Endless Complaining and Monkey Spanking.

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Post by terminator »

NorthAmericanguy wrote:
ChosenTraveler wrote:In regards to this entire thread, the endless lamenting about Western women does detract from the purpose of this site. Western women are infected by feminism and will likely never recover. Even my three year old cousin can see that.

However, most men, and this is an unfortunate truth, aren't ready, and never will be ready to live abroad. They've got too much Eurocentrism in them and have inherited it from the worst wing of it, the United Snakes of America. America breeds and awards sociopaths, both through relationships and entertainment(i.e., bread and circuses model).

I believe Maker 55 hit it on the head. White men are reactionary nationalists, especially white men not "privileged" enough to be a member of the elite white families that created this Diaspora we call America. They aren't so much protesting feminism, they are protesting the fact that Black men have access to "their women", and can now succeed, outperform and outrank them in career fields.

Then to read white men instructing black Americans to criticize the actions of other black Americans is even more laughable. White men, who as a group have committed the most murder, incest, pedophilia and are a shame to the world over have no place to advise Black people on anything.

Black men were the founders of civilization, when white men were sleeping in their own feces and no white civilization has ever been founded without the assistance or subjugation of another group to perform the heavy lifting. The homosexual ancient Greeks plagiarized their entire manuscripts from Kemet(Egypt) and even the American constitution was stolen from the Moorish Constitution.

Again, men with a proud history don't need to lie about their people's accomplishments.
I hear you CT.... But from my point of view, as a black man, it's hard for me to cosign the hate you have towards whites because all my life the only people who treated me horribly were American black men including the men in my family such as my father (who was never in my life) and uncle.

Apparently, I was not "hood" enough, not sexually rapacious enough, and I was too intellectual for American blacks so I was often the butt of jokes/abuse because I was not as "cool" and "down" like everybody else. And even up to this day, any problems that I have it is always with a black man, such as recently, I took my car into a black neighborhood to get my tire patched and the black guy (obviously on some kind of drugs) working at the shop tried to rip me off. And that's just the minor stuff because if we move to the major issues such as murder, the black males that I know that were murdered either personally or through friends were murdered at the hands of another black man.

My mother has had the same experiences because she was a pretty light skinned woman in her day, and so, all the darker black women would gang up on her and try to beat her up. This was back in the 1960's. So my mother has had white friends (for the past 30 years) because they treat her humanly and it's the same with me though my best friend who was white is now gone due to a motorcycle crash.

I kid you not, I have had ZERO problems with white American males and I was popular with them in high school as they would invite me to keg parties in the woods and such things. In fact, whites have improved my quality of life because as I got older, older white men showed me how to start/run a business to feed myself where all the elder black men in my family did not give a shit about me and left me to starve. How F*** up is that? I get more help from a non black, who is a stranger, but my own kind throws stones in front of my feet and finds humor and amusement in my downfall. This is just crazy! I can't trust American black men or American black women.

Anyhow, this is not a personal attract on you, and I do know some of the things you do such as Ancient Egypt, or how whites had gangs and were using organized crime in early America to feed themselves, but in 2012, blacks are f*** up because blacks refuse to look after and take care of their own.
Damn right - sounds like my life!

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Post by leavingusa »

skateboardstephen wrote:
lavezzi wrote:
ChosenTraveler wrote: As I told your colonizer friend Lavezzi, your comments would work on "C-Roc" or "ShaQuaQua" but don't work well on a black man versed in his culture. Your posts are that of anger that your perceived status on the food chain is threatened. Perhaps it was never your people's position to begin with?
my ancestors were colonized and brutalized just like yours were by those you conviniently label "the white man" who were really just a bunch of humans who have been dead for a very long time. they happened to possess a lot of power and poor ethics due to the time period they lived in.

in this day and age, the white people you meet on the street in europe and north america are the most ethical humans on the planet bar none, and very few if any worry about their race's "perceived status", that is for insecure black people to do.
Where whites at one time discriminated against? yeah sure especially the Italians and the Irish but the difference is that they were eventually assimilated into society where as blacks never were that that is the difference
Discriminated against? No, they weren't called names that made them get offended or denied home loans. They were enslaved, raped, murdered and castrated by blacks.

I guess a black man in the white house and affirmative action out the ass is just not good enough for you huh?

