fake pretenses of "love". Both parties would retain their own independence. Of course, one would have to have sufficient means for this kind of arrangement.

This almost happened to me in the mid 2010s. My Peruvian ex-girlfriend and I had separated due to irreconcilable differences and one day she called me on Skype and matter-of-factly asked me to give her a kid which she would even be willing to bring up alone in Peru and without any commitment on my part. Naturally I was taken aback by her out-of-the-blue proposal but she explained to me that she was being serious and that she wanted a kid with high intelligence and European genes. In hindsight, it would have been the best thing for her. Not so long after she hastily rushed into a marriage with a middle-aged Portuguese guy who she met through a mutual acquaintance and soon had a kid with him but he turned out to be an abusive asshole and a complete narcissist and so she ended up trapped in a hellish marriage which almost drove her to the edge. She's now divorced from that abusive narc but she still has him breathing down her neck due to the joint custody of the kid. If I had just given her a kid for her to bring up in Peru with her aunt and uncle who've always wanted kids but never could, then she wouldn't have had to go through all of the torture with that Portuguese asshole just to get the kid she always wanted. Moreover, I would have been able to be part of the kid's life too but without being stuck in a relationship that wasn't going to work (even though we did settle things on amicable terms).

The monogamy hodler lifestyle doesn't appeal to me at all. I'm no longer interested in the illusory notion of "love". Nor do I want to subject myself to unnecessary restrictions and then suffer in empty shackles for a false ideal. I'd rather remain true to myself and retain as much freedom as possible to pursue my own creative goals. As for relationships and sex, I'd rather limit myself to FWB arrangements with a modest number of hot big butt Latinas who, for a handsome and in-shape Caucasian male like myself, are relatively easy to attract.

I'm sure that the self-styled "tradcons" won't approve of my ideas. Lol! But quite frankly I don't subscribe to their particular set of subjective moral ideals nor do I care what they think. What I do is none of their business.
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