What else can I do to make it right you poor wounded thing? Gimme a figure.
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Post by leavingusa »

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Post by Maker55 »

NorthAmericanguy wrote:
ChosenTraveler wrote:In regards to this entire thread, the endless lamenting about Western women does detract from the purpose of this site. Western women are infected by feminism and will likely never recover. Even my three year old cousin can see that.

However, most men, and this is an unfortunate truth, aren't ready, and never will be ready to live abroad. They've got too much Eurocentrism in them and have inherited it from the worst wing of it, the United Snakes of America. America breeds and awards sociopaths, both through relationships and entertainment(i.e., bread and circuses model).

I believe Maker 55 hit it on the head. White men are reactionary nationalists, especially white men not "privileged" enough to be a member of the elite white families that created this Diaspora we call America. They aren't so much protesting feminism, they are protesting the fact that Black men have access to "their women", and can now succeed, outperform and outrank them in career fields.

Then to read white men instructing black Americans to criticize the actions of other black Americans is even more laughable. White men, who as a group have committed the most murder, incest, pedophilia and are a shame to the world over have no place to advise Black people on anything.

Black men were the founders of civilization, when white men were sleeping in their own feces and no white civilization has ever been founded without the assistance or subjugation of another group to perform the heavy lifting. The homosexual ancient Greeks plagiarized their entire manuscripts from Kemet(Egypt) and even the American constitution was stolen from the Moorish Constitution.

Again, men with a proud history don't need to lie about their people's accomplishments.
I hear you CT.... But from my point of view, as a black man, it's hard for me to cosign the hate you have towards whites because all my life the only people who treated me horribly were American black men including the men in my family such as my father (who was never in my life) and uncle.

Apparently, I was not "hood" enough, not sexually rapacious enough, and I was too intellectual for American blacks so I was often the butt of jokes/abuse because I was not as "cool" and "down" like everybody else. And even up to this day, any problems that I have it is always with a black man, such as recently, I took my car into a black neighborhood to get my tire patched and the black guy (obviously on some kind of drugs) working at the shop tried to rip me off. And that's just the minor stuff because if we move to the major issues such as murder, the black males that I know that were murdered either personally or through friends were murdered at the hands of another black man.

My mother has had the same experiences because she was a pretty light skinned woman in her day, and so, all the darker black women would gang up on her and try to beat her up. This was back in the 1960's. So my mother has had white friends (for the past 30 years) because they treat her humanly and it's the same with me though my best friend who was white is now gone due to a motorcycle crash.

I kid you not, I have had ZERO problems with white American males and I was popular with them in high school as they would invite me to keg parties in the woods and such things. In fact, whites have improved my quality of life because as I got older, older white men showed me how to start/run a business to feed myself where all the elder black men in my family did not give a shit about me and left me to starve. How F*** up is that? I get more help from a non black, who is a stranger, but my own kind throws stones in front of my feet and finds humor and amusement in my downfall. This is just crazy! I can't trust American black men or American black women.

Anyhow, this is not a personal attract on you, and I do know some of the things you do such as Ancient Egypt, or how whites had gangs and were using organized crime in early America to feed themselves, but in 2012, blacks are f*** up because blacks refuse to look after and take care of their own.
Why do you blacks always try to appease other races? Is it your way of kissing up to them to be accepted?

Some of you blacks get on here and say how unattractive black women are......that's a slave mindset.

As a black person myself, I'm well aware of the attitude problems of black women but I still think they are physically attractive.

Like most of the black people on HA, you sound like a slave.

ChosenTraveler doesn't hate white people, he is mainly criticizing the white nationalists on this website.

I myself, like white people but when the white nationalists start talking their BS, I'm going to get in their face every time.

I have been treated much better by whites than blacks but it's stupid to think that I can't criticize white people.

Yes you heard that, blacks have treated me WORSE than whites but it doesn't take away the love I have for my people.

There's a reason why Africans aren't united. The Europeans and Muslims invaded africa and separated the Africa family structure for centuries and took away their unity.

They systematically lowered the education of African people for centuries, turning many into barbarians and savages.

Any African people that you see committing bad crimes and are barbarians, that's the result of colonialism by Europeans and Muslims.

Thousands of years ago black people AROUND THE WORLD were UNITED and you didn't see the problems that you see with African people today.

From your black brother, please read "The Destruction Of Black Civilization".

All of you black people on here, do NOT hate all white people or black people, instead free your minds from the shackles of slavery.
You're where you're at in life because of your thoughts.

What you think about the most is what you will eventually manifest in your life.
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Post by ChosenTraveler »

NorthAmericanguy wrote:
ChosenTraveler wrote:In regards to this entire thread, the endless lamenting about Western women does detract from the purpose of this site. Western women are infected by feminism and will likely never recover. Even my three year old cousin can see that.

However, most men, and this is an unfortunate truth, aren't ready, and never will be ready to live abroad. They've got too much Eurocentrism in them and have inherited it from the worst wing of it, the United Snakes of America. America breeds and awards sociopaths, both through relationships and entertainment(i.e., bread and circuses model).

I believe Maker 55 hit it on the head. White men are reactionary nationalists, especially white men not "privileged" enough to be a member of the elite white families that created this Diaspora we call America. They aren't so much protesting feminism, they are protesting the fact that Black men have access to "their women", and can now succeed, outperform and outrank them in career fields.

Then to read white men instructing black Americans to criticize the actions of other black Americans is even more laughable. White men, who as a group have committed the most murder, incest, pedophilia and are a shame to the world over have no place to advise Black people on anything.

Black men were the founders of civilization, when white men were sleeping in their own feces and no white civilization has ever been founded without the assistance or subjugation of another group to perform the heavy lifting. The homosexual ancient Greeks plagiarized their entire manuscripts from Kemet(Egypt) and even the American constitution was stolen from the Moorish Constitution.

Again, men with a proud history don't need to lie about their people's accomplishments.
I hear you CT.... But from my point of view, as a black man, it's hard for me to cosign the hate you have towards whites because all my life the only people who treated me horribly were American black men including the men in my family such as my father (who was never in my life) and uncle.

Apparently, I was not "hood" enough, not sexually rapacious enough, and I was too intellectual for American blacks so I was often the butt of jokes/abuse because I was not as "cool" and "down" like everybody else. And even up to this day, any problems that I have it is always with a black man, such as recently, I took my car into a black neighborhood to get my tire patched and the black guy (obviously on some kind of drugs) working at the shop tried to rip me off. And that's just the minor stuff because if we move to the major issues such as murder, the black males that I know that were murdered either personally or through friends were murdered at the hands of another black man.

My mother has had the same experiences because she was a pretty light skinned woman in her day, and so, all the darker black women would gang up on her and try to beat her up. This was back in the 1960's. So my mother has had white friends (for the past 30 years) because they treat her humanly and it's the same with me though my best friend who was white is now gone due to a motorcycle crash.

I kid you not, I have had ZERO problems with white American males and I was popular with them in high school as they would invite me to keg parties in the woods and such things. In fact, whites have improved my quality of life because as I got older, older white men showed me how to start/run a business to feed myself where all the elder black men in my family did not give a shit about me and left me to starve. How F*** up is that? I get more help from a non black, who is a stranger, but my own kind throws stones in front of my feet and finds humor and amusement in my downfall. This is just crazy! I can't trust American black men or American black women.

Anyhow, this is not a personal attract on you, and I do know some of the things you do such as Ancient Egypt, or how whites had gangs and were using organized crime in early America to feed themselves, but in 2012, blacks are f*** up because blacks refuse to look after and take care of their own.


Matters offline have prevented me from posting for a week or so, so forgive my tardiness in response. I respect your position for I too was "labeled" because I attended an elementary school where I was the only black and there was a fascination among the white students at both my academic prowess and the way I presented myself(I was unlike the stereotypes their parents had had of blacks and what they'd seen on television.).

In my own community, I was shunned for "speaking white" and "reading a lot", and such is the source of my disappointment with most American Blacks today. I feel they're too mediocre, yet there are fractions of us that are truly enlightened and have promise to carry on the tradition of the ancestors. My contention with the pale posters on this site is out of their sense of reactionary nationalism. They love the system so long as it suppresses groups of color and their women are exclusively theirs.

When I and many of my brothers were encountering feminism, there was no outcry from white men. However, as soon as the black male/white female dynamic became common white men suddenly became MGTOW and MRA's or whatever other goofy lettered organization they make up tomorrow. Most of those groups are just white supremacists ground anyways( they want their women in the kitchen and black men on the plantation.)

I look forward to corresponding with you further.
"Never forget that intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden."- Marcus Garvey

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Post by ChosenTraveler »

Maker55 wrote:
NorthAmericanguy wrote:
ChosenTraveler wrote:In regards to this entire thread, the endless lamenting about Western women does detract from the purpose of this site. Western women are infected by feminism and will likely never recover. Even my three year old cousin can see that.

However, most men, and this is an unfortunate truth, aren't ready, and never will be ready to live abroad. They've got too much Eurocentrism in them and have inherited it from the worst wing of it, the United Snakes of America. America breeds and awards sociopaths, both through relationships and entertainment(i.e., bread and circuses model).

I believe Maker 55 hit it on the head. White men are reactionary nationalists, especially white men not "privileged" enough to be a member of the elite white families that created this Diaspora we call America. They aren't so much protesting feminism, they are protesting the fact that Black men have access to "their women", and can now succeed, outperform and outrank them in career fields.

Then to read white men instructing black Americans to criticize the actions of other black Americans is even more laughable. White men, who as a group have committed the most murder, incest, pedophilia and are a shame to the world over have no place to advise Black people on anything.

Black men were the founders of civilization, when white men were sleeping in their own feces and no white civilization has ever been founded without the assistance or subjugation of another group to perform the heavy lifting. The homosexual ancient Greeks plagiarized their entire manuscripts from Kemet(Egypt) and even the American constitution was stolen from the Moorish Constitution.

Again, men with a proud history don't need to lie about their people's accomplishments.
I hear you CT.... But from my point of view, as a black man, it's hard for me to cosign the hate you have towards whites because all my life the only people who treated me horribly were American black men including the men in my family such as my father (who was never in my life) and uncle.

Apparently, I was not "hood" enough, not sexually rapacious enough, and I was too intellectual for American blacks so I was often the butt of jokes/abuse because I was not as "cool" and "down" like everybody else. And even up to this day, any problems that I have it is always with a black man, such as recently, I took my car into a black neighborhood to get my tire patched and the black guy (obviously on some kind of drugs) working at the shop tried to rip me off. And that's just the minor stuff because if we move to the major issues such as murder, the black males that I know that were murdered either personally or through friends were murdered at the hands of another black man.

My mother has had the same experiences because she was a pretty light skinned woman in her day, and so, all the darker black women would gang up on her and try to beat her up. This was back in the 1960's. So my mother has had white friends (for the past 30 years) because they treat her humanly and it's the same with me though my best friend who was white is now gone due to a motorcycle crash.

I kid you not, I have had ZERO problems with white American males and I was popular with them in high school as they would invite me to keg parties in the woods and such things. In fact, whites have improved my quality of life because as I got older, older white men showed me how to start/run a business to feed myself where all the elder black men in my family did not give a shit about me and left me to starve. How F*** up is that? I get more help from a non black, who is a stranger, but my own kind throws stones in front of my feet and finds humor and amusement in my downfall. This is just crazy! I can't trust American black men or American black women.

Anyhow, this is not a personal attract on you, and I do know some of the things you do such as Ancient Egypt, or how whites had gangs and were using organized crime in early America to feed themselves, but in 2012, blacks are f*** up because blacks refuse to look after and take care of their own.
Why do you blacks always try to appease other races? Is it your way of kissing up to them to be accepted?

Some of you blacks get on here and say how unattractive black women are......that's a slave mindset.

As a black person myself, I'm well aware of the attitude problems of black women but I still think they are physically attractive.

Like most of the black people on HA, you sound like a slave.

ChosenTraveler doesn't hate white people, he is mainly criticizing the white nationalists on this website.

I myself, like white people but when the white nationalists start talking their BS, I'm going to get in their face every time.

I have been treated much better by whites than blacks but it's stupid to think that I can't criticize white people.

Yes you heard that, blacks have treated me WORSE than whites but it doesn't take away the love I have for my people.

There's a reason why Africans aren't united. The Europeans and Muslims invaded africa and separated the Africa family structure for centuries and took away their unity.

They systematically lowered the education of African people for centuries, turning many into barbarians and savages.

Any African people that you see committing bad crimes and are barbarians, that's the result of colonialism by Europeans and Muslims.

Thousands of years ago black people AROUND THE WORLD were UNITED and you didn't see the problems that you see with African people today.

From your black brother, please read "The Destruction Of Black Civilization".

All of you black people on here, do NOT hate all white people or black people, instead free your minds from the shackles of slavery.

Very right you are Maker. I don't advocate attacking white people nor do I advocate hating them. When there are mistruths propagated as facts( as much of Edomite history is), I have to counter that.

The bolded is an excellent book by the way. One I've had in my personal library for a decade. Have you read "Civilization or Barbarism" by Dr. Cheik Anta Diop? His thesis laid out perfectly the perils that face Eurocentric society today.
"Never forget that intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden."- Marcus Garvey

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Re: Endless Complaining and Monkey Spanking.

Post by ILoveBlackAmericanWomen »

OutWest wrote:After endless thousands of posts establishing that "American women bad" and that American and many Western Societies are often social wastelands, how many of you will make a plan to actually live somewhere else and build a different perhaps more satisfying life elsewhere?

Do you have any idea how pathetic and mangina-like it sounds to anyone living outside the USA for example? Endless bitching to high-heaven and proving on a daily basis how bad American women are...After many thousands of posts, do you all think you have proved your point? What next dudes?

A car purchase in the USA is typically financed for 4 or more years. It changing your life at least worth the value of a new car?
I really think that a person of even humble means can make and execute a plan to be living and supporting themselves abroad
in no more time than that car purchase, and probably less. Make a plan, and then live the plan...

The orientation of this site is really not much tuned to actual practical steps to moving and living abroad, as even the founder has not had success in finding a happy life abroad. I suspect that such a site is sorely needed, but best probably implemented by people who are actually succeeding in building a new life abroad.

Find your new world and live in it....

Misamis Oriental, Mindanao
Thank you!!!!!!!!
To be white or black - is to not be a human, but a living definition and label. To be a slave to definition, to fashion, to the industries that market us like cattle, emptying our pockets like the udders of the cow, being paid to cut our bodies for cosmetics, benefiting off of putting harsh chemicals on our heads, making money off of us choosing to live and participate in the reality they created. Don't be "black", don't be "white", don''t be "Asian", don't be "Latin." Destroy the illusion, become human.
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Post by Winston »

Banano wrote:Founder of HA is miserable abroad, chief advisor Ladislav realsized life sucks in PH and is back in US where life still sucks.
When pioneers are so screwd up you have to ask why is it so, what is missing, more to life than warm cheap p***y?

You have 2 choices

1. Miserable home
2. Miserable abroad
Just to clarify something: I was born in Taiwan and I am ethnically Taiwanese, so technically, I am not "abroad" in Taiwan. Thus I am not "miserable abroad" in Taiwan. For me, "abroad" is somewhere other than Taiwan or America, technically speaking, since I am a citizen of both those countries. Therefore on this technicality, you can't use Taiwan against me as "abroad".
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

ChosenTraveler wrote:


Matters offline have prevented me from posting for a week or so, so forgive my tardiness in response. I respect your position for I too was "labeled" because I attended an elementary school where I was the only black and there was a fascination among the white students at both my academic prowess and the way I presented myself(I was unlike the stereotypes their parents had had of blacks and what they'd seen on television.).

In my own community, I was shunned for "speaking white" and "reading a lot", and such is the source of my disappointment with most American Blacks today. I feel they're too mediocre, yet there are fractions of us that are truly enlightened and have promise to carry on the tradition of the ancestors. My contention with the pale posters on this site is out of their sense of reactionary nationalism. They love the system so long as it suppresses groups of color and their women are exclusively theirs.

When I and many of my brothers were encountering feminism, there was no outcry from white men. However, as soon as the black male/white female dynamic became common white men suddenly became MGTOW and MRA's or whatever other goofy lettered organization they make up tomorrow. Most of those groups are just white supremacists ground anyways( they want their women in the kitchen and black men on the plantation.)

I look forward to corresponding with you further.

Points noted....
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

Maker55 wrote:
NorthAmericanguy wrote:
ChosenTraveler wrote:In regards to this entire thread, the endless lamenting about Western women does detract from the purpose of this site. Western women are infected by feminism and will likely never recover. Even my three year old cousin can see that.

However, most men, and this is an unfortunate truth, aren't ready, and never will be ready to live abroad. They've got too much Eurocentrism in them and have inherited it from the worst wing of it, the United Snakes of America. America breeds and awards sociopaths, both through relationships and entertainment(i.e., bread and circuses model).

I believe Maker 55 hit it on the head. White men are reactionary nationalists, especially white men not "privileged" enough to be a member of the elite white families that created this Diaspora we call America. They aren't so much protesting feminism, they are protesting the fact that Black men have access to "their women", and can now succeed, outperform and outrank them in career fields.

Then to read white men instructing black Americans to criticize the actions of other black Americans is even more laughable. White men, who as a group have committed the most murder, incest, pedophilia and are a shame to the world over have no place to advise Black people on anything.

Black men were the founders of civilization, when white men were sleeping in their own feces and no white civilization has ever been founded without the assistance or subjugation of another group to perform the heavy lifting. The homosexual ancient Greeks plagiarized their entire manuscripts from Kemet(Egypt) and even the American constitution was stolen from the Moorish Constitution.

Again, men with a proud history don't need to lie about their people's accomplishments.
I hear you CT.... But from my point of view, as a black man, it's hard for me to cosign the hate you have towards whites because all my life the only people who treated me horribly were American black men including the men in my family such as my father (who was never in my life) and uncle.

Apparently, I was not "hood" enough, not sexually rapacious enough, and I was too intellectual for American blacks so I was often the butt of jokes/abuse because I was not as "cool" and "down" like everybody else. And even up to this day, any problems that I have it is always with a black man, such as recently, I took my car into a black neighborhood to get my tire patched and the black guy (obviously on some kind of drugs) working at the shop tried to rip me off. And that's just the minor stuff because if we move to the major issues such as murder, the black males that I know that were murdered either personally or through friends were murdered at the hands of another black man.

My mother has had the same experiences because she was a pretty light skinned woman in her day, and so, all the darker black women would gang up on her and try to beat her up. This was back in the 1960's. So my mother has had white friends (for the past 30 years) because they treat her humanly and it's the same with me though my best friend who was white is now gone due to a motorcycle crash.

I kid you not, I have had ZERO problems with white American males and I was popular with them in high school as they would invite me to keg parties in the woods and such things. In fact, whites have improved my quality of life because as I got older, older white men showed me how to start/run a business to feed myself where all the elder black men in my family did not give a shit about me and left me to starve. How F*** up is that? I get more help from a non black, who is a stranger, but my own kind throws stones in front of my feet and finds humor and amusement in my downfall. This is just crazy! I can't trust American black men or American black women.

Anyhow, this is not a personal attract on you, and I do know some of the things you do such as Ancient Egypt, or how whites had gangs and were using organized crime in early America to feed themselves, but in 2012, blacks are f*** up because blacks refuse to look after and take care of their own.
Why do you blacks always try to appease other races? Is it your way of kissing up to them to be accepted?

Some of you blacks get on here and say how unattractive black women are......that's a slave mindset.

As a black person myself, I'm well aware of the attitude problems of black women but I still think they are physically attractive.

Like most of the black people on HA, you sound like a slave.

ChosenTraveler doesn't hate white people, he is mainly criticizing the white nationalists on this website.

I myself, like white people but when the white nationalists start talking their BS, I'm going to get in their face every time.

I have been treated much better by whites than blacks but it's stupid to think that I can't criticize white people.

Yes you heard that, blacks have treated me WORSE than whites but it doesn't take away the love I have for my people.

There's a reason why Africans aren't united. The Europeans and Muslims invaded africa and separated the Africa family structure for centuries and took away their unity.

They systematically lowered the education of African people for centuries, turning many into barbarians and savages.

Any African people that you see committing bad crimes and are barbarians, that's the result of colonialism by Europeans and Muslims.

Thousands of years ago black people AROUND THE WORLD were UNITED and you didn't see the problems that you see with African people today.

From your black brother, please read "The Destruction Of Black Civilization".

All of you black people on here, do NOT hate all white people or black people, instead free your minds from the shackles of slavery.
Yes I read that book, and I have many others, but I need to re read it again because it's the type of book that you need to read over and over again to really understand everything because the timeline is so vast. The Destruction Of Black Civilization was actually going to be a 2-3 volume book but he had to condense everything in one book because his eye sight started to fail.


• I never said black women were unattractive, I simply chose not to date American black women because too many of them are either too hood, too arrogant (because they have a degree), or they have health problems such as hiv or chronic obesity. This isn't the 1960's anymore where you can easily find a fine sista with a good head on her shoulders.
